creativedisturbance / podcasts

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COP 21 Art and Climate Change Prep #288

Closed rmalina closed 8 years ago

rmalina commented 8 years ago

sorry i cant find the github item on t he cop 21 art ajnd climate change for november not sure who to assign this to-is someone in charge of this splash page ?


i have registered us for the art and cop21 committee

we need to start NOW getting art and climate change podcasts did the CD liaison talk to susan erickson about it ?


Dear roger malina,

Thank you for registering your event Creative Disturbance: Art and Climate Change with ArtCOP21.

We will be reviewing all event submissions and will get back to you as soon as we can using the details you've provided. The registration details are copied below for your reference.

If you have a question or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you again, The ArtCOP21 Team,


EVENT CONTACT Organisation name

Creative Disturbance

Contact person

roger malina

Email address

Phone number


Preferred language



Event title

Creative Disturbance: Art and Climate Change

Event by

Creative Disturbance


We are publishing a number of podcasts leading up to COP21 on art and geosciences and art and climate change. We welcome submissions. Check out Some of the podcasts to date can be found at

Event description

Creative Disturbance is the podcast platform for the art-science technology community: http://creativedisturbance,org We feature 20 channels on different art science topics ranging from art and biology, to art and space exploration

We are publishing a number of podcasts leading up to COP21 on art and geosciences and art and climate change. We welcome submissions. Check out Some of the podcasts to date can be found at



Event title

Creative Disturbance" Art et Changement Climatique

Event by

Creative Disturbane


Nous publions des podcasts sur l'occasion de CPOP 21sur art et changement climatique,up to COP21 on art and geosciences and art and climate change. Nous solicitons des soumissions pour publication.. Voir Ecouter des podcasts deja a ://

Event description

Creative Disturbance est une podcast platforme sur les relations arts-sciences=technologies \Nous publions des podcasts sur l'occasion de CPOP 21sur art et changement climatique,up to COP21 on art and geosciences and art and climate change. Nous solicitons des soumissions pour publication.. Voir Ecouter des podcasts deja a ://


EVENT DETAILS Date Start date


End date


Time Start time


End time


Or all day

All day

Special notes

Location Venue name

roger malina


university of texas at dallas









Event Type Event Type


Further information Further info URL

Tickets Entrance charge


How much

Booking page URL


Your logo:



Main image:



creative disturbance

Image 2:



creative disturbance

Image 3:


Image 4:


Image 5:


YouTube video:


rmalina commented 8 years ago

Olivia Gray via 7:46 AM (1 hour ago)

to Cape Hello,

Thank you for registering to be a part of ArtCOP21 - I am pleased to say that your event has been chosen to be included on our website, which launches on the 17th September. When the website is up and running we will send you the link for your own promotion.

We will now start promoting all the fantastic climate-related events that have been accepted, so with this in mind please use #artcop21 and @artcop21 wherever possible. If you do this we will be able to see your posts and will share them onto our extended social media networks. Please also document any projects with images etc and again we will share via twitter and facebook.

On the website there will also be a live social media feed, so any #'s that your visitors/staff/followers do will be included too.

Please also make sure to use the ArtCOP21 logos (attached) on any printed material.

A huge thanks to everyone for taking part, and we look forward to hearing/seeing all the amazing things that you fantastic people are organising right across the globe!

If you need any further information or assistance please do get in touch.

Best Regards,


Instagram - @artcop21 Facebook - @artcop21 Twitter - @art_cop21

Olivia Gray

Research and Projects Assistant

Cape Farewell University of the Arts London Chelsea College of Arts 16 John Islip Street London SW1P 4JU

t: +44 (0)20 7514 8079 e:


rmalina commented 8 years ago

for our art and climate change push use these social media

Instagram - @artcop21 Facebook - @artcop21 Twitter - @art_cop21


porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@rmalina I will forward this information to Susan. I've also added their social media accounts to the Feature Day Action plan for when it's time to do the social media push.

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

Just finished Skyping with Susan. Here are my notes:

Susan will contact:

She told me to bug her in 3 weeks or on 9/30.

yvantina commented 8 years ago

Morgan Trevor will be a perfect fit for art and cop21 on virtual africa would be great if I could sent him a blurb by the end the month

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Yvan Tina Date: 2015-09-07 18:52 GMT-05:00 Subject: Re: LOVELY WEATHER: ART AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Proposal to submit a paper To: Morgan Trevor

2015-08-27 16:16 GMT+02:00 Morgan Trevor <>:

    Please, here's my skype id: trevor.morgan81.
    We can talk between now and the next 2 hours. if you are not able to call I'm going to get another time for it, possibly by next week.

    Sorry for the delay. A number of things have being the reason for my inability to set out a time.


    On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 7:22 AM, Yvan Tina <> wrote:

        Hey Morgan

        Following back on this..haven't heard you for a long time
        hope you're fine - please let me know if we can do a skype call during the first week of september


        2015-08-01 20:45 GMT-05:00 Yvan Tina <>:

            Hi Morgan

            just checking to know what would be your preferred date for a podcast..
            hope this finds you well !


            2015-07-15 10:21 GMT-05:00 Yvan Tina <>:

                Hi Morgan

                What would be the most convenient time for you ?
                I'm happy to do this podcast between now and August 3rd..

                all the best


                2015-07-14 5:19 GMT-05:00 Morgan Trevor <>:

                    Yes Tina,

                    Sorry for the delay in response. I shall be willing to talk about my work. But in few days I shall determine the appropriate time. Meanwhile, let me like to know when you think is best to get it done. I am just trying to set up my skype...


                check out this website for more information on art, synthetic biology and a-life 
porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@yvantina Yes, please do! That would be great!

yvantina commented 8 years ago

Josephine - I would need a draft. Do you already have something I can share ?

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@yvantina The only description and info I have on COP21 is in the Feature Day Action Plan. Scroll down to number 5.

rmalina commented 8 years ago

josephine i am happy to work on the cop21 material who is the lead student on this one ?


On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 5:39 PM, porteriffic wrote:

@yvantina The only description and info I have on COP21 is in the Feature Day Action Plan Scroll to #5

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Roger F Malina is in Dallas 1-510-853-2007

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@rmalina No one is assigned to it yet. So far I've contacted Susan about it and I think Yvan might have a person to do a podcast with for COP21. That's as far as we've gone.

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

All team members have been assigned based on the Feature Day Action Plan

rmalina commented 8 years ago

hi who is working on the art and climate change splash page we are now up on the COP 21 web site

they ask us to post their URL, LOGO and twitter hashtac details below on our web site so these need to go on our splash page

who is assigned to work in the splash page for art and climate change lets meet as soon as possible



Vous avez proposé un événement à l’agenda culturel Paris Climat 2015.

Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que votre événement a été sélectionné et qu’il est aujourd’hui visible sur notre plateforme Nous vous invitons à consulter votre fiche événement et à nous faire part de toute demande éventuelle de modification à l’adresse suivante :

Nous vous demanderons également de bien faire apparaître les éléments suivants sur vos outils de communication:

Enfin, n’hésitez pas à revenir vers nous si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations pour votre communication concernant l’ensemble du programme ArtCOP21.

L’équipe ArtCOP21, @porteriffic @coreysmart92

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@rmalina All team member have been assigned to their roles according to the Feature Day Action Plan.

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

Idea from Yvan:

yvantina commented 8 years ago

3 artists to contact in Perth, Australia Devon Ward >> Cat Jones >> Loren Kronemyer >>

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cat Jones Date: 2015-10-08 21:12 GMT-05:00 Subject: Re: Art and Climate Change Podcasts for COP21 !! To: Yvan Tina Cc: Loren Kronemyer,

Dear Yvan

It was a pleasure to meet you too and wish we could have talked some more!

Thanks so much for the information and links below and for the encouragement. Great to know that the podcasts are part of a strategy around cop21.

I look forward to reading more and more about what you are up to (and Roger) and hopefully making submissions.

all the best


Cat Jones @_jonescat

2015 Projects Lamentable You, Sydney Art Month, March Synapse, BiM UniSA, Adelaide, February and May Distant Yet Connected, 643 Project Space, Ventura CA April The Institute of Art and Olfaction, Los Angeles CA, April Somatic Drifts, ANAT/Hawke Centre, Adelaide July Force Majeure, Perth August EcoSexual Bathhouse, Pony Express, Perth, September NeoLife, SLSA Conference, Perth, October National Experimental Arts Forum, Perth, October Climate Century, Vitalstatistix, Adelaide October November

On Oct 9, 2015, at 12:48 PM, Yvan Tina wrote:

Dear Devon, Cat and Loren

it was a pleasure to meet you in Perth even though we didn't have time to interact as much as we could have

  • it was great conference and I really enjoyed your DIY youtube presentation and ecosex panel discussion (i don't look at gardens the same way and don't despair to be a genius ;)

as i said, please feel free to send us your podcast or to schedule a skype call to record one if you'd like to share your work/ideas/reseach with the artscitech community :)

also I thought I should bring the information below to your attention it would be great to hear from you and to make the actual records before the beginning of the conference if you want to -- I know Devon your trip is scheduled for january but maybe you can address a few issues that you and your collaborator are going to explore in Finland ?? Loren and Cat, the possibilities are wide open :)

anyway, just wanted to keep in touch as i'm still recovering from the jetlag before it's too late

hope this finds you well and do not hesitate to ask any question or concern you may have

all the best


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: roger malina Date: 2015-09-28 23:29 GMT-05:00 Subject: [Yasmin: Art and Climate Change- help us broadcast the trouble you are making for COP21 !! To: yasmin_announcements


Art and Climate Change- help us broadcast the trouble you are making for COP21 !!


Join us in exploring how different fields push us towards a clean future Climate is everyone’s business. In anticipation of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) on Nov 15, Creative Disturbance will feature podcasts discussing:

Sustainable global culture and economy Environmental change and awareness Ways citizens are active in promoting a greener future

Kind of podcasts to submit:

Professionals in the field can discuss if they already see changes occurring to help the environment. What movements have they overseen that are now successful? Students can discuss how ways to encourage environmental change and awareness. How important it is for us to implement these changes now?

Can’t submit a podcast? Other ways you can help:

Learn about COP21 and share the movement within your local community Blog about promoting a green future Spread the word on social media using #ArtCOP21 #FightForTheFuture

Facebook: Artcop21 Twitter: @art_cop21 Instagram: @artcop21

To learn more, please visit

Some of our art and earth science podcasts can be heard at

and we will be posting new podcasts regularly over the coming weeks

With much thanks,

The Creative Disturbance Team

yvantina commented 8 years ago

Rebecca Perry looks at the effects of nuclear radiation on seashells should be definitely contacted - can you put her in touch with Susan Eriksson for a podcast ?

Dear Yvan, It was wonderful to meet you in Perth, and thank you for all of this good information and links! I hope we can find time to continue some of the interesting conversational threads in Houston. Are you presenting there?

You must be incredibly jet lagged, with such a quick trip to Australia. I'm settling in to a new job in a new state, and I am feeling a bit "place-lagged." I often spend time on the East Coast but never before in the feels strange, though Fall is beautiful here.

I do not know Susan Eriksson, but she sounds great--I will definitely check out her work. I look forward to exploring creative disturbance! Thanks again for our conversation and for staying in touch.



On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:13 PM, Yvan Tina wrote:

Dear Rebecca

it was a pleasure to meet you in Perth even though we didn't have time to interact as much as we could have - hopefully we'd be able to catch up in Houston..

so, as i said, it would be a great thing if you would like to share your work/research on creative disturbance      

and I thought I should bring this to your attention (see below)
it would be great to hear from you and to make the actual records before the beginning of the conference if you want to --  do you know Susan Eriksson ?? she runs the Art and Earh Science channel on Creative Disturbance and would be a great person to talk with 

anyway, just wanted to keep in touch as i'm still recovering from the jetlag before it's too late 

hope this finds you well and do not hesitate to ask any question or concern you may have

all the best


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: roger malina <>
Date: 2015-09-28 23:29 GMT-05:00
Subject: [Yasmin: Art and Climate Change- help us broadcast the trouble you are making for COP21 !!
To: yasmin_announcements <>


Art and Climate Change- help us broadcast the trouble you are making
for COP21 !! 


Join us in exploring how different fields push us towards a clean future 

Climate is everyone’s business. In anticipation of the United Nations
Conference on Climate Change (COP21) on Nov 15, Creative Disturbance
will feature podcasts discussing:

Sustainable global culture and economy
Environmental change and awareness
Ways citizens are active in promoting a greener future

Kind of podcasts to submit:

Professionals in the field can discuss if they already see changes
occurring to help the environment. What movements have they overseen
that are now successful?
Students can discuss how ways to encourage environmental change and
awareness. How important it is for us to implement these changes now?

Can’t submit a podcast? Other ways you can help:

Learn about COP21 and share the movement within your local community
Blog about promoting a green future
Spread the word on social media using #ArtCOP21 #FightForTheFuture

Facebook: Artcop21
Twitter: @art_cop21
Instagram: @artcop21

To learn more, please visit 

Some of our art and earth science podcasts can be heard at 

and we will be posting new podcasts regularly over the coming weeks

With much thanks,

The Creative Disturbance Team
rmalina commented 8 years ago

josephine- as soon as you fill better lets meet and plan a week by week task list for the cop21 art and climate change/ i am out next week oct 20-24 roger @porteriffic

yvantina commented 8 years ago

@porteriffic A UTD student that might be of interest for COP 21

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@yvantina Thanks, Yvan. I'll email him this week.

Update: Emailed Hazem.

yvantina commented 8 years ago

Just FYI - no pressure, just wanted to bring this to your attention !


Below is some information about an upcoming NYC event regarding the art and science of climate change. Thought you might be interested. If the email is not displaying properly, please view it online here <

. Additional information from Cooper Union is available here < .

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Melissa Fleming — Melissa Fleming Web: <

Twitter: @mf_360

The Weather Gamut Web: <

Twitter: @weathergamut

Begin forwarded message:

View Online x-msg://11/{VR_HOSTED_LINK} x-msg://11/{VR_SOCIAL_SHARE_FACEBOOK} x-msg://11/{VR_SOCIAL_SHARE_TWITTER}

Glacial Lake, Alaska, 2013 Art Update: November 2015 Greetings!

Please join me on Monday, November 16th for two events at The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design.

First, at 6PM, I will be giving a special lecture that I developed called “The Art and Science of Climate Change." Blending my two worlds, this slide presentation explores how art can help broaden the public conversation and create new pathways to understanding climate change. It will introduce the basic science of climate change and explore how artists from around the globe are reacting to its diverse impacts and possible solutions. This event is co-sponsored by the SciArt Center < .

After the talk, from 7PM to 8:30PM, there will be a reception for the group exhibition, "Visualizing Climate Change" in which I will be showing images from my ongoing series on American Glaciers < . The exhibit and reception will be held in the 7th Floor Lobby of the same building as the lecture. The show runs through November 23rd. For more information about the exhibition please click here < .

The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design The Cooper Union Foundation Building ​7 East 7th Street, Room 715 (between Third and Fourth Avenues) New York, NY 10003

TO ATTEND THE TALK, you must RSVP via email to: Space is limited.

No RSVP is required for the exhibition reception following the talk. ​ Hope to see you there!

All the best, Melissa

Primarily Color This image from my Wax Flora < series will be part of a group exhibition called "Primarily Color" at the Atlantic Gallery in Chelsea from December 1-12.

Opening Reception: ​Thursday, December 3 from 5-8 PM.

The Atlantic Gallery 548 West 28th Street, Suite 540 New York, NY 10001

Inquiries Please contact me to arrange a presentation of "The Art and Science of Climate Change" for your organization. x-msg://11/{VR_TWITTER_URL} Stay in Touch! Web: <

Email: Twitter: @mf_360 <

Studio Melissa Fleming <

New York, NY 10036

Update your Email Preferences x-msg://11/{EMAIL_PREFERENCES} or Unsubscribe x-msg://11/{UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK} x-msg://11/{VR_MARKETING_URL}

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

@yvantina Very cool! I'll email her this week. Thank you!

yvantina commented 8 years ago

When art meets science meets climate change issues meets education meets pleasure ....

I know I know.. Just FYI for podcasts in Spanish