crc-org / crc-extension

Red Hat OpenShift Local Extension for integration of OpenShift Local clusters with Podman Desktop
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 16 forks source link

Create a CRC machine leads to empty page no link to return to Resources #221

Closed jeffmaury closed 1 month ago

jeffmaury commented 1 month ago

General information

CRC version

CRC version: 2.36.0+27c493
OpenShift version: 4.15.12
Podman version: 4.4.4

CRC status

CRC VM:          Running
MicroShift:      Running (v4.15.12)
RAM Usage:       1.514GB of 3.828GB
Disk Usage:      5.626GB of 16.1GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     7.22GB
Cache Directory: C:\Users\Jeff\.crc\cache

CRC config

# Put `crc config view` output here

Host Operating System

# Put the output of `cat /etc/os-release` in case of Linux
# put the output of `sw_vers` in case of Mac
# Put the output of `systeminfo` in case of Windows

Steps to reproduce




Before gather the logs try following if that fix your issue

$ crc delete -f
$ crc cleanup
$ crc setup
$ crc start --log-level debug

Please consider posting the output of crc start --log-level debug on and post the link in the issue.

dgolovin commented 1 month ago

Similar to #187.