crazy-max / docker-rtorrent-rutorrent

rTorrent and ruTorrent Docker image
MIT License
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Drop chown of tpls folder to allow config maps mounted over it #261

Open sulaweyo opened 10 months ago

sulaweyo commented 10 months ago

I run the image inside k8s and use a configmap to use an extended .rtorrent.rc template. As a config map is always read only this chown fails the container startup. As the templates can be read by the init script anyway I think it's safe to remove the chown and by that allow the use of configmaps in k8s. I hope i do not miss an obvious case where this is needed.

crazy-max commented 10 months ago

I think it's fine as we are just reading from this path. Can you update PIDs in to smth like 1010 to make sure we can still read files?