crazy-max / diun

Receive notifications when an image is updated on a Docker registry
MIT License
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RSS feed rather than notification #443

Closed oliroe closed 3 years ago

oliroe commented 3 years ago


Would it be possible to have an RSS feed for changes rather than sending a notification?


crazy-max commented 3 years ago

Can you explain more about your use case?

oliroe commented 3 years ago


This may be very specific to me. I use an RSS reader for keeping track of all my alerts (incl Github commits/issues/releases, changes to websites etc etc) so for me it would be great to be notified of updates to my Docker containers as an RSS feed rather than using Pushover/Telegram/Email etc.

It may just be me who has an unusual workflow so feel free to close this if you don't think there's a wider benefit

cwldev commented 3 years ago

I'm the same. RSS would be very useful. Being able to check on what containers need updates while reading my daily news would be perfect. RSS and it's regular updating seems to line up perfectly for something like this.

crazy-max commented 3 years ago

I dunno if this functionality should be integrated into Diun. RSS feeds are not event based like other notification providers in this project. This would require creating and exposing an endpoint to be able to subscribe to the RSS feed and also keeping some kind of history of the image updates, which would increase complexity and security risks that I don't really want to address for Diun.

cwldev commented 3 years ago

Totally understandable. This may not be great given those reasons. Because it's useful may not make it practical.

One of the biggest challenges I have is when I'm coming back to diun after some time has passed. Having to go over either the docker log or Discord (what I use) notifications to see what needs to be updated is sometimes a challenge I feel like I miss things. It would nice to just be able to get a list of what updates are available now - like invoking a command to check all images now? Is that possible?

crazy-max commented 3 years ago


like invoking a command to check all images now? Is that possible?

You can use the inspect command for that purpose:

$ docker-compose exec diun diun image inspect --image alpine
| TAG      | CREATED              | DIGEST                                                                  |
| latest   | 2021-08-06T17:19:45Z | sha256:eb3e4e175ba6d212ba1d6e04fc0782916c08e1c9d7b45892e9796141b1d379ae |
| 3.14.1   | 2021-08-06T17:19:45Z | sha256:eb3e4e175ba6d212ba1d6e04fc0782916c08e1c9d7b45892e9796141b1d379ae |
| 3.14     | 2021-08-06T17:19:45Z | sha256:eb3e4e175ba6d212ba1d6e04fc0782916c08e1c9d7b45892e9796141b1d379ae |
| 3        | 2021-08-06T17:19:45Z | sha256:eb3e4e175ba6d212ba1d6e04fc0782916c08e1c9d7b45892e9796141b1d379ae |
| 20210804 | 2021-08-04T21:19:39Z | sha256:2f77b6664f181b246244f9cd052155e74fb3f26d2a502edecd5fff0fc4bda388 |
| edge     | 2021-08-04T21:19:39Z | sha256:2f77b6664f181b246244f9cd052155e74fb3f26d2a502edecd5fff0fc4bda388 |
| 20210730 | 2021-07-30T17:19:39Z | sha256:12341c2503d96f13a17b0c935ae9090034e317afdfc934f1e0df1a5be813e73e |
| 3.14.0   | 2021-06-15T22:19:37Z | sha256:adab3844f497ab9171f070d4cae4114b5aec565ac772e2f2579405b78be67c96 |
| 3.10.9   | 2021-04-14T19:20:05Z | sha256:451eee8bedcb2f029756dc3e9d73bab0e7943c1ac55cff3a4861c52a0fdd3e98 |
| 3.10     | 2021-04-14T19:20:05Z | sha256:451eee8bedcb2f029756dc3e9d73bab0e7943c1ac55cff3a4861c52a0fdd3e98 |
| 3.11.11  | 2021-04-14T19:19:56Z | sha256:6cf3d8abc08cf3792d590152d7a4628ec827621f55b1d3150383f5f39335d6eb |
| 3.11     | 2021-04-14T19:19:56Z | sha256:6cf3d8abc08cf3792d590152d7a4628ec827621f55b1d3150383f5f39335d6eb |
| 3.12     | 2021-04-14T19:19:49Z | sha256:de25c7fc6c4f3a27c7f0c2dff454e4671823a34d88abd533f210848d527e0fbb |
| 3.12.7   | 2021-04-14T19:19:49Z | sha256:de25c7fc6c4f3a27c7f0c2dff454e4671823a34d88abd533f210848d527e0fbb |
| 3.13     | 2021-04-14T19:19:39Z | sha256:1d30d1ba3cb90962067e9b29491fbd56997979d54376f23f01448b5c5cd8b462 |
| 3.13.5   | 2021-04-14T19:19:39Z | sha256:1d30d1ba3cb90962067e9b29491fbd56997979d54376f23f01448b5c5cd8b462 |
| 3.10.8   | 2021-03-31T20:10:25Z | sha256:4929878917a37edf0b7f69594552508a3432fe304335dd92be29bbaa839362ed |
| 3.11.10  | 2021-03-31T20:10:19Z | sha256:bf5fa774f08a9ed2cb301e522b769d43d48124315a4ec50eae3228d03b9dc558 |
| 3.12.6   | 2021-03-31T20:10:13Z | sha256:834e9309b5ef0f78d8d20ef0652e7b0272fe97b5baf45720e1b830eaf013cc1b |
| 3.13.4   | 2021-03-31T20:10:06Z | sha256:ec14c7992a97fc11425907e908340c6c3d6ff602f5f13d899e6b7027c9b4133a |
| 3.10.7   | 2021-03-25T22:19:48Z | sha256:f2fa517acf6123318bc893c411f34570cea193367b33bd3be1d90c7fbefe72a5 |
| 3.11.9   | 2021-03-25T22:19:43Z | sha256:41bb50b86a6878cb425a850e23512e3bf84d4b26c845bf29445a7ec149e96898 |
| 3.12.5   | 2021-03-25T22:19:38Z | sha256:d1eaae2a6814b4b10a722fa75e8a6b53db42d1bf531395a107fea0458bfbf1d8 |
| 3.13.3   | 2021-03-25T22:19:32Z | sha256:826f70e0ac33e99a72cf20fb0571245a8fee52d68cb26d8bc58e53bfa65dcdfa |
| 20210212 | 2021-03-25T22:19:27Z | sha256:a81f67aca260e41b2260a4cf91ac4435dcad62ccc108ab19ae3077aafa1a4722 |
| 3.10.6   | 2021-02-24T20:20:20Z | sha256:0b4d282d7ae7cf5ed91801654a918aea45d6c1de6df0db6a29d60619141fb8de |
| 3.11.8   | 2021-02-24T20:20:12Z | sha256:23866dc6f81cc5dc69185b8a3d69f9ad303ac7fc03a4557659fb30ff72306452 |
| 3.12.4   | 2021-02-24T20:20:03Z | sha256:a295107679b0d92cb70145fc18fb53c76e79fceed7e1cf10ed763c7c102c5ebe |
| 3.13.2   | 2021-02-17T21:19:54Z | sha256:a75afd8b57e7f34e4dad8d65e2c7ba2e1975c795ce1ee22fa34f8cf46f96a3be |
| 3.13.1   | 2021-01-28T23:19:38Z | sha256:08d6ca16c60fe7490c03d10dc339d9fd8ea67c6466dea8d558526b1330a85930 |
| 3.13.0   | 2021-01-15T02:23:51Z | sha256:d9a7354e3845ea8466bb00b22224d9116b183e594527fb5b6c3d30bc01a20378 |
| 20201218 | 2020-12-18T19:33:58Z | sha256:56e8a54633573bc40a003884a01e60fb31d070d05e220d244e88ca1c4b5815fa |
cwldev commented 3 years ago

Yea, that's not what I meant. You're describing looking at all versions of one image.

I'm just after asking - of all running images on my server which does diun think need to be updated right now?

Might look like this:

diun -currentupdates

All Detected Images Needing Update: alpine wordpress tt-rss mysql caddy:alpine linuxserver/bookstack

Note: The last detected / notified update might be just one thing (mysql), but I'm after a complete list.

crazy-max commented 3 years ago


diun -currentupdates

We could add that yes.

cwldev commented 3 years ago

It's something that would be really useful :)

diun is great already, however. I wanted to just say I appreciate the work you do. Thank you.

crazy-max commented 3 years ago


It's something that would be really useful :)

Can you open a new issue for this feature please?

diun is great already, however. I wanted to just say I appreciate the work you do. Thank you.

Thanks :)