crc-org / crc-extension

Red Hat OpenShift Local Extension for integration of OpenShift Local clusters with Podman Desktop
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] Installation and start do not result in a working environment #189

Closed odockal closed 2 months ago

odockal commented 7 months ago

General information

CRC version

# Put `crc version` output here
CRC version: 2.28.0+e1f42d
OpenShift version: 4.13.14
Podman version: 4.4.4

CRC status

# Put `crc status --log-level debug` output here
CRC VM:          Running
MicroShift:      Unreachable (v4.13.14)
RAM Usage:       455.3MB of 3.828GB
Disk Usage:      4.554GB of 16.1GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     87.19GB
Cache Directory: C:\Users\Ondrej\.crc\cache

CRC config

# Put `crc config view` output here
- consent-telemetry                     : no
- preset                                : microshift
- pull-secret-file                      : C:\Users\Ondrej\crc\pull-secret

Host Operating System

# Put the output of `cat /etc/os-release` in case of Linux
# put the output of `sw_vers` in case of Mac
# Put the output of `systeminfo` in case of Windows
Windows 10 Professional
10.0.19045 N/A Build 19045

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install OpenShift local extension into podman desktop (1.6.0-next)
  2. Install Openshift local via dashboard
  3. Confirm that you will reboot the PC after installation is done
  4. Installation done, I choose Microshift preset
  5. Error dialog appeared notifying me at the end of the long message, that I have to reboot
  6. Rebooting the PC
  7. Back again, all is running (PD)
  8. Initialize and start OpenShift local in Dashboard
  9. Assert:


Microshift is started/running, no error


OpenShift Local start error: Error: Error running post start: Post "http://unix/add": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)



Before gather the logs try following if that fix your issue

$ crc delete -f
$ crc cleanup
$ crc setup
$ crc start --log-level debug

Please consider posting the output of crc start --log-level debug on and post the link in the issue.

odockal commented 7 months ago

When I click OK. I can see that OSLocal on Dashboard shows that microshift is running. On Settings -> Resources -> OpenShift Local I do not have any option to do anything with the cluster (nor stop or delete button is present).

On cli:

CRC VM:          Running
MicroShift:      Unreachable (v4.13.14)
RAM Usage:       435.3MB of 3.828GB
Disk Usage:      4.557GB of 16.1GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     87.19GB
Cache Directory: C:\Users\Ondrej\.crc\cache
gbraad commented 7 months ago

Can you try this with a slightly older version of PD? Perhaps recent changes have broken the lifecycle of the extension, as no changes have been made to the extension for over a few months.

gbraad commented 7 months ago

Can you otherwise confirm if a start from the commandline works? If not, this is not related to the extension. As,

MicroShift:      Unreachable (v4.13.14)

seems a start was triggered, but not finished properly.

gbraad commented 7 months ago

can you add the full output of systeminfo here?

gbraad commented 7 months ago

was this a clean install?

Error dialog appeared notifying me at the end of the long message, that I have to reboot

as reboots are only necessary for the sitution when the user gets added to the "Hyper-V Admins" group

gbraad commented 7 months ago

When I click OK. I can see that OSLocal on Dashboard shows that microshift is running.

On Settings -> Resources -> OpenShift Local I do not have any option to do anything with the cluster (nor stop or delete button is present).

CRC VM:          Running
MicroShift:      Unreachable (v4.13.14)

@evidolob how is the state determined for 'running'? Since when 'unreachable' the cluster for sure is not operational...

gbraad commented 7 months ago

This issue describes multiple individual issues:

adrianriobo commented 7 months ago

So I tested this on a fresh environment win 11 pro 23h2 with latest pre-release PD version:

  1. Click on install Openshift Local

  2. Go through OL installer (normally, when tested OL without PD, it ends up with a reboot popup, in this case it does not) <- This could be an issue: installer flow run from PD close the installer without allowing reboot through the installer reboot popup/alert)

  3. Flow goes back to PD which shows a dialog telling we need to reboot but it directly execute the setup which ends up on a error <- Is the dialog here on purpose b/c the installer popup is not shown?, then should we automatically proceed with the setup ?

To check what is the current state here are the last lines for the logs:


time="2023-11-23T12:41:21Z" level=info msg="Checking admin helper service is running"
time="2023-11-23T12:41:21Z" level=debug msg="Running '(Get-Service crcAdminHelper).Status'"
time="2023-11-23T12:41:21Z" level=debug msg="Get \"http://unix/version\": open \\\\.\\pipe\\crc-admin-helper: Access is denied."

PD dialog logs:

msg="Checking if the daemon task is running" level=info msg="Running the daemon task" level=info msg="Checking admin helper service is running" Make sure you installed crc using the Windows installer and performed required reboot

Which summarizes in a reboot was required (because the user/group management on the installation process) before running the setup but the flow does not allow us to do it

odockal commented 7 months ago

@gbraad @adrianriobo thanks for looking into this!

gbraad commented 6 months ago

but the flow does not allow us to do it

The reboot has always been an issue; the installers we use can actually request this when needed; but can't be enforced. This is something the extension needs to handle by picking this need up and enforce before use.

gbraad commented 6 months ago

Also, it might be best for the extension to actually check the message and show a custom 'modal' dialog for this.

adrianriobo commented 6 months ago

How about change the options when running msiexec at then if installer dialogs are not hidding we will allow the user to decide if wants to reboot or not?