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小白云盘 在 SONY X9400E 上无法播放 #1

Open Yonsm opened 6 months ago

Yonsm commented 6 months ago

如题,小白云盘 在 SONY X9400e (2017年的Android 9.0)上无法播放,播放开始后直接回退到 APP 首页;进入设置页面也是展示后立即回退(真的是Back,不是Crash)到首页。三方 APP 中,TVBOX 也有一样的情况(进入设置页立即回退)

同样都是SONY的固件,在 SONY X9300d (2016年的Android 7.0)就没问题。

Yonsm commented 6 months ago

设置时候 Crash Log:

02-19 19:44:42.600 2289 2289 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 02-19 19:44:42.982 2289 5545 I ActivityManager: START u0 {} from uid 10107 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: adev_create_audio_patch(), handle:0 numsource:1 numsink:1 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: source tpye:AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: source[0] device:0x15 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: source[0] address:???? 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: sink tpye:AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: sink[0] device:0x2 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: sink[0] address: 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: Get a patch (2934522048) by the sources 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 I audio_hw_primary: modifyAudioPatch handle:2 sucess! 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 0 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 2 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 1 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 1 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: spdif count 1 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: unmute spdif 02-19 19:44:42.988 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: adev_create_audio_patch(), return handle:2 02-19 19:44:42.989 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_audio_port_config 02-19 19:44:42.989 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: index:18 previous volume info:100 18 0 100 100 100 100 100 02-19 19:44:42.989 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: change speaker volume:18 02-19 19:44:42.989 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: change lineout volume:18 02-19 19:44:42.989 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: change subwoofer volume:18 02-19 19:44:43.014 19423 19423 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@16fe7d4 02-19 19:44:43.030 19423 19423 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:44:43.031 19423 19423 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:43.031 19423 19423 D AndroidAutoSize: SettingActivityNew Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:43.097 19423 19423 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:44:43.098 19423 19423 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:43.098 19423 19423 D AndroidAutoSize: SettingActivityNew Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:43.098 19423 19423 I crashsdk: Unexp log not enabled, skip update unexp info! 02-19 19:44:43.121 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter getConfigInfo 02-19 19:44:43.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig getConfigInfo_native,id = 3 02-19 19:44:43.128 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:44:43.130 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: _CurrentSignal_Is_Digital_TV: current source type is not TV, source type: 2 02-19 19:44:43.130 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:44:43.133 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceType=-1 02-19 19:44:43.133 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: aspectRatio=0 02-19 19:44:43.134 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceContent=2 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: e_timing_type=0(unknown) 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_width=0 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_height=0 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: b_is_progressive=0 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: i4_value=0 02-19 19:44:43.135 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave getConfigInfo 02-19 19:44:43.136 2488 2521 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter isConfigEnabled, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_videoscreen_mode 02-19 19:44:43.136 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_isConfigEnabled_1native 02-19 19:44:43.138 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: isConfigEnabled_native,inputGroup = -1, s_cfgid = g_videoscreen_mode, i4_r = 1 02-19 19:44:43.138 2488 2521 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave isConfigEnabled, return value = 1 02-19 19:44:43.151 2618 6831 D AudioOutputService: getHeadphoneOutType() = headphone 02-19 19:44:43.151 3101 3101 I TvDotActionExtensionProvider: onStateChange:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state]/ 02-19 19:44:43.152 3101 3101 I ConnectionManager:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:44:43.153 3101 4837 I StateManager: putAndNotifyExtensionState:componentName/[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:44:43.153 3101 4837 I StateManager: Notified state list is same as before. Ignore. 02-19 19:44:43.422 19423 19496 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display , void , EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 02-19 19:44:43.423 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:44:43.424 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.426 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:44:43.428 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.429 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:44:43.431 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.454 19423 19433 I ing.cloudisk.t: Background concurrent copying GC freed 20983(1334KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(208KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/6MB, paused 332us total 122.548ms 02-19 19:44:43.488 19423 19496 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.495 19423 19496 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.511 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:44:43.520 19423 19496 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.532 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:43.919 1403 1587 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1) 02-19 19:44:43.919 19423 19496 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xa66e8008 disconnect failed 02-19 19:44:43.930 2289 2419 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] (release request) 02-19 19:44:43.971 4219 4356 D LoungeService: Opening session... 02-19 19:44:44.009 19423 19423 I crashsdk: android_os_Process_sendSignal. PID: 19423 SIG: 9 02-19 19:44:44.009 19423 19423 I crashsdk: onKillProcess. SIG: 9 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: Kill PID: 19423 ( by pid: 19423 ( tid: 19423 (main) 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: SIG: 9, fg: true, exiting: false, main process: true, time: 20240219194444 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: State in disk: 'f' 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at android.os.Process.sendSignal(Native Method) 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at android.os.Process.killProcess( 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at$H.handleMessage( 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at android.os.Looper.loop( 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at$ 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:44:44.012 19423 19423 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19423 SIG: 9 02-19 19:44:44.088 2289 2395 W InputDispatcher: channel '3b08fd3 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 02-19 19:44:44.088 2289 2395 E InputDispatcher: channel '3b08fd3 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 02-19 19:44:44.109 2289 2395 W InputDispatcher: channel '3fb5eae (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 02-19 19:44:44.109 2289 2395 E InputDispatcher: channel '3fb5eae (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 02-19 19:44:44.111 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter getConfigInfo 02-19 19:44:44.111 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig getConfigInfo_native,id = 3 02-19 19:44:44.113 2289 16709 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{3fb5eae u0} 02-19 19:44:44.113 2289 16709 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '3fb5eae (server)' 02-19 19:44:44.115 1361 1361 I Zygote : Process 19423 exited due to signal (9) 02-19 19:44:44.118 2289 21965 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{3b08fd3 u0} 02-19 19:44:44.118 2289 21965 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '3b08fd3 (server)' 02-19 19:44:44.120 2289 32113 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19423) has died: fore TOP 02-19 19:44:44.121 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:44:44.121 2289 2307 W libprocessgroup: kill(-19423, 9) failed: No such process 02-19 19:44:44.121 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: _CurrentSignal_Is_Digital_TV: current source type is not TV, source type: 2 02-19 19:44:44.122 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:44:44.122 2289 2307 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10107 pid 19423 in 0ms 02-19 19:44:44.122 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceType=-1 02-19 19:44:44.122 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: aspectRatio=0 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceContent=2 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: e_timing_type=0(unknown) 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_width=0 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_height=0 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: b_is_progressive=0 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: i4_value=0 02-19 19:44:44.123 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave getConfigInfo 02-19 19:44:44.125 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter isConfigEnabled, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_videoscreen_mode 02-19 19:44:44.125 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_isConfigEnabled_1native 02-19 19:44:44.127 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: isConfigEnabled_native,inputGroup = -1, s_cfgid = g_videoscreen_mode, i4_r = 1 02-19 19:44:44.127 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave isConfigEnabled, return value = 1 02-19 19:44:44.129 1403 1584 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: 02-19 19:44:44.129 1403 1584 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 02-19 19:44:44.145 2289 2313 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 19423 02-19 19:44:44.155 2618 6831 D AudioOutputService: getHeadphoneOutType() = headphone 02-19 19:44:44.155 3101 3101 I TvDotActionExtensionProvider: onStateChange:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state]/ 02-19 19:44:44.155 3101 3101 I ConnectionManager:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:44:44.156 3101 4837 I StateManager: putAndNotifyExtensionState:componentName/[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:44:44.156 3101 4837 I StateManager: Notified state list is same as before. Ignore. 02-19 19:44:44.171 2289 2306 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity 02-19 19:44:44.178 19584 19584 W ing.cloudisk.t: Using default instruction set features for ARM CPU variant (cortex-a9) using conservative defaults 02-19 19:44:44.182 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0x966 02-19 19:44:44.183 19584 19584 E ing.cloudisk.t: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 02-19 19:44:44.186 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:44.188 2289 2379 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:44.253 19584 19584 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 02-19 19:44:44.253 19584 19584 I MultiDex: Installing application 02-19 19:44:44.253 19584 19584 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 02-19 19:44:44.253 19584 19584 I MultiDex: Installing application 02-19 19:44:44.253 19584 19584 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 02-19 19:44:44.270 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: designWidthInDp = 1280, designHeightInDp = 720, screenWidth = 1920, screenHeight = 1080 02-19 19:44:44.270 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: initDensity = 2.0, initScaledDensity = 2.0 02-19 19:44:44.301 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0x966 02-19 19:44:44.305 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:44.306 2289 2379 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:44.323 19584 19584 I eup : register native abi method success 02-19 19:44:44.331 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:44.351 2289 2304 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.tencent.bugly.BuglyBroadcastReceiver.permission due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{5efa4b1 u0 ReceiverList{21b1b58 19584 remote:5db383b}} 02-19 19:44:44.401 19584 19613 I UMCrash : get common. apm ctr flag is 0 02-19 19:44:44.405 19584 19584 I UMCrash : int apm. flag is 0 02-19 19:44:44.415 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:44.418 19584 19584 I UMCrash : enable : java is true, native is true, anr is true 02-19 19:44:44.419 19584 19584 I UMCrash : crash rate domain is 02-19 19:44:44.440 19584 19621 I crashsdk: version unique build id: 1469a86b 02-19 19:44:44.441 19584 19584 W crashsdk: Set: Unknown key 38 02-19 19:44:44.441 19584 19584 W crashsdk: Set: Unknown key 39 02-19 19:44:44.443 19584 19622 D crashsdk: Native log stat thread 19622 setup, waiting 02-19 19:44:44.447 19584 19584 I crashsdk: Catcher mask: 1000, 4096 02-19 19:44:44.447 19584 19584 I crashsdk: Catcher thread 19590 02-19 19:44:44.447 19584 19584 D crashsdk: Register ANR handler ... 02-19 19:44:44.448 19584 19584 I crashsdk: begin hack android.os.Process 02-19 19:44:44.448 19584 19584 I crashsdk: end hack android.os.Process 02-19 19:44:44.448 19584 19584 I crashsdk: LibcMalloc detail: disabled. 02-19 19:44:44.473 19584 19625 E ing.cloudisk.t: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 02-19 19:44:44.475 19584 19625 E ing.cloudisk.t: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 02-19 19:44:44.479 19584 19584 I UMCrash : inner config : net rate is 0 02-19 19:44:44.479 19584 19584 I UMCrash : inner config : net close. 02-19 19:44:44.480 19584 19626 E ballack : initGlobalInfo called once. 02-19 19:44:44.481 19584 19584 I UMCrash : inner config : nativeH5Rate is 0 02-19 19:44:44.481 19584 19584 I UMCrash : inner config : h5 close. 02-19 19:44:44.482 19584 19584 I UMCrash : inner config : page rate is -1 02-19 19:44:44.486 19584 19613 D WpkPaConfig: un repeat check in 24 hour! 02-19 19:44:44.488 19584 19613 I Matrix.AnrTracer: anrTrace, final mAnrBeatTime:400, mAnrBeatRate:400 02-19 19:44:44.501 19584 19627 D LaunchConfigManager: un repeat check in 24 hour! 02-19 19:44:44.502 19584 19627 I LaunchTrace: begin sendLaunchCache 02-19 19:44:44.505 19584 19626 W efs.send_log: tryFileLock start! 02-19 19:44:44.516 19584 19626 I efs.config: delete old config is false 02-19 19:44:44.519 19584 19635 W efs.send_log: tryFileLock sendlock sucess! processname: 02-19 19:44:44.530 19584 19626 I efs.config: current config version (-1) is older than another (1702451185) 02-19 19:44:44.531 19584 19594 I ing.cloudisk.t: Background concurrent copying GC freed 6510(1040KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(260KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 1825KB/3MB, paused 250us total 123.174ms 02-19 19:44:44.532 19584 19626 I efs.config: load config from storage and notify observer 02-19 19:44:44.572 19584 19642 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 02-19 19:44:44.591 19584 19584 E System : Ignoring attempt to set property "" to value "false". 02-19 19:44:44.640 19584 19584 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:44:44.647 19584 19584 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:44:44.648 19584 19584 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:44:44.648 19584 19584 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:44:44.707 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:44:44.708 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:44.708 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:44.844 19584 19584 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class androidx.base.of 02-19 19:44:44.845 19584 19584 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class androidx.base.ty1 02-19 19:44:44.851 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:44:44.852 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:44.852 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:44.861 19584 19584 I crashsdk: Unexp log not enabled, skip update unexp info! 02-19 19:44:44.867 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: com.bumptech.glide.manager.SupportRequestManagerFragment used the global configuration. 02-19 19:44:44.868 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:44.868 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:44.869 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:44:44.869 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:44.869 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:44.912 2289 21965 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10107/19584 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=50, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] 02-19 19:44:44.870 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:44.870 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:44.913 2289 2415 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=50, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] with score 70 02-19 19:44:44.913 2289 2440 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=50, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] with score 70 02-19 19:44:44.913 2289 2415 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=50, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] with score 70 02-19 19:44:44.917 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:44:44.917 19584 19584 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:44:44.919 19584 19584 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline 02-19 19:44:44.941 19584 19584 I crashsdk: Unexp log not enabled, skip update unexp info! 02-19 19:44:44.941 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_memperf_sampling_rate ## value is 0 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_memperf_collect_interval ## value is 5 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_memperf_collect_max_period_sec ## value is 600 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_net_state ## value is 0 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_native_h5_state ## value is 0 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_crash_user_max_count ## value is 20 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_crash_user_upload_type ## value is 1 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: callback netRate is 0 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: callback nativeH5Rate is 0 02-19 19:44:44.942 19584 19584 I efs.config: callback crashMaxUserCount is 20 02-19 19:44:44.943 19584 19625 W network change: unknown 02-19 19:44:44.943 19584 19584 I efs.config: callback uploadType is 1 02-19 19:44:44.944 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_patrace_switch_rate ## value is 5 02-19 19:44:44.944 19584 19584 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_startperf_sampling_rate ## value is 5 02-19 19:44:45.006 19584 19657 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 02-19 19:44:45.007 19584 19657 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0 02-19 19:44:45.007 19584 19657 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 02-19 19:44:45.007 19584 19657 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 02-19 19:44:45.026 19584 19657 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display , void , EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 02-19 19:44:45.027 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:44:45.030 1403 1587 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.032 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:44:45.035 1403 1587 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.036 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:44:45.037 1403 1587 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.085 19584 19657 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.086 19584 19657 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.088 19584 19657 E gralloc : MTK MALI GRALLOC Module v1.0 02-19 19:44:45.089 19584 19657 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.091 19584 19657 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 02-19 19:44:45.099 19584 19657 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.116 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:44:45.153 19584 19657 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.168 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.199 1376 1643 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:1376_2 identical 1 line 02-19 19:44:45.216 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:44:45.284 1403 2639 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Splash Screen 02-19 19:44:45.284 1403 2639 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Splash Screen 02-19 19:44:45.349 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1].key 02-19 19:44:45.351 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Incompatible json value found "749ED62C85C05813". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.352 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: RemoteParams: Incompatible json value found "749ED62C85C05813". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.354 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: SeekToParams: Incompatible json value found "749ED62C85C05813". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.356 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: VoiceParams: Incompatible json value found "749ED62C85C05813". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.359 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: VolumeParams: Incompatible json value found "749ED62C85C05813". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.361 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1].key 02-19 19:44:45.364 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Incompatible json value found "9BHcUN6HQgMu5DEyoesc0SXJMrXOHTFO". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.365 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: RemoteParams: Incompatible json value found "9BHcUN6HQgMu5DEyoesc0SXJMrXOHTFO". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.366 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: SeekToParams: Incompatible json value found "9BHcUN6HQgMu5DEyoesc0SXJMrXOHTFO". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.367 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: VoiceParams: Incompatible json value found "9BHcUN6HQgMu5DEyoesc0SXJMrXOHTFO". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.368 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: VolumeParams: Incompatible json value found "9BHcUN6HQgMu5DEyoesc0SXJMrXOHTFO". Same path on different types? 02-19 19:44:45.370 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1].key 02-19 19:44:45.372 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Path not found: $.ctt 02-19 19:44:45.373 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Path not found: $.currentTime 02-19 19:44:45.374 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Path not found: $.listId 02-19 19:44:45.374 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Path not found: $.currentIndex 02-19 19:44:45.375 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Path not found: $.videoId 02-19 19:44:45.376 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: PlaylistParams: Path not found: $.videoIds 02-19 19:44:45.376 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: RemoteParams: Path not found: $.id 02-19 19:44:45.379 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: RemoteParams: Path not found: $.name 02-19 19:44:45.380 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: RemoteParams: Path not found: $.pairingType 02-19 19:44:45.383 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: SeekToParams: Path not found: $.newTime 02-19 19:44:45.385 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: VoiceParams: Path not found: $.status 02-19 19:44:45.387 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: VolumeParams: Path not found: $.volume 02-19 19:44:45.390 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1].key 02-19 19:44:45.390 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1] 02-19 19:44:45.394 4219 4356 I chatty : uid=10079( RxNewThreadSche identical 3 lines 02-19 19:44:45.394 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1] 02-19 19:44:45.395 4219 4356 D LoungeService: SID: 749ED62C85C05813, gsessionid: 9BHcUN6HQgMu5DEyoesc0SXJMrXOHTFO 02-19 19:44:45.396 4219 4356 D LoungeService: Starting read session... 02-19 19:44:45.529 19584 19654 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:44:45.540 19584 19654 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:44:45.540 19584 19654 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:44:45.541 19584 19654 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:44:45.551 19584 19594 I ing.cloudisk.t: Background concurrent copying GC freed 22068(1631KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(312KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 241us total 107.598ms 02-19 19:44:45.644 19584 19662 W System : A resource failed to call response.body().close(). 02-19 19:44:45.671 2289 2394 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#0 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=803 alarms=803 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2024-02-19 19:43:15 workSource=WorkSource{10133} uid=1000 tag="walarm:job.delay" 02-19 19:44:45.671 2289 2289 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=job.delay whenElapsed=+8m24s295ms workSource=WorkSource{10087} uid=10087 tag="job/" 02-19 19:44:45.672 2289 2394 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#1 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=804 alarms=804 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2024-02-19 19:43:45 workSource=WorkSource{10133} uid=1000 tag="walarm:job.delay" 02-19 19:44:45.672 2289 2394 D AlarmManager: Wakeup history#2 Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=805 alarms=805 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2024-02-19 19:44:15 workSource=WorkSource{10133} uid=1000 tag="walarm:job.delay" 02-19 19:44:45.672 2289 2394 D AlarmManager: Wakeup alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP package=android wakeups=806 alarms=806 whenElapsed=0 when=0 nowRTC=2024-02-19 19:44:45 workSource=WorkSource{10133} uid=1000 tag="walarm:job.delay" 02-19 19:44:45.697 2289 32113 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=job.delay whenElapsed=+8m24s269ms workSource=WorkSource{10087} uid=10087 tag="job/" 02-19 19:44:45.698 2289 32113 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=job.deadline whenElapsed=+13m24s268ms workSource=WorkSource{10087} uid=10087 tag="job/" 02-19 19:44:45.702 2289 32113 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=job.delay whenElapsed=+30s0ms workSource=WorkSource{10133} uid=10133 tag="job/" 02-19 19:44:45.704 2289 32113 D JobScheduler.Time: Setting alarmType=ELAPSED_WAKEUP alarmTag=job.deadline whenElapsed=+59s998ms workSource=WorkSource{10133} uid=10133 tag="job*/" 02-19 19:44:45.809 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:44:45.920 2289 2298 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 101541(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 46(1176KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 10MB/17MB, paused 1.119ms total 247.210ms 02-19 19:44:46.657 19584 19654 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:44:46.660 19584 19654 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:44:46.660 19584 19654 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:44:46.660 19584 19654 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:44:46.774 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: do_output_standby(), out 0xaeee3000, output_type = 3, pcm_type = 3 02-19 19:44:47.403 3504 3676 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 02-19 19:44:47.655 19584 19654 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:44:47.658 19584 19654 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:44:47.659 19584 19654 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:44:47.659 19584 19654 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:44:48.261 19584 19654 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:44:48.263 19584 19654 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:44:48.263 19584 19654 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:44:48.263 19584 19654 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:44:48.658 19584 19654 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:44:48.659 19584 19654 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:44:48.659 19584 19654 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:44:48.660 19584 19654 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] ScalarApiInvoker: {"method":"getPowerStatus","params":[],"id":1,"version":"1.0"} 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 D SystemHandler_v1_0: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 I ApiExecutable: WebApi acquire wakelock : GetPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: already running WakeLock timer 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: stop timer for restart 02-19 19:44:49.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in stopTimer 02-19 19:44:49.297 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out stopTimer 02-19 19:44:49.297 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:44:49.297 4094 4550 W LifeCycleControl: WakeLock already acquired. update : 90000 + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT msec 02-19 19:44:49.298 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:44:49.299 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:44:49.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: in initialize 02-19 19:44:49.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: out initialize 02-19 19:44:49.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: in execute 02-19 19:44:49.299 4094 4550 D PowerControl: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.299 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: in isInteractive 02-19 19:44:49.300 4094 19686 D LifeCycleControl: WakeLock timer : 0 02-19 19:44:49.300 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: out isInteractive 02-19 19:44:49.300 4094 4550 D PowerControl: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.300 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: out execute 02-19 19:44:49.300 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] HttpEndPoint: send: {"result":[{"status":"active"}],"id":1} 02-19 19:44:49.301 4094 4550 D SystemHandler_v1_0: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] ScalarApiInvoker: {"method":"getVolumeInformation","params":[],"id":1,"version":"1.0"} 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 D AudioHandler_v1_0: in getVolumeInformation 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 I ApiExecutable: WebApi acquire wakelock : GetVolumeInformation 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: already running WakeLock timer 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: stop timer for restart 02-19 19:44:49.311 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in stopTimer 02-19 19:44:49.312 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out stopTimer 02-19 19:44:49.312 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:44:49.312 4094 4550 W LifeCycleControl: WakeLock already acquired. update : 90000 + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT msec 02-19 19:44:49.313 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:44:49.314 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:44:49.314 4094 4550 D PowerControl: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.314 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: in isInteractive 02-19 19:44:49.314 4094 19687 D LifeCycleControl: WakeLock timer : 0 02-19 19:44:49.314 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: out isInteractive 02-19 19:44:49.314 4094 4550 D PowerControl: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.317 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getSpeakerVolume 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getSpeakerVolume 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getSpeakerMute 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getSpeakerMute 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getMaxVolume 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getMaxVolume 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getMinVolume 02-19 19:44:49.318 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getMinVolume 02-19 19:44:49.319 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] HttpEndPoint: send: {"result":[[{"target":"speaker","volume":18,"mute":false,"maxVolume":100,"minVolume":0}]],"id":1} 02-19 19:44:49.319 4094 4550 D AudioHandler_v1_0: out getVolumeInformation 02-19 19:44:49.326 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] ScalarApiInvoker: {"method":"getPlayingContentInfo","params":[],"id":1,"version":"1.0"} 02-19 19:44:49.361 4094 4550 D SessionStorageProvider: call query 02-19 19:44:49.408 4094 4550 D SessionStorageProvider: call query 02-19 19:44:49.410 4094 4550 D AvContentHandler_v1_0: in getPlayingContentInfo 02-19 19:44:49.410 4094 4550 I ApiExecutable: WebApi acquire wakelock : GetPlayingContentInfo 02-19 19:44:49.410 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:44:49.411 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: already running WakeLock timer 02-19 19:44:49.411 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: stop timer for restart 02-19 19:44:49.411 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in stopTimer 02-19 19:44:49.411 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out stopTimer 02-19 19:44:49.411 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:44:49.411 4094 4550 W LifeCycleControl: WakeLock already acquired. update : 90000 + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT msec 02-19 19:44:49.412 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:44:49.413 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:44:49.413 4094 4550 D PowerControl: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.413 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: in isInteractive 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 19688 D LifeCycleControl: WakeLock timer : 0 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: out isInteractive 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D PowerControl: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: in initialize 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: out initialize 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: in execute 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D ApplicationControl: in getWebAppInfo 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: in getSettings 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: in query 02-19 19:44:49.414 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: in getCurrentUser 02-19 19:44:49.415 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: out getCurrentUser 02-19 19:44:49.415 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: Connect to owner side content provider 02-19 19:44:49.419 16817 16829 I SonyDTVBrowser_WAR: initialize status store 02-19 19:44:49.422 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : active/false 02-19 19:44:49.422 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : url/ 02-19 19:44:49.422 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : decimated_video/false 02-19 19:44:49.423 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : type/ 02-19 19:44:49.423 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : channel_id/-1 02-19 19:44:49.423 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : input_id/ 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: out getSettings 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D ApplicationControl: out getWebAppInfo 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D RecordingControl: in isRecordingSupported 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D SystemControl: in getRegion 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D ModelVariationUtilW: in getInfoByIndex 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D ModelVariationUtilW: out getInfoByIndex 02-19 19:44:49.424 4094 4550 D SystemControl: out getRegion 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D RecordingControl: Not supported as the result,0 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D RecordingControl: out isRecordingSupported 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D AvContentControl: in getCurrentInputSource 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: in getSettings 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: in query 02-19 19:44:49.449 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: in getCurrentUser 02-19 19:44:49.450 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: out getCurrentUser 02-19 19:44:49.450 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: Connect to owner side content provider 02-19 19:44:49.456 16817 16829 I SonyDTVBrowser_WAR: initialize status store 02-19 19:44:49.461 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : active/false 02-19 19:44:49.461 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : url/ 02-19 19:44:49.461 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : decimated_video/false 02-19 19:44:49.461 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : type/ 02-19 19:44:49.461 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : channel_id/-1 02-19 19:44:49.461 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : input_id/ 02-19 19:44:49.462 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: out getSettings 02-19 19:44:49.462 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: in isDecimatedVideo 02-19 19:44:49.462 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: out isDecimatedVideo 02-19 19:44:49.463 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: DecimatedVideo is inactive(target is TvPlayer) 02-19 19:44:49.463 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: in getInfoFromTvPlayer 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.dmagent 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is mtktvapi.agent 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.466 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.agent 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is system 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 E ProcessUtils: process not foureground for 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: Current input is not Tv or ExtInput(Foreground is not TvPlayer) 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 E TvAndExtInputSource: Info is null 02-19 19:44:49.467 4094 4550 D WidiInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.dmagent 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is mtktvapi.agent 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.agent 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is system 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 E ProcessUtils: process not foureground for 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D RecStorageInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 E RecStorageInputSource: Recording does not supported 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D UnknownInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 W UnknownInputSource: Dlna and MassStorage contents not implemented yet 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D UnknownInputSource: out getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D AvContentControl: out getCurrentInputSource 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 E GetPlayingContentInfo: not implemented yet for UNKNOWN 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: out execute 02-19 19:44:49.470 4094 4550 E AvContentHandler_v1_0: failed 02-19 19:44:49.471 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] HttpEndPoint: send: {"error":[7,"Illegal State"],"id":1} 02-19 19:44:49.472 4094 4550 D AvContentHandler_v1_0: out getPlayingContentInfo 02-19 19:44:49.547 19584 19626 D efs.config: app=637d7a4a88ccdf4b7e6c2fd8&cver=1702451185&os=android&sd=cSOw9ACJl69y_8ebtFAiYA&sver=1702451185&tm=1708343089&um_sdk_ver=1.8.0&ver=v1.7.1&sign=1e3f5833f7e462d524340c49d8b9e27b 02-19 19:44:49.548 19584 19626 I efs.px.api: get config from server, url is 02-19 19:44:49.559 19584 19629 I MobclickAgent: module init:azioc 02-19 19:44:49.567 19584 19629 E ing.cloudisk.t: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 02-19 19:44:49.655 19584 19626 I efs.config: config request succ, config is: 02-19 19:44:49.655 19584 19626 I efs.config: {"msg":"成功","code":0,"cip":"","config":{"common":{"updateInteval":480,"gate_way_https":true},"sign":"f3NXUQ9IdVZfaV4ZAg==","app_configs":[{"conditions":[{"val":"","opc":">=","fld":"ver"}],"actions":[{"opt":"apm_mem_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_netperf_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_state","set":100},{"opt":"apm_netperf_day_limit","set":100},{"opt":"apm_oom_state","set":0},{"opt":"flutter_pv_max_count","set":1000},{"opt":"apm_netperf_data_rate","set":10},{"opt":"apm_native_h5perf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_interval","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_sampling_rate","set":1},{"opt":"apm_flutter_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"flutter_pv_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_patrace_switch_rate","set":5},{"opt":"record_accumulation_time","set":60},{"opt":"apm_memperf_sampling_rate","set":0},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_upload_type","set":1},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_max_period_sec","set":600},{"opt":"apm_net_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_startperf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"apm_oom_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_bd_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_native_h5_state","set":0}]}]},"stm":1708343097,"cver":1702451185} 02-19 19:44:49.655 19584 19626 I efs.config: from server. efs config is {"msg":"成功","code":0,"cip":"","config":{"common":{"updateInteval":480,"gate_way_https":true},"sign":"f3NXUQ9IdVZfaV4ZAg==","app_configs":[{"conditions":[{"val":"","opc":">=","fld":"ver"}],"actions":[{"opt":"apm_mem_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_netperf_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_state","set":100},{"opt":"apm_netperf_day_limit","set":100},{"opt":"apm_oom_state","set":0},{"opt":"flutter_pv_max_count","set":1000},{"opt":"apm_netperf_data_rate","set":10},{"opt":"apm_native_h5perf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_interval","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_sampling_rate","set":1},{"opt":"apm_flutter_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"flutter_pv_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_patrace_switch_rate","set":5},{"opt":"record_accumulation_time","set":60},{"opt":"apm_memperf_sampling_rate","set":0},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_upload_type","set":1},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_max_period_sec","set":600},{"opt":"apm_net_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_startperf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"apm_oom_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_bd_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_native_h5_state","set":0}]}]},"stm":1708343097,"cver":1702451185} 02-19 19:44:49.692 19584 19592 W System : A resource failed to call end.

Yonsm commented 6 months ago

播放时Crash Log:

02-19 19:48:52.828 18921 18963 E memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module 02-19 19:48:52.828 18921 18963 W android.os.Debug: failed to get memory consumption info: -1 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: adev_create_audio_patch(), handle:0 numsource:1 numsink:1 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: source tpye:AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: source[0] device:0x15 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: source[0] address:???? 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: sink tpye:AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: sink[0] device:0x2 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: sink[0] address: 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: Get a patch (2934522048) by the sources 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 I audio_hw_primary: modifyAudioPatch handle:2 sucess! 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 0 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 2 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 1 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: checkAllAudioPatches patch num 1 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: spdif count 1 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: unmute spdif 02-19 19:48:53.176 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: adev_create_audio_patch(), return handle:2 02-19 19:48:53.177 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_audio_port_config 02-19 19:48:53.177 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: index:18 previous volume info:100 18 0 100 100 100 100 100 02-19 19:48:53.177 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: change speaker volume:18 02-19 19:48:53.177 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: change lineout volume:18 02-19 19:48:53.177 1365 1706 D audio_hw_primary: change subwoofer volume:18 02-19 19:48:53.186 2289 21965 I ActivityManager: START u0 { (has extras)} from uid 10107 02-19 19:48:53.217 19871 19871 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@95a5d87 02-19 19:48:53.232 19871 19871 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:48:53.232 19871 19871 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:53.232 19871 19871 D AndroidAutoSize: DefaultVideoPlayerActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:53.317 2488 2521 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter getConfigInfo 02-19 19:48:53.318 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig getConfigInfo_native,id = 3 02-19 19:48:53.318 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:48:53.322 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: _CurrentSignal_Is_Digital_TV: current source type is not TV, source type: 2 02-19 19:48:53.322 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:48:53.322 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceType=-1 02-19 19:48:53.323 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: aspectRatio=0 02-19 19:48:53.323 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceContent=2 02-19 19:48:53.323 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: e_timing_type=0(unknown) 02-19 19:48:53.323 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:48:53.323 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_width=0 02-19 19:48:53.323 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_height=0 02-19 19:48:53.324 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: b_is_progressive=0 02-19 19:48:53.324 2488 2521 D MtkTvConfig_jni: i4_value=0 02-19 19:48:53.324 2488 2521 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave getConfigInfo 02-19 19:48:53.328 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter isConfigEnabled, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_videoscreen_mode 02-19 19:48:53.328 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_isConfigEnabled_1native 02-19 19:48:53.330 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: isConfigEnabled_native,inputGroup = -1, s_cfgid = g_video__screen_mode, i4_r = 1 02-19 19:48:53.330 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave isConfigEnabled, return value = 1 02-19 19:48:53.331 2618 6831 D AudioOutputService: getHeadphoneOutType() = headphone 02-19 19:48:53.332 3101 3101 I TvDotActionExtensionProvider: onStateChange:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state]/ 02-19 19:48:53.332 3101 3101 I ConnectionManager:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:48:53.332 3101 4837 I StateManager: putAndNotifyExtensionState:componentName/[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:48:53.332 3101 4837 I StateManager: Notified state list is same as before. Ignore. 02-19 19:48:53.353 19871 19881 I ing.cloudisk.t: Background concurrent copying GC freed 79585(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(352KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4MB/8MB, paused 345us total 146.687ms 02-19 19:48:53.358 19871 19879 W System : A resource failed to call end. 02-19 19:48:53.359 19871 19879 I chatty : uid=10107( FinalizerDaemon identical 6 lines 02-19 19:48:53.359 19871 19879 W System : A resource failed to call end. 02-19 19:48:53.384 19871 19871 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 192637b [ExoPlayerLib/2.19.0] [BRAVIA_ATV2, BRAVIA 4K GB, Sony, 28] 02-19 19:48:53.397 19871 19871 I DefaultRenderersFactory: Loaded LibvpxVideoRenderer. 02-19 19:48:53.398 19871 19871 I DefaultRenderersFactory: Loaded Libgav1VideoRenderer. 02-19 19:48:53.430 19871 19871 I DefaultRenderersFactory: Loaded LibopusAudioRenderer. 02-19 19:48:53.430 19871 19871 I DefaultRenderersFactory: Loaded LibflacAudioRenderer. 02-19 19:48:53.431 19871 19871 I DefaultRenderersFactory: Loaded FfmpegAudioRenderer. 02-19 19:48:53.513 19871 19871 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:48:53.514 19871 19871 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:53.514 19871 19871 D AndroidAutoSize: DefaultVideoPlayerActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:53.514 19871 19871 I crashsdk: Unexp log not enabled, skip update unexp info! 02-19 19:48:53.551 19871 19946 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display , void , EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 02-19 19:48:53.573 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:48:53.575 1403 1584 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.577 19871 19946 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.583 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:48:53.584 1403 1584 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.586 19871 19946 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.608 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:48:53.619 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:48:53.620 1403 1774 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.623 19871 19946 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.632 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.748 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:53.872 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:48:53.883 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.020 1403 1584 E BufferQueueProducer: [] disconnect: not connected (req=1) 02-19 19:48:54.020 19871 19946 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xa66e8008 disconnect failed 02-19 19:48:54.036 2289 2419 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=51, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] (release request) 02-19 19:48:54.060 19871 19951 W System : A resource failed to call response.body().close(). 02-19 19:48:54.064 19871 19951 I chatty : uid=10107( identical 8 lines 02-19 19:48:54.064 19871 19951 W System : A resource failed to call response.body().close(). 02-19 19:48:54.159 19871 19871 I crashsdk: android_os_Process_sendSignal. PID: 19871 SIG: 9 02-19 19:48:54.159 19871 19871 I crashsdk: onKillProcess. SIG: 9 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: Kill PID: 19871 ( by pid: 19871 ( tid: 19871 (main) 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: SIG: 9, fg: true, exiting: false, main process: true, time: 20240219194854 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: State in disk: 'f' 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at android.os.Process.sendSignal(Native Method) 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at android.os.Process.killProcess( 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at$H.handleMessage( 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at android.os.Looper.loop( 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at$ 02-19 19:48:54.161 19871 19871 I crashsdk: at 02-19 19:48:54.162 19871 19871 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19871 SIG: 9 02-19 19:48:54.243 2289 2395 W InputDispatcher: channel '6bb06e4 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 02-19 19:48:54.243 2289 2395 E InputDispatcher: channel '6bb06e4 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 02-19 19:48:54.243 2289 2395 W InputDispatcher: channel '15c6333 (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 02-19 19:48:54.243 2289 2395 E InputDispatcher: channel '15c6333 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 02-19 19:48:54.258 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter getConfigInfo 02-19 19:48:54.259 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig getConfigInfo_native,id = 3 02-19 19:48:54.260 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:48:54.260 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: _CurrentSignal_Is_Digital_TV: current source type is not TV, source type: 2 02-19 19:48:54.260 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:48:54.260 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceType=-1 02-19 19:48:54.260 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: aspectRatio=0 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: sourceContent=2 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: e_timing_type=0(unknown) 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_frame_rate=0 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_width=0 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: ui4_height=0 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: b_is_progressive=0 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D MtkTvConfig_jni: i4_value=0 02-19 19:48:54.261 2488 795 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave getConfigInfo 02-19 19:48:54.262 2488 2536 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Enter isConfigEnabled, inputGroup=-1, cfgId=g_videoscreen_mode 02-19 19:48:54.262 2488 2536 D MtkTvConfig_jni: MtkTvConfig Java_com_mediatek_twoworlds_tv_TVNative_isConfigEnabled_1native 02-19 19:48:54.263 2488 2536 D MtkTvConfig_jni: isConfigEnabled_native,inputGroup = -1, s_cfgid = g_video__screen_mode, i4_r = 1 02-19 19:48:54.263 2488 2536 D TV_MtkTvConfig: Leave isConfigEnabled, return value = 1 02-19 19:48:54.270 2289 5891 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{6bb06e4 u0} 02-19 19:48:54.271 2289 5891 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '6bb06e4 (server)' 02-19 19:48:54.272 2618 6831 D AudioOutputService: getHeadphoneOutType() = headphone 02-19 19:48:54.274 3101 3101 I TvDotActionExtensionProvider: onStateChange:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state]/ 02-19 19:48:54.274 3101 3101 I ConnectionManager:[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:48:54.274 1361 1361 I Zygote : Process 19871 exited due to signal (9) 02-19 19:48:54.275 2289 1920 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19871) has died: fore TOP 02-19 19:48:54.275 3101 4837 I StateManager: putAndNotifyExtensionState:componentName/[picture_off_state, picture_adjustment_state, sound_adjustment_state, speaker_state, sync_menu_state] 02-19 19:48:54.275 3101 4837 I StateManager: Notified state list is same as before. Ignore. 02-19 19:48:54.275 2289 2299 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{15c6333 u0} 02-19 19:48:54.276 2289 2299 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '15c6333 (server)' 02-19 19:48:54.277 2289 2307 W libprocessgroup: kill(-19871, 9) failed: No such process 02-19 19:48:54.277 2289 2307 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10107 pid 19871 in 0ms 02-19 19:48:54.285 1403 1584 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: 02-19 19:48:54.285 1403 1584 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 02-19 19:48:54.302 2289 2313 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 19871 02-19 19:48:54.327 2289 2306 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity 02-19 19:48:54.330 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0x966 02-19 19:48:54.334 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.336 2289 2379 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.337 20008 20008 W ing.cloudisk.t: Using default instruction set features for ARM CPU variant (cortex-a9) using conservative defaults 02-19 19:48:54.340 20008 20008 E ing.cloudisk.t: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 02-19 19:48:54.412 20008 20008 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 02-19 19:48:54.412 20008 20008 I MultiDex: Installing application 02-19 19:48:54.412 20008 20008 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 02-19 19:48:54.412 20008 20008 I MultiDex: Installing application 02-19 19:48:54.412 20008 20008 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 02-19 19:48:54.428 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: designWidthInDp = 1280, designHeightInDp = 720, screenWidth = 1920, screenHeight = 1080 02-19 19:48:54.428 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: initDensity = 2.0, initScaledDensity = 2.0 02-19 19:48:54.463 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0x966 02-19 19:48:54.467 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.469 2289 2379 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.480 20008 20008 I eup : register native abi method success 02-19 19:48:54.481 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.496 2289 2304 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.tencent.bugly.BuglyBroadcastReceiver.permission due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{bbe177b u0 ReceiverList{fe7d30a 20008 remote:fe21775}} 02-19 19:48:54.554 20008 20037 I UMCrash : get common. apm ctr flag is 0 02-19 19:48:54.555 20008 20008 I UMCrash : int apm. flag is 0 02-19 19:48:54.560 20008 20008 I UMCrash : enable : java is true, native is true, anr is true 02-19 19:48:54.561 20008 20008 I UMCrash : crash rate domain is 02-19 19:48:54.588 20008 20045 I crashsdk: version unique build id: 1469a86b 02-19 19:48:54.592 20008 20008 W crashsdk: Set: Unknown key 38 02-19 19:48:54.592 20008 20008 W crashsdk: Set: Unknown key 39 02-19 19:48:54.595 20008 20046 D crashsdk: Native log stat thread 20046 setup, waiting 02-19 19:48:54.602 20008 20008 I crashsdk: Catcher mask: 1000, 4096 02-19 19:48:54.602 20008 20008 I crashsdk: Catcher thread 20014 02-19 19:48:54.602 20008 20008 D crashsdk: Register ANR handler ... 02-19 19:48:54.602 20008 20008 I crashsdk: begin hack android.os.Process 02-19 19:48:54.602 20008 20008 I crashsdk: end hack android.os.Process 02-19 19:48:54.603 20008 20008 I crashsdk: LibcMalloc detail: disabled. 02-19 19:48:54.614 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:54.626 20008 20049 E ing.cloudisk.t: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 02-19 19:48:54.631 20008 20050 E ballack : initGlobalInfo called once. 02-19 19:48:54.632 20008 20049 E ing.cloudisk.t: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 02-19 19:48:54.635 20008 20008 I UMCrash : inner config : net rate is 0 02-19 19:48:54.635 20008 20008 I UMCrash : inner config : net close. 02-19 19:48:54.635 20008 20008 I UMCrash : inner config : nativeH5Rate is 0 02-19 19:48:54.635 20008 20008 I UMCrash : inner config : h5 close. 02-19 19:48:54.636 20008 20008 I UMCrash : inner config : page rate is -1 02-19 19:48:54.636 20008 20037 D WpkPaConfig: un repeat check in 24 hour! 02-19 19:48:54.637 20008 20037 I Matrix.AnrTracer: anrTrace, final mAnrBeatTime:400, mAnrBeatRate:400 02-19 19:48:54.645 20008 20051 D LaunchConfigManager: un repeat check in 24 hour! 02-19 19:48:54.649 20008 20050 W efs.send_log: tryFileLock start! 02-19 19:48:54.649 20008 20051 I LaunchTrace: begin sendLaunchCache 02-19 19:48:54.656 20008 20050 I efs.config: delete old config is false 02-19 19:48:54.656 20008 20058 W efs.send_log: tryFileLock sendlock sucess! processname: 02-19 19:48:54.669 20008 20050 I efs.config: current config version (-1) is older than another (1702451185) 02-19 19:48:54.669 20008 20050 I efs.config: load config from storage and notify observer 02-19 19:48:54.712 20008 20065 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 02-19 19:48:54.727 20008 20008 E System : Ignoring attempt to set property "" to value "false". 02-19 19:48:54.787 20008 20008 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:48:54.796 20008 20008 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:48:54.796 20008 20008 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:48:54.797 20008 20008 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:48:54.860 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:48:54.861 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:54.861 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:54.991 20008 20008 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class androidx.base.of 02-19 19:48:54.992 20008 20008 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class androidx.base.ty1 02-19 19:48:54.998 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:48:54.999 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:54.999 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:55.002 20008 20008 I crashsdk: Unexp log not enabled, skip update unexp info! 02-19 19:48:55.004 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: com.bumptech.glide.manager.SupportRequestManagerFragment used the global configuration. 02-19 19:48:55.004 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:55.004 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:55.005 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! 02-19 19:48:55.008 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:55.008 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:55.056 2289 2299 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10107/20008 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] 02-19 19:48:55.009 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:55.009 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:55.057 2289 2440 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] with score 70 02-19 19:48:55.058 2289 2415 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] with score 70 02-19 19:48:55.058 2289 2415 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10107] ] with score 70 02-19 19:48:55.065 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: The has been adapted! 02-19 19:48:55.065 20008 20008 D AndroidAutoSize: TvHomeActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 1280.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 1280.000000, targetDensity = 1.500000, targetScaledDensity = 1.500000, targetDensityDpi = 240, targetXdpi = 1.500000, targetScreenWidthDp = 1280, targetScreenHeightDp = 720 02-19 19:48:55.066 20008 20008 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline 02-19 19:48:55.095 20008 20008 I crashsdk: Unexp log not enabled, skip update unexp info! 02-19 19:48:55.098 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_memperf_sampling_rate ## value is 0 02-19 19:48:55.098 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_memperf_collect_interval ## value is 5 02-19 19:48:55.098 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_memperf_collect_max_period_sec ## value is 600 02-19 19:48:55.098 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_net_state ## value is 0 02-19 19:48:55.098 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_native_h5_state ## value is 0 02-19 19:48:55.099 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_crash_user_max_count ## value is 20 02-19 19:48:55.099 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_crash_user_upload_type ## value is 1 02-19 19:48:55.099 20008 20008 I efs.config: callback netRate is 0 02-19 19:48:55.099 20008 20008 I efs.config: callback nativeH5Rate is 0 02-19 19:48:55.099 20008 20008 I efs.config: callback crashMaxUserCount is 20 02-19 19:48:55.101 20008 20049 W network change: unknown 02-19 19:48:55.102 20008 20008 I efs.config: callback uploadType is 1 02-19 19:48:55.102 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_patrace_switch_rate ## value is 5 02-19 19:48:55.103 20008 20008 I efs.config: --->>> configCallback key is apm_startperf_sampling_rate ## value is 5 02-19 19:48:55.137 20008 20018 I ing.cloudisk.t: Background concurrent copying GC freed 13917(880KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(104KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 313us total 101.600ms 02-19 19:48:55.177 20008 20081 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 02-19 19:48:55.177 20008 20081 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0 02-19 19:48:55.177 20008 20081 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 02-19 19:48:55.177 20008 20081 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 02-19 19:48:55.195 20008 20081 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display , void , EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000 02-19 19:48:55.196 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:48:55.199 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.201 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:48:55.202 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.204 1375 1375 D gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x1 usage=0xb00 02-19 19:48:55.205 1403 1741 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.252 20008 20081 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.253 20008 20081 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.256 20008 20081 E gralloc : MTK MALI GRALLOC Module v1.0 02-19 19:48:55.257 20008 20081 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.260 20008 20081 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 02-19 19:48:55.268 20008 20081 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.291 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:48:55.327 20008 20081 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.333 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.349 1376 1643 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:1376_2 identical 1 line 02-19 19:48:55.365 1376 1643 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 02-19 19:48:55.645 20008 20078 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:48:55.649 20008 20078 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:48:55.649 20008 20078 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:48:55.649 20008 20078 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:48:55.661 4219 4356 D LoungeService: New command: 02-19 19:48:55.661 4219 4356 D LoungeService: 16 02-19 19:48:55.661 4219 4356 D LoungeService: [[4,["noop"]] 02-19 19:48:55.661 4219 4356 D LoungeService: ] 02-19 19:48:55.665 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1].key 02-19 19:48:55.665 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1] 02-19 19:48:55.668 4219 4356 I chatty : uid=10079( RxNewThreadSche identical 3 lines 02-19 19:48:55.668 4219 4356 D JsonPathTypeAdapter: CommandItem: Path not found: $[1][1] 02-19 19:48:55.669 4219 4219 D RemoteController: Is remote connected: false, command type: 11 02-19 19:48:55.903 3144 3144 I SonyIME-SIMEService: onFinishInput 02-19 19:48:56.005 20008 20018 I ing.cloudisk.t: Background concurrent copying GC freed 25293(1718KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(312KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 239us total 122.558ms 02-19 19:48:56.007 20008 20016 W System : A resource failed to call end. 02-19 19:48:56.007 20008 20016 W System : A resource failed to call end. 02-19 19:48:56.741 20008 20078 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:48:56.742 20008 20078 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:48:56.742 20008 20078 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:48:56.742 20008 20078 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:48:57.061 1365 28350 D audio_hw_primary: do_output_standby(), out 0xaeee3000, output_type = 3, pcm_type = 3 02-19 19:48:57.410 3504 3676 I TVAPI : TvApi CONNECTED users = 0 [] 02-19 19:48:57.710 2289 2289 V HotPlugDetectionAction: Poll all devices. 02-19 19:48:57.758 20008 20078 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:48:57.760 20008 20078 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:48:57.760 20008 20078 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:48:57.760 20008 20078 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:48:58.107 20008 20078 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:48:58.110 20008 20078 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:48:58.110 20008 20078 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:48:58.110 20008 20078 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:48:58.357 20008 20078 D skia : start to dlopen 02-19 19:48:58.360 20008 20078 D skia : dlopen ok. 02-19 19:48:58.360 20008 20078 D : the colormode is not JCS_YV16, turn to sw decoder. 02-19 19:48:58.360 20008 20078 D skia : jpg_init return 0. 02-19 19:48:59.295 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] ScalarApiInvoker: {"method":"getPowerStatus","params":[],"id":1,"version":"1.0"} 02-19 19:48:59.295 4094 4550 D SystemHandler_v1_0: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 I ApiExecutable: WebApi acquire wakelock : GetPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: already running WakeLock timer 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: stop timer for restart 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in stopTimer 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out stopTimer 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:48:59.296 4094 4550 W LifeCycleControl: WakeLock already acquired. update : 90000 + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT msec 02-19 19:48:59.298 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: in initialize 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: out initialize 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: in execute 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D PowerControl: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: in isInteractive 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: out isInteractive 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D PowerControl: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.299 4094 4550 D GetPowerStatus: out execute 02-19 19:48:59.300 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] HttpEndPoint: send: {"result":[{"status":"active"}],"id":1} 02-19 19:48:59.301 4094 4550 D SystemHandler_v1_0: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.305 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] ScalarApiInvoker: {"method":"getVolumeInformation","params":[],"id":1,"version":"1.0"} 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D AudioHandler_v1_0: in getVolumeInformation 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 I ApiExecutable: WebApi acquire wakelock : GetVolumeInformation 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: already running WakeLock timer 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: use current timer 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D PowerControl: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: in isInteractive 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: out isInteractive 02-19 19:48:59.306 4094 4550 D PowerControl: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.307 4094 20110 D LifeCycleControl: WakeLock timer : 0 02-19 19:48:59.311 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getSpeakerVolume 02-19 19:48:59.311 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getSpeakerVolume 02-19 19:48:59.311 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getSpeakerMute 02-19 19:48:59.312 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getSpeakerMute 02-19 19:48:59.313 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getMaxVolume 02-19 19:48:59.314 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getMaxVolume 02-19 19:48:59.314 4094 4550 D AudioControl: in getMinVolume 02-19 19:48:59.314 4094 4550 D AudioControl: out getMinVolume 02-19 19:48:59.314 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] HttpEndPoint: send: {"result":[[{"target":"speaker","volume":18,"mute":false,"maxVolume":100,"minVolume":0}]],"id":1} 02-19 19:48:59.315 4094 4550 D AudioHandler_v1_0: out getVolumeInformation 02-19 19:48:59.319 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] ScalarApiInvoker: {"method":"getPlayingContentInfo","params":[],"id":1,"version":"1.0"} 02-19 19:48:59.340 4094 4550 D SessionStorageProvider: call query 02-19 19:48:59.421 4094 4550 D SessionStorageProvider: call query 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D AvContentHandler_v1_0: in getPlayingContentInfo 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 I ApiExecutable: WebApi acquire wakelock : GetPlayingContentInfo 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: already running WakeLock timer 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: stop timer for restart 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in stopTimer 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out stopTimer 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: in acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:48:59.422 4094 4550 W LifeCycleControl: WakeLock already acquired. update : 90000 + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT msec 02-19 19:48:59.424 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out acquireWakeLock 02-19 19:48:59.424 4094 4550 D LifeCycleControl: out startWakeLockTimer 02-19 19:48:59.428 4094 4550 D PowerControl: in getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.428 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: in isInteractive 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 20111 D LifeCycleControl: WakeLock timer : 0 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D PowerManagerWrapper: out isInteractive 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D PowerControl: out getPowerStatus 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: in initialize 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: out initialize 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: in execute 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D ApplicationControl: in getWebAppInfo 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: in getSettings 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: in query 02-19 19:48:59.429 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: in getCurrentUser 02-19 19:48:59.433 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: out getCurrentUser 02-19 19:48:59.433 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: Connect to owner side content provider 02-19 19:48:59.439 16817 19206 I SonyDTVBrowser_WAR: initialize status store 02-19 19:48:59.446 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : active/false 02-19 19:48:59.446 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : url/ 02-19 19:48:59.446 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : decimated_video/false 02-19 19:48:59.446 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : type/ 02-19 19:48:59.446 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : channel_id/-1 02-19 19:48:59.446 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : input_id/ 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: out getSettings 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D ApplicationControl: out getWebAppInfo 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D RecordingControl: in isRecordingSupported 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D SystemControl: in getRegion 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D ModelVariationUtilW: in getInfoByIndex 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D ModelVariationUtilW: out getInfoByIndex 02-19 19:48:59.447 4094 4550 D SystemControl: out getRegion 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D RecordingControl: Not supported as the result,0 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D RecordingControl: out isRecordingSupported 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D AvContentControl: in getCurrentInputSource 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: in getSettings 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: in query 02-19 19:48:59.471 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: in getCurrentUser 02-19 19:48:59.472 4094 4550 D RestrictedUtil: out getCurrentUser 02-19 19:48:59.472 4094 4550 D CPProxyW: Connect to owner side content provider 02-19 19:48:59.480 16817 19206 I SonyDTVBrowser_WAR: initialize status store 02-19 19:48:59.484 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : active/false 02-19 19:48:59.484 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : url/ 02-19 19:48:59.484 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : decimated_video/false 02-19 19:48:59.484 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : type/ 02-19 19:48:59.484 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : channel_id/-1 02-19 19:48:59.484 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: key/value : input_id/ 02-19 19:48:59.485 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: out getSettings 02-19 19:48:59.485 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: in isDecimatedVideo 02-19 19:48:59.485 4094 4550 D WebAppRuntimeWrapper: out isDecimatedVideo 02-19 19:48:59.485 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: DecimatedVideo is inactive(target is TvPlayer) 02-19 19:48:59.485 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: in getInfoFromTvPlayer 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.dmagent 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is mtktvapi.agent 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.agent 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is system 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 E ProcessUtils: process not foureground for 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 D TvAndExtInputSource: Current input is not Tv or ExtInput(Foreground is not TvPlayer) 02-19 19:48:59.488 4094 4550 E TvAndExtInputSource: Info is null 02-19 19:48:59.489 4094 4550 D WidiInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.dmagent 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is mtktvapi.agent 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is com.mediatek.agent 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D ProcessUtils: Foreground is system 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 E ProcessUtils: process not foureground for 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D RecStorageInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 E RecStorageInputSource: Recording does not supported 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D UnknownInputSource: in getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 W UnknownInputSource: Dlna and MassStorage contents not implemented yet 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D UnknownInputSource: out getCurrentInputInfo 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D AvContentControl: out getCurrentInputSource 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 E GetPlayingContentInfo: not implemented yet for UNKNOWN 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 D GetPlayingContentInfo: out execute 02-19 19:48:59.493 4094 4550 E AvContentHandler_v1_0: failed 02-19 19:48:59.494 4094 4550 I System.out: [MEXI][D] HttpEndPoint: send: {"error":[7,"Illegal State"],"id":1} 02-19 19:48:59.494 4094 4550 D AvContentHandler_v1_0: out getPlayingContentInfo 02-19 19:48:59.692 20008 20050 D efs.config: app=637d7a4a88ccdf4b7e6c2fd8&cver=1702451185&os=android&sd=Btq0r9lAwec3pN6GXr1eXw&sver=1702451185&tm=1708343339&um_sdk_ver=1.8.0&ver=v1.7.1&sign=16abf5202ea69712dba4a23400d2ee1f 02-19 19:48:59.692 20008 20050 I efs.px.api: get config from server, url is 02-19 19:48:59.694 20008 20053 I MobclickAgent: module init:azioc 02-19 19:48:59.703 20008 20053 E ing.cloudisk.t: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 02-19 19:48:59.774 20008 20050 I efs.config: config request succ, config is: 02-19 19:48:59.774 20008 20050 I efs.config: {"msg":"成功","code":0,"cip":"","config":{"common":{"updateInteval":480,"gate_way_https":true},"sign":"f3NXUQ9IdVVSaVwQBw==","app_configs":[{"conditions":[{"val":"","opc":">=","fld":"ver"}],"actions":[{"opt":"apm_mem_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_netperf_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_state","set":100},{"opt":"apm_netperf_day_limit","set":100},{"opt":"apm_oom_state","set":0},{"opt":"flutter_pv_max_count","set":1000},{"opt":"apm_netperf_data_rate","set":10},{"opt":"apm_native_h5perf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_interval","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_sampling_rate","set":1},{"opt":"apm_flutter_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"flutter_pv_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_patrace_switch_rate","set":5},{"opt":"record_accumulation_time","set":60},{"opt":"apm_memperf_sampling_rate","set":0},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_upload_type","set":1},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_max_period_sec","set":600},{"opt":"apm_net_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_startperf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"apm_oom_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_bd_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_native_h5_state","set":0}]}]},"stm":1708343347,"cver":1702451185} 02-19 19:48:59.774 20008 20050 I efs.config: from server. efs config is {"msg":"成功","code":0,"cip":"","config":{"common":{"updateInteval":480,"gate_way_https":true},"sign":"f3NXUQ9IdVVSaVwQBw==","app_configs":[{"conditions":[{"val":"","opc":">=","fld":"ver"}],"actions":[{"opt":"apm_mem_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_netperf_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_state","set":100},{"opt":"apm_netperf_day_limit","set":100},{"opt":"apm_oom_state","set":0},{"opt":"flutter_pv_max_count","set":1000},{"opt":"apm_netperf_data_rate","set":10},{"opt":"apm_native_h5perf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_interval","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_sampling_rate","set":1},{"opt":"apm_flutter_state","set":100},{"opt":"flutter_dart_exception_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"flutter_pv_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_patrace_switch_rate","set":5},{"opt":"record_accumulation_time","set":60},{"opt":"apm_memperf_sampling_rate","set":0},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_upload_type","set":1},{"opt":"apm_memperf_collect_max_period_sec","set":600},{"opt":"apm_net_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_startperf_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_crash_user_max_count","set":20},{"opt":"apm_oom_sampling_rate","set":5},{"opt":"apm_netperf_bd_state","set":0},{"opt":"apm_native_h5_state","set":0}]}]},"stm":1708343347,"cver":1702451185} 02-19 19:49:00.004 3001 3001 E AgentTimeActionReceiver: action:android.intent.action.TIME_TICK received 02-19 19:49:00.004 3001 3001 D MtkTvTime: isTimeZoneEditable 02-19 19:49:00.005 3001 3001 D MtkTvTime_jni: native_isTimeZoneEditable = 1 02-19 19:49:00.005 3001 3001 D MtkTvTime: getTimeZone 02-19 19:49:00.006 3001 3001 D MtkTvTime_jni: native_getTimeZone = 28800 02-19 19:49:00.006 3001 3001 D MtkTvTime_jni: native_getTimeOffset = 0 02-19 19:49:00.007 3001 3001 D AgentTimeActionReceiver: no need to sync time zone from Android to Linux, timeZoneOffset=28800, dstOffset=0 02-19 19:49:00.030 18350 18350 I db_sony : 180 interval 02-19 19:49:01.265 18921 19036 E mtopsdk.InnerSignImpl: INNER [getUnifiedSign] AppKey is null. 02-19 19:49:01.266 18921 19036 E mtopsdk.InnerSignImpl: INNER [getMtopApiSign] AppKey is null. 02-19 19:49:01.266 18921 19036 E mtopsdk.InnerProtocolParamBuilderImpl: [seq:MTOP52]|$1.0 call getMtopApiSign failed.[appKey=null, authCode=null] 02-19 19:49:01.266 18921 19036 E mtopsdk.ErrorCodeMappingAfterFilter: [seq:MTOP52]|MtopResponse[,v=1.0,retCode=ANDROID_SYS_GENERATE_MTOP_SIGN_ERROR(AppKey is null),retMsg=生成Mtop签名sign失败,mappingCode=ANDROID_SYS_GENERATE_MTOP_SIGN_ERROR(AppKey is null),mappingCodeSuffix=null,ret=null,responseCode=0,headerFields=null] 02-19 19:49:01.266 18921 19036 E mtopsdk.ErrorCodeMappingAfterFilter: [seq:MTOP52]|MtopRequest [, version=1.0, needEcode=false, needSession=false] 02-19 19:49:01.683 18921 20120 E mtopsdk.InnerSignImpl: INNER [getUnifiedSign] AppKey is null. 02-19 19:49:01.683 18921 20120 E mtopsdk.InnerSignImpl: INNER [getMtopApiSign] AppKey is null. 02-19 19:49:01.684 18921 20120 E mtopsdk.InnerProtocolParamBuilderImpl: [seq:MTOP53]|$1.0 call getMtopApiSign failed.[appKey=null, authCode=null] 02-19 19:49:01.684 18921 20120 E mtopsdk.ErrorCodeMappingAfterFilter: [seq:MTOP53]|MtopResponse[,v=1.0,retCode=ANDROID_SYS_GENERATE_MTOP_SIGN_ERROR(AppKey is null),retMsg=生成Mtop签名sign失败,mappingCode=ANDROID_SYS_GENERATE_MTOP_SIGN_ERROR(AppKey is null),mappingCodeSuffix=null,ret=null,responseCode=0,headerFields=null] 02-19 19:49:01.684 18921 20120 E mtopsdk.ErrorCodeMappingAfterFilter: [seq:MTOP53]|MtopRequest [, version=1.0, needEcode=false, needSession=false]