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Properly capitalize language footer autonyms #1111

Closed mathemancer closed 11 months ago

mathemancer commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

The language footer autonyms (words by which languages refer to themselves) are sometimes not properly capitalized ('properly' here means proper within the grammar of the self-referring language in question).

Also, the capitalization differs in different parts of the site (see screenshots below, and check 'italiano').

Expected behavior

Wherever we are using autonyms in the site, we should double-check the capitalization, and update it if necessary to be correct within the grammar of the self-referring language in question.

A few examples of capitalization and other errors with autonyms are noted in a comment by @mathemancer on PR #1110 , and such inconsistencies exist in other places as well: current corrected
Беларуская беларуская
Català català
Ελληνικά ελληνικά
Español español
Lietuvių lietuvių kalba
Slovenščina slovenščina

The list is not complete, and should be double-checked.

I'm not certain that 'kalba' is necessary in 'lietuvių kalba', but I can't find any examples of 'lietuvių' without a following 'kalba' (when referring to the language). Though 'lietuvių' is a noun, it's in the genitive declension, implying it probably needs to be paired with another noun ('kalba') to make sense. We should definitely check this with a native Lithuanian speaker.

We should strive to

  1. Achieve consistent language autonyms throughout the site.
  2. Have those autonyms be correctly capitalized within the grammar of the self referring language in question.


From : image

From image

Additional context

Language names often aren't capitalized outside of Germanic languages (and even then, it's maybe 50/50).

kgodey commented 4 years ago

Thank you for filing this @mathemancer

TimidRobot commented 4 years ago

All of the Legalcode language selection/footer strings (for both CC0 and CC-* 4.0) are now stored in tools/

TimidRobot commented 4 years ago

The second screenshot is of the deed, which relies on the ccEngine. I recommend the scope of this issue be only the legalcode and a new issue be created once the legalcode has been updated.

sarahpearson commented 4 years ago

I agree that the capitalization is inconsistent, but our process to-date has to been to rely on whatever form the translation team specifies. I'm open to changing how we handle this, however! I have no strong opinions either way.

TimidRobot commented 11 months ago

This was fixed by the 2023-09-27 relaunch of using the new CC Legal Tools (cc-legal-tools-app, cc-legal-tools-data).

The new CC Legal Tools relies on upstream projects for autonyms:

  1. Django: The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines  - Internationalization and localization | Django documentation | Django
  2. Babel: Babel is an integrated collection of utilities that assist in internationalizing and localizing Python applications, with an emphasis on web-based applications.