crbednarz / AMIDST

Advanced Minecraft Interface and Data/Structure Tracking
GNU General Public License v3.0
270 stars 52 forks source link

Vanessa Peacock, please *read* this email for how to unsubscribe. #90

Closed Treer closed 9 years ago

Treer commented 9 years ago

You need to log into your github account to turn off the emails you're receiving.

Once you're logged in, you can either tell github to never contact you again: do this by going into Settings -> Notification Center

Or you can unsubscribe from the projects and threads that you are subscribed to:

First go to and if you are watching it then click the "Unwatch" button, if you have stared it then click the "Unstar" button.

Next, go to each issue and pull request you started following and click the unsubscribe button. Every time you responded to one of those project emails with "unsubscribe please", your response was posted to the group and github subscribed you to the issue because you were contributing to it (if you want to complain to github about that, go to

You are probably subscribed to this issue:

and this one:

and if you respond to this email you will be subscribed to this issue:

Every unwanted email you recieve has a link at the bottom saying "Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub", which takes you to the github page that you can unsubscribe from.

However you must unwatch and/or unstar the project, otherwise you are automatically subscribed to new issues.

(Or go to Settings -> Notification Center and disable all notifications from github)