createcandle / Devices

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HAS_BASIC_OLED_SCREEN error compiling Signal_hub 440:3: error: 'scanEeprom' was not declared in this scope #8

Open etellier opened 2 years ago

etellier commented 2 years ago

Can't compile Signal_hub.ino with SSD1306 enabled option :


Platform : arduino uno Arduino IDE 1.8.11 MySensor version : 2.3.2 SSD1306Ascii : 1.3.2 error : Signal_hub:440:3: error: 'scanEeprom' was not declared in this scope

etellier commented 2 years ago

I've found : If you disable/comment line 31 : //#define HAS_TOUCH_SCREEN, it can't be compiled....

createcandle commented 2 years ago

Yes, you can't use two screens at the same time :-)