crazii / USBDDOS

USB DOS driver.
GNU General Public License v2.0
72 stars 4 forks source link

Assertion erorr with /HID, /disk works! thanks #15

Open L10N37 opened 1 month ago

L10N37 commented 1 month ago

Im very thankful for this, I've been using FreeDOS and burnt a stack of CD's and DVD's. This mounts my USB flash drive perfectly and I can copy files across the laptop hard drive. It's an old single core laptop set up for straight DOS with XTGOLD apps menu for game launching.

I have legacy support for USB but it causes issues with games on FreeDOS, the issue been the keyboard is laggy as hell or overshoots everything. i.e. you can't play doom properly because navigation is a nightmare. The laptop has a few bad keys. Left/ Right and +/=. This makes it a non ideal situation for DOS gaming.

I found one really old driver, disabled USB legacy support, loaded the driver and I get keyboard support ,but it causes games to crash when loading so I'm onto attempt 999 with this.

Again, USB drive support fine, working with flash drives - but the /HID option causes an assertion error and lock up.

L10N37 commented 1 month ago

i might add, im just trying separate drivers from the legacy support to see if i can mitigate the issue noted above.

edit: errr, it partially works with the flashdrive, it will copy some files and lock up on others needing a reboot. The keyboard is detected, it's not until I press a key that I get this message:

'CR3: 0097d000, DS : 0038, HimemCS : 0098C400, HimemDS: 0099c400' 'Assertion failed: pSetupTD->pPrev == NULL, file ..\USBDDOS\HCD\UHCI.C, line 251'

I don't know if it helps but a fancier keyboard which was detected as a keychron mouse AND keyboard works a little bit but ends up throwing the same error.

edit: I copied another drivers 'USBUHCI.COM' + 'USBUHCI.OVL' + 'USBKEYB.COM' across, and ran the COM files, this works flawlessly with no weird keyboard issues, so my suspicion on legacy driver from BIOS was correct. It doesn't wor with SBEMU though and crashes. It looks like i can get a good keyboard, or sound ...but not both.

Edit: Just keeping you informed of any discoveries. I get mixmatched JEMM/JLOAD so the JLOAD QPIEMU.DLL line fails, "Jload: versions of Jemm and Jload don't match". I tried latest release from the repo so they definitely match but I can't get realmode support.