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Radiation art_ telematic residence fellowship #586

Open yvantina opened 8 years ago

yvantina commented 8 years ago

@cassininazir @rmalina @amb141330 Just an idea, nothing serious, but I thought I should bring this to your attention.. maybe CD could be a remote resident... ??

EXTENDED deadline - May 22, 2016

OPEN CALL for ELEONORE summer residency 2016

RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore

August 1 – September 11, 2016

Linz, Austria

In the winter of 2008-2009, the 100 year old Station Messschiff Eleonore was bought, adapted and docked by the Donautic team at the Danube harbor in Linz. Since 2009, Eleonore, once a survey vessel, has been powered by solar energy, equipped with *radio components and modified to host artists in residency. As part of Stadtwerkstatt’s cultural initiatives that focus on free/open culture and information technology, Eleonore declares itself an autonomous art ship gathering local and international residents for meetings, debates, research and lab works.

This summer, “RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore”, Eleonore’s residency 2016 opens its beds and decks to receive free flowing, temporal residents for special trans/MISSION daze/days in the Danube waterways. We call for transmit-ers, wave-surfers, code-breakers, swimmers, boat people, (un)wired creatures to brave the troubled waters, take on water as medium for transmission and expand on Eleonore’s **radio beacon project that started in 2011.

As an influential figure in underground radio art, Mini-FM, microradio, ***Tetsuo Kogawa of Polimorphous Space has accepted our invitation as Eleonore’s honorable resident for this summer. We launch this open call with his recent statement-

“No more broad-casting; no more art-radio.

The point is transmission itself: radioart is radiation art.”

Recalling the sputnik satellite’s outer space broadcast of radio pulses in the fifties, we invite artists of the world to be part of an autonomous radionetwork - transmit a signal once a day at the frequency of 7.067 MHz, an SSTV signal with senseless content.

The spectrum is set free. Ride the waves and dive into the Danube.

****Check in with us for a drop by and short stay residency on the Eleonore.

Eleonore artist in residency is a Stadtwerkstatt’s project.

Open call application - email to Shu Lea

-a brief bio, -web link(s), -a brief project/task of your practice, -your desired dates for stay.

Tags: micro, macro, shortwaves, longwaves, VLF, VHF, currents, wavelength.


1 shortwave transceiver yaesu ft847

1 shortwave transceiver icom R75

1 Automatic Antenna tuner

1 Transceiver FT7100

2 horizontal dipol antenna

1 Hexbeam antenna

1 embeded system for remote control

\ Eleonore radio beacon project, DER BAKENSENDER, was started in 2011 with Franz Xaver, DoNAUtik Stadtwerksatt, Nina Wernhard, Armin Medosch.

*\ Tetsuo Kogawa -

A Radioart Manifesto -

**\ This year Eleonore experiments with the concept of ‘collective’ residency. We will pair/coordinate projects/people together to come on board Eleonore. There is a small amount of funding available to assist radio art practices during the residency.

rmalina commented 8 years ago

yvan we need to put new initiatives like this on hold our priorities for the summer are a) get back to regular scheduling of podcasts and meet 3/week regularly b) coordinating the creative disturber international students c) upgrading the system for process improvement d) moving the system to mit press e) training the new team

and you need to focus on raising funding for virtual africa !

keep sending suggestions but we have to keep focused


Roger F Malina is in Dallas 1-510-853-2007

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 3:34 PM, yvantina wrote:

@cassininazir @rmalina @amb141330 Just an idea, nothing serious, but I thought I should bring this to your attention.. maybe CD could be a remote resident... ??

EXTENDED deadline - May 22, 2016

OPEN CALL for ELEONORE summer residency 2016

RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore

August 1 – September 11, 2016

Linz, Austria

In the winter of 2008-2009, the 100 year old Station Messschiff Eleonore was bought, adapted and docked by the Donautic team at the Danube harbor in Linz. Since 2009, Eleonore, once a survey vessel, has been powered by solar energy, equipped with *radio components and modified to host artists in residency. As part of Stadtwerkstatt’s cultural initiatives that focus on free/open culture and information technology, Eleonore declares itself an autonomous art ship gathering local and international residents for meetings, debates, research and lab works.

This summer, “RADIO ACTIVE – SINK and SWIM with Eleonore”, Eleonore’s residency 2016 opens its beds and decks to receive free flowing, temporal residents for special trans/MISSION daze/days in the Danube waterways. We call for transmit-ers, wave-surfers, code-breakers, swimmers, boat people, (un)wired creatures to brave the troubled waters, take on water as medium for transmission and expand on Eleonore’s **radio beacon project that started in 2011.

As an influential figure in underground radio art, Mini-FM, microradio, ***Tetsuo Kogawa of Polimorphous Space has accepted our invitation as Eleonore’s honorable resident for this summer. We launch this open call with his recent statement-

“No more broad-casting; no more art-radio.

The point is transmission itself: radioart is radiation art.”

Recalling the sputnik satellite’s outer space broadcast of radio pulses in the fifties, we invite artists of the world to be part of an autonomous radionetwork - transmit a signal once a day at the frequency of 7.067 MHz, an SSTV signal with senseless content.

The spectrum is set free. Ride the waves and dive into the Danube.

****Check in with us for a drop by and short stay residency on the


Eleonore artist in residency is a Stadtwerkstatt’s project.

Open call application - email to Shu Lea

-a brief bio, -web link(s), -a brief project/task of your practice, -your desired dates for stay.

Tags: micro, macro, shortwaves, longwaves, VLF, VHF, currents, wavelength.


  • Eleonore's current existing radio equipments

1 shortwave transceiver yaesu ft847

1 shortwave transceiver icom R75

1 Automatic Antenna tuner

1 Transceiver FT7100

2 horizontal dipol antenna

1 Hexbeam antenna

1 embeded system for remote control

\ Eleonore radio beacon project, DER BAKENSENDER, was started in 2011 with Franz Xaver, DoNAUtik Stadtwerksatt, Nina Wernhard, Armin Medosch.

*\ Tetsuo Kogawa -

A Radioart Manifesto -

**\ This year Eleonore experiments with the concept of ‘collective’ residency. We will pair/coordinate projects/people together to come on board Eleonore. There is a small amount of funding available to assist radio art practices during the residency.

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ritwikjk commented 6 years ago

@rmalina is this still possible ? to be a remote resident?