Closed RainDropsGaming closed 7 years ago
Sorry i don't bring support for csgo itself.
You can have support here :
But do not forget to read logs in /var/steamcmd/games/csgo/screenlog.*
I felt it was due to your script, With it automatically downloading the workshop maps in the .conf
If I am wrong I can work around it
EXTRAPARAMS="-nohltv +sv_pure 0 +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_cbble"
PARAM_START="-game csgo -console -usercon -secure -autoupdate -steam_dir ${DIR_STEAMCMD} -steamcmd_script ${STEAM_RUNSCRIPT} -maxplayers_override ${MAXPLAYERS} -tickrate ${TICKRATE} +hostport ${PORT} +ip ${IP} +net_public_adr ${IP} ${EXTRAPARAMS}"
It still launches de_dust2_se