crchemist / cit

Civic Issue Tracker
GNU General Public License v3.0
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T 78 create model #101

Closed mdemitc closed 9 years ago

mdemitc commented 9 years ago

create Issue model with next fields - Done add support of /admin/ - Done (In Issues only 2 column: description and coordinates) add support of mixer - partially Done (Mixer no support random coordinates so its always the same) add /issues/ api call - Done (You should check, i have a bad unicode in data when it is jsonify - maybe my bad) But in admin panel it is ok, so i don't know what is it

If you had a error that geography is not support - need to do this: sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 -f open pgAdmin select (click) cit database click "SQL" icon on the bar CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

mdemitc commented 9 years ago

Last commit (controller.js) it is not mine :) I rly dont know what is it... If i should fix or remove it i'll do