create3000 / x_ite

X_ITE X3D Browser, view and manipulate X3D and VRML scenes in HTML.
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Question: Is it possible to build nodes in JavaScript and add them to a scene? #151

Closed gwhitney closed 10 months ago

gwhitney commented 10 months ago

I mean, other than by parsing a URL or a string, e.g. by createX3DFromString -- I have successfully parsed a string into a dummy scene, and then traversed the node tree starting from scene.rootNodes and extracted nodes and inserted them into the currentScene of a browser. But I meant by calling node constructor functions and supplying field values, all within JavaScript. (Two points of motivation -- if I have a data structure that corresponds well to X3D's node hierarchy, it seems wasteful to generate a string from it and then have x_ite re-parse that string; and second, for adding just a node now and then, it seems like I could do it synchronously, whereas I have to await the createX3DFromString operation.)

I note that on the X3D object, there is a property with the same name as each node type that seems to work as a constructor. I tried new X3D.Cylinder(scene) and it produced a JavaScript entity that looked reasonable to be a Cylinder in the console. I called the .intialize() method on the resulting object, as that seemed to be necessary. But when I set the geometry field of the only Shape node in my scene to this Cylinder (with ordinary JavaScript assignment), I couldn't see anything, only an all-black browser.

Is generating nodes in JavaScript and inserting them into a scene a reasonable thing to try to do? Are there any examples out there of doing so? I tried to look through the documentation site and this repository, but couldn't find anything. Thanks for thoughts/pointers.

create3000 commented 10 months ago

There is the official way to programmatically create nodes:

const scene    = browser .currentScene;
const cylinder = scene .createNode ("Cylinder");

cylinder .height = 4.2;
someShape .geometry = cylinder;

If this is not enough you can create PROTOs:

If this is not enough there are ways to extend X_ITE with "real" custom nodes.

gwhitney commented 10 months ago

Aha, I had tried new X3D.SFNode('Cylinder { height 4.2 }') but the documentation warned it would throw an error if called directly, and it did throw. So I thought there must be some other way to manufacture nodes, but I missed it in Scene services -- thanks for the pointer! (One possible suggestion would be to add a sentence like "Try using scene.createNode() instead.", next to the comment that X3D.SFNode will error.)

create3000 commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the hint, I have updated the documentation in this way.

gwhitney commented 10 months ago

(As far as I am concerned, this issue is complete -- I can create the objects I need now. Did you want me to close it? Or perhaps you are leaving it open on purpose for others to see the answer?)

create3000 commented 10 months ago

If an issue is complete I want to close it normally, either I do or you can do. There is still the possibility to reopen an issue if there are further questions to talk about.