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production environment setup 生产环境设置 #6

Open strongliang opened 7 years ago

strongliang commented 7 years ago

production platform

GCP(google cloud platform) is quite expensive. about $70/month. For initial phase, a simple VPS (virtual private server) is sufficient. We will be using a VPS hosted on digital ocean

production set up requirement

MMMartt commented 7 years ago

Well, I think maybe several simple shell scripts should be enough for now (???)

strongliang commented 7 years ago

we can start simple when grow when there is a need. the first thing, though, is to make sure a server crash would trigger a restart of the server. This way it reduces the likelihood of the site going down and needing manual intervention.

MMMartt commented 7 years ago

I tried several tools and found a pretty cool one, and here fabric/fabric it is. Maybe we can use it to deploy codes.

Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. (From its readme)

With a little try with this fabric and "flask + gunicorn + nginx + supervisor" earlier today and I felt it really easy to use, with little configuration. We can use old stuff to manage this app, and fabric to install and configure them, automatic.

ps: I also found a piece of code shows how this can work at realpython/flask-deploy.

strongliang commented 7 years ago

cool. I'll give it a read tomorrow. I've been playing with Docker today and it's another option. At work we use Docker extensively for production. It's a great foundation to build on. Do you understand the basics of Docker, such as what is the problem it solves and the benefit it brings?