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[Secure Shell] Something about Secure Shell :D #20

Open creamidea opened 7 years ago

creamidea commented 7 years ago

Q: term_ is undefined ? A:

you don't need to connect. simply load the console when at the connection screen. i just tried it and it worked for me. if term_ is undefined, try loading a second window, or refreshing the current one (ctrl+r). -mike

How to clear /.ssh/known_hosts for chrome extension.

creamidea commented 7 years ago

Offical FAQ

creamidea commented 7 years ago

Q: Can-Secure-Shell-use-my-file?

A: Yes. U can use the import function. You can import:

Anything that ssh cares about.


But, I think some functions are uncompleted! So, be careful.

BTW, the Secure Shell is using the HTML5 FileSystem APIs to store the file. Click here to learn more. And, you can find the file stored on your localhost. (On my system, it is here: %AppData%\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\File System\000\p\00. The name of file is changed because of this.)

Have fun :)