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develop stingers based on USTs #297

Closed rmalina closed 9 years ago

rmalina commented 9 years ago


i would like to meet with you and scot to discuss the idea of your experimental team developing bumpers and stingers that illustrate sound icons known as UST's- scot knows all about it and i am really interested in seing this done and would be pleased to work with you on this for discussion at your experimental meeting -when is it ?

i talked to frank dufour and scot about the idea and they would be delighted to work with us on this

frank already has a few examples we can use and imitate frank has stuff we can read

roger @cassininazir

here is the article by michael austin

ANALYSIS A CASE STUDY IN ANALYZING MUSICAL MULTIMEDIA USING UNITÉS SÉMIOTIQUES TEMPORELLES Unités Sémiotiques Temporelles, (or USTs) are 19 phenomenologically perceived units that constitute a system developed at the Laboratoire Musique et Informatique de Marseille (MIM) to analyze and teach the composition of electro-acoustic music. This label instantly suggests a heavy emphasis on time and temporality; however, the name of each unit describes sound in terms of movement over time (Chute, Qui avance, Par vagues1 , etc.). In his essay, “Les Unités Sémiotiques Temporelles: Problématique et essai de définition”, François Delalande defines USTs as: … A musical segment, which, without regard to context, has a precise temporal significance as a morphological organization of sound (the USTs themselves are equivalent, and abstract, segments that present, without regard to context, temporal significance as with similar modes of morphological organization).2 [translation mine] 87

halclark commented 9 years ago

Good understanding of what needs to be produced. Produced a few already with more coming.