creachadair / twitter

A Go client for the Twitter v2 API (in development).
MIT License
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Parse and report JSON error messages when requests fail #1

Closed creachadair closed 4 years ago

creachadair commented 4 years ago

On error, the v2 API reports a JSON text along with the status code. The exact format isn't clear, but it has the general shape:

  "errors": [ {"message": "you done broke it", "code": 45} ]

The response codes are defined here: In the wild, though, the format varies quite a bit. Sometimes the top-level message has status and details as additional keys:

  "errors": [
      "parameters": {
        "expansions": [
      "message": "The `expansions` query parameter value [3] is not one of [pinned_tweet_id]"
  "title": "Invalid Request",
  "detail": "One or more parameters to your request was invalid.",
  "type": ""

Other times everything is inside the array:

  "errors": [
      "detail": "Could not find user with username: [fal27f87fse].",
      "title": "Not Found Error",
      "resource_type": "user",
      "parameter": "username",
      "value": "fal27f87fse",
      "type": ""

The API docs don't appear to document the expected formats. Figure out some reasonable way to interpret these values, and attach them to error values.

creachadair commented 4 years ago

This seems to have some useful details:

A couple of key points here:

creachadair commented 4 years ago

From the OpenAPI schema:

curl|jq '.components.schemas.Error'
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "code": {
      "type": "integer",
      "format": "int32"
    "message": {
      "type": "string"

This matches what's mentioned in the response codes doc. The schema also incorporates the RFC 7807 HTTP Problem Details object. That looks closer to what I'm getting.

creachadair commented 4 years ago

Commit 3607a3d2 et seq. address part of this issue. The error wrapper now captures the error response and allows the caller to retrieve it, but I didn't add any data types for decoding the contents. The RFC 7807 schema looks more complicated than I really want to deal with right now.

creachadair commented 4 years ago

Commit 30ee1684 addresses most of this, to the point where I'm going to consider this issue resolved. There are still some corner cases I think we don't handle, but the basic plumbing works and I can fix other errors as they arise.