creativedisturbance / podcasts

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open turkish channel #449

Closed rmalina closed 8 years ago

rmalina commented 8 years ago

lina ashton @cassininazir @yvantina

can you work with altug to set up the new turkish channel in march ?


Dear Cenk Dereli and Sarphan Uzunoglu

We are delighted that you have agreed to work with Altug Akin to produce a new channel on the Creative Disturbance platform- we will be moving this platform to a MIT URL later this spring so it will have much visibility !

Let me introduce you to the two students here who you will work with to set up the channel

Lina Moon- she does a lot of our web work, new channels, graphics etc and development of the platform

Ashton Brillante is the project coordinator and you will work with him to post podcasts- ashton can you send the team the instructions ?

the idea is that you will work with altug to produce podcasts- normally under 15 minutes- in any language

when you submit the podcasts we need information like the title, desiption and short bios and photos of what we call the voices

we have a portuguese channel going up in february- so we would hope to set yours up in march

the first podcast could be the three of you discussing ! you can record podcasts in person or on skype-ashton will send instructions

we are pleased to provide you a $1000 US honorarium and will announce your fellowships -we are now working with students in south africa, egypt porutgal and are trying to find other students in other parts of the world- the funds for these awards was raised through a kickstarter campaign

we do not specify the number of podcasts, but it should be 'several' each-and altug indicated that we might be able to work with you to raise additional funds to keep the channel going

if you confirm that you are interested in working with altug=then i we will need your bank account information

we all look forward to working with you

roger malina

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Altug Akin wrote:

Dear Roger and rest of the team CreativeDisturbance,

Finally, I got two graduate students who are willing to contribute to Turkish series of CD. Here is the their names and contact information: Cenk Dereli Sarphan Uzunoglu

I explained them the project and they're waiting for your emails. And meanwhile, I'm looking forward to Ashton's guidelines.

Roger, do not worry about the language diversity you want to establish in CD: Our podcasts will be mostly in Turkish, and occasionally, depending on theme and guest, in English.



On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 5:35 PM, roger malina wrote:


absolutely enthusiastic about the proposed media, arts and communication Turkey channel you might work with your students to see if we can come up with a catchy name !

this email puts you in touch with ashton brillante, an undergraduate student who is now the overall coordinator for creative disturbance

ashton can send you some of our guidelines for recording podcasts- our normal formal is 15 minutes a bit longer is ok- if its going to be much longer its best to break it down into several 15 minute podcasts ( our use case is people listening while they are doing something else eg commuting or exercising and longer podcasts dont work well)

your proposal for the podcast with a test one is fine- ashton will explain to you how to deposit a podcast into the system with the descriptive material and rights release (these will change a bit soon as we are moving the system to the MIT url soon)

note- we encourage podcasts in different languages than english- we are trying to be multiplingual- in some cases people have done one english version and one other language versio ( eg aranic)

lina moon can work with you to develop a logo for the channel- unless one of your students wants/can do that- lina has great visual graphic skills

for the bumper/stinger- the 10 seconds of music at the beginnign and end of the podcast again ashton can have a student here develop one or work with one of yoru studentts to do this

delighted to partner/help if you know anywhere to go for funding so you can sustain the effort yvan tina who runs our Virtual Africa channel is planning to go for funding for that

once you have selected the students we will need bank information- we send a 1000 $ speaking honorarium- i assume these are not us residents-

very excited about this

with the other new channels we have started we know it will take a few weeks to get organised and set up- we have a new portuguese channel about to go up next week !

i am also copying this to professor cassini nazir who oversees the student team here

roger malina

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Altug Akin wrote:

Thanks for your quick response Roger:

Based on your responses and earlier correspondence, here's what I think:

We begin a channel tentatively named "media, arts and communication Turkey" and it covers the intersection of these three domains as well as any possible relevant fields (such as design). We begin with two graduate students, one based in Istanbul the other in Izmir to work under my supervision. It works like this: they propose their suggested interviewees and topics to me and then with my approval produce the podcasts. In the first step, they each make 5-7 podcasts, and meanwhile we try to gather some more volunteers or look for other means of funding the new comers. In order to provide them an example and guidelines, I make one or two podcasts, where we establish the format to be followed by them (by the way is there any format requirements, such as using a particular intro music, or labeling the program in any particular way?). If this framework is fine for you, I'll get in touch with graduate students and then will get back to you.

All the best,


On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 1:40 PM, roger malina wrote:


some responses

  • we are just getting this initiative going- we raised 20,000$ through kickstarter and are starting by awarding $1000 grants to students internationally

we could potentially award two grants of $1000 in turkey

our podcast format is 15 minutes- but one can do several with one guest

we are totally open to whether the channel is geographic or thematic or mixed= we are interested in getting podcasts in different languages also = and we are trying to have good gender balance among our speakers

we havent set a fixed number of podcasts- as we are experimenting= but lets say at least 5 is maybe reasonable

the podcasts are intended to be professional to professional communication ie to peers or to graduate students- we hope to help professionals develop podcast publishing as part of their professional practice- we will be moving the web site to MIT later this spring

in terms of follow up beyond the initial grant we are very open to ideas- for instance yvan tina that runs the virtual africa channel has found one student in egypt and one in south africa- and we are discussing applying for project funding that would include the students beyond the initial grant

for instance also the french leonardo non profit is in a number of EU grants- and the art and biology channel is being in part funded by that EU grant in europe

in other cases the organisation that has opened the channel ( et the Human Impacts Institute) is just including the channel as part of their organisations communication strategy and is included in their own initiatives and we agree to keep carrying the channel

finally in terms of editorial scope- we cover the broad intersections of arts/design/humanities with science/engineering- but we are finding that many of the podcast authors have very diverse professional practices so we are happy to have podcasts in other theme areas as they make sense


On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Altug Akin wrote:

Dear Lina,

Thanks for your email, and I'm very pleased to (e-)meet you as well.

As I've been thinking about possible names of graduate students who might be interested in contributing to CD, I realized that there are some points that I should be more clear about. And I'll be pleased if you or Roger can clarify these, so that we can move forward more efficiently.

As I looked through the podcasts, I realized that there are some country specific ones (for instance Iran) and thematic ones (for example Audiolats). So should I propose you students, in the scope of a Turkey-specific series, or rather as potential contributors to existing thematic series? I think, I would prefer the first one, by the way.

Secondly, the fellowship is 1) For how many podcasts? 2) How long are the podcasts supposed to be? 3) what is the amount of the fellowship? 4) If there is more than one student, do they share the fellowship or each gets the fellowship individually?

Thirdly, how the podcasts series are sustained once the fellowship holders finish their share of podcasts? Voluntarily, or sponsored in other ways like fellowships?

I'm looking forward to your answers, and once we are clear about these, I'll propose you some names for this project which excites me, indeed.

All the Best

Altug Akin

On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Lina Moon wrote:

Hi Altug,

Happy new year! It's good to (e-)meet you. As Roger mentioned, my name is Lina, and I am coordinating the student grants for Creative Disturbance.

I just wanted to follow up with you and say that we'd be delighted to have a graduate student that would be interested in gaining exposure for their research and producing podcasts on Creative Disturbance, at your recommendation.

Please feel free to let us know if there's anyone that comes to mind, and we'd be glad to connect.

Best, Lina Moon

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Altug Akin wrote:

Great roger,

For a week, I'll be on vacation and once I'm back, I'll have a think about it.


Altug Akin

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 4:35 AM, roger malina wrote:

altug delighed to hear f Vrom you !! and best for 2016

the project i mentioned it is Creative Disturbance

we boadcast podcasts by professionals for professionals in the broad fields of connecting the arts and emerging technologies and arts and science

we raised money by crowdfunding to give 1000 dollar speaking 'fellowships) to students internationally who would agree to publish a few podcasts ( in any language) with advanced students or professionals in their own community

i would be delighted if you could find a student ( MA or PhD) who might be interested in doing this under your supervision in turkey !

we are moving the platform to MIT in the spring -so its great visibility

i am copying this to lina moon who is coordinating who student fellow program


On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Altug Akin wrote:

Dear Roger,

After the party at Price's house on Saturday evening, I'm sending you this email, as I promised, with the hope of keeping in touch with you. If you inform me about the podcast project you mentioned that night, I'll do my best to find someone who can contribute to tour project, if it cannot be myself.

Best Regards and Happy New Year.

Altug Akin

Visiting Scholar at Annenberg School for Communication, UPENN

Assistant Professor Doctor at Faculty of Communication, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Reporter for BBC World Service, Turkish Section

Roger F Malina is in Paris my cell 33-6-80-45-94-47

Visiting Scholar at Annenberg School for Communication, UPENN

Assistant Professor Doctor at Faculty of Communication, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Reporter for BBC World Service, Turkish Section

Visiting Scholar at Annenberg School for Communication, UPENN

Assistant Professor Doctor at Faculty of Communication, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Reporter for BBC World Service, Turkish Section

Roger F Malina is in Dallas 510-853-2007

Visiting Scholar at Annenberg School for Communication, UPENN

Assistant Professor Doctor at Faculty of Communication, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Reporter for BBC World Service, Turkish Section

Roger F Malina is in Dallas 510-853-2007

Visiting Scholar at Annenberg School for Communication, UPENN

Assistant Professor Doctor at Faculty of Communication, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Reporter for BBC World Service, Turkish Section

Roger F Malina is in Dallas 510-853-2007

rmalina commented 8 years ago

@amb141330 check out the turkish channel github item

coreysmart92 commented 8 years ago

@amb141330 Assign/create sub tasks github items then Close.