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Creative disturbance students present at RAW #360

Closed rmalina closed 8 years ago

rmalina commented 8 years ago


lets brainstorm how we can use RAW to do some kind of student presentatins from creative disturbance


Poe Johnson 11:41 AM (10 minutes ago)

to Cassini, roger Not mentioning sound might be something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Since I've been organizing RAW, we've never had a proposal that dealt with sound design so it's not included in the CFP, but maybe we've never had a sound design proposal because it's not included in the CFP. That said, we would more than welcome sound design projects.

Because I will be organizing and running the conference, I can't see myself being a presenter. However, I think it would be great if Creative Disturbance could have a presence there, not just on a panel, but maybe in recording podcasts with panelists and presenters.

Sent from Outlook

From: roger malina Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 11:25 AM Subject: Re: raw To: Nazir, Cassini, Poejohnson

cassini maybe we can organise a small panel where we present the gender and diversity aspects of creative disturbance we can discuss later


poe-see cassini's comment about lack of reference to sound !

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 11:21 AM, Nazir, Cassini wrote:

Glad you sent this out. Yes! I can send out to everyone but think the most interested/likely candidates are probably:

Lina Chaz Poe

Encouraging the sound designers to submit their work will be important too. Interesting that anything sound related is not listed in the submission list!

Cassini Nazir

Clinical Associate Professor, School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication Director of Design and Research, ArtSciLab The University of Texas at Dallas

From: [] on behalf of roger malina [] Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 8:09 PM To: Nazir, Cassini Subject: raw

cassini why dont we try and organise a strong contingent of presentations at RAW this year from art sci lab

including undergraduate research !


Theme: The Humanities and Social Justice

University of Texas at Dallas Arts & Humanities Graduate Student Association March 4th and March 5th, 2016 Keynote: Dr. Sandy Stone Theme: The Humanities and Social Justice Submission Deadline: December 18th, 2015 The Arts & Humanities Graduate Student Association of the University of Texas at Dallas will hold its eighth annual RAW: Research, Art, Writing Graduate Symposium on March 4th and 5th at the UT Dallas campus in Richardson, TX. Organized by and for graduate students, RAW offers students from around the country the opportunity to share their work and ideas with peers across the humanistic disciplines. Despite a growing rhetoric to the contrary, the humanities have never been more important. The perpetuation of systemic oppressions—poverty, anti-gay violence and legislation, sexism, police brutality, racism, and militarization—has generated social unrest throughout the world. The theme of this year’s RAW, “The Humanities and Social Justice,” focuses on scholarly efforts in all humanities-related fields to address the institutional marginalizations that have inspired activist movements. RAW is dedicated to amplifying the voices of all graduate students within the humanities; regardless of the theme, we will accept papers or panels from any academic focus or discipline as long as it connects with the humanities. This year we are proud to welcome Dr. Sandy Stone as our keynote speaker. For over thirty years, Dr. Stone’s writings on critical theory and media, along with art that conceptualizes the relationship between technology and identity, have combined the intense rigor of academic work with an investment in the lives and well-being of marginalized people. In 1979, her foundational text, “The Empire Strikes Back: A Post-Transsexual Manifesto,” helped create space for Transgendered Studies and other academic fields of inquiry dedicated to exploring the realities of marginalized groups from their own perspectives. The founding director of the ACTLab at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Stone exemplifies the interdisciplinary spirit at the heart of the A&H program at UT Dallas and the RAW Graduate Symposium. Each interested participant may submit one 200-word abstract for a 15-minute individual presentation and/or one submission of a full panel that includes three to four individual presentations. There are no limitations on topic, field, genre, or methodology. Submissions may include, but are not limited to: • excerpt of an M.A. paper or thesis • excerpt of a seminar paper • excerpt from a dissertation • animation, video, or film projects • excerpt from a novel, play, or short story • M.F.A. final project • selection of poetry • dance or other performance piece • art work (paintings, ceramics, drawings, etc.) • games Proposals are due by December 18, 2015. All proposals must include the following: • A complete mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, field, and affiliation of participant • An abstract of no more than 200 words for the proposed presentation that includes 3 to 5 keywords • For creative pieces, the medium and space requirements for the work/presentation Panel proposals must include a proposal for the panel, a short description of each presentation, and the above information for each participant. Send submissions and questions to Registration information will follow. For additional information, see

Roger F Malina is in Dallas 1-510-853-2007

Roger F Malina is in Dallas 1-510-853-2007

porteriffic commented 8 years ago

RAW Conference updates located in Google Drive here