creativeorange / craft-article

Edit richt text content in Craft CMS using Article by Imperavi.
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Some things #15

Closed wmdhosting closed 2 years ago

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

Any plans.. to add this by default.. I think this will move people to use it more..

  1. Snipets
  2. Templates
  3. Cards
  4. Carousel
  5. Make a button
dejury commented 2 years ago

Hi @wmdhosting! Thanks for submitting new ideas for this Craft Plugin.

By default this should already be possible by using custom configuration, as documented here:

I hope this will help.

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

OK thx. have seen..

Testing now. and still getting some issue..

when i add it first time, all works ok..
Then i save entry and come back .. and cant do anything. Snag_10ee8cb6

After entry save.. or preview.. Snag_10eefc49


dejury commented 2 years ago

Did you already update the plugin to version 1.1 which was released yesterday? If you did and still getting that error, can you please check if there are any error in your console?

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago



wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

I made custom boostrap config.. i will send you for docs if you want after i finish all tweaks. so its easier for other people...

Here is how are things now..

1. Standalone field . all work ok.. 2. Inside matrix.. All work now ok.. in preview too
but after i save entry and go to edit again i get like this..


Then i turn preview ON... field activated again ALL OK:: and back from preview all OK. field is activated .. But after save it get like that above.

i found two more things.. When much content .. toolbar not visible.. 100% Snag_7218bd

Slide in window.. not showing.. Snag_733bb1

dejury commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, this really helps us! I will work on this issue soon, keep you updated!

Any content for the documentation is more then welcome 👍🏻

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

Just update few more things.. Snag_1ad01581

1. I changed that CP CSS plugin.. `body.ltr .meta>.field>.input>.select select {background: white;padding-left: 7px;} body.ltr .meta>.field>.input>.select:after {right: 7px;} .input .arx-path a.arx-path-item span {color: #008CCC;} .input .arx-path span {color: rgba(0,11,29,.6);} .arx-popup-stack.arx-popup-stack-addbar .arx-popup-item-container .arx-popup-item-icon {color: #008CCC;}

2. Native image field / replace image / add multiple images..


3. Image style


4. Cell Icons not well places. beter if posiblel on control bar too Snag_1ad65888

5. Style select option ..

Snag_1ad6e8c2 Snag_1ad7a098

Spent quite some time on carousel plugin.. but dont work withou image field.. Have soem more tweaks. then will send you final CSS and info

dejury commented 2 years ago

I can't reproduce your issue in the Content Matrix. My fields are working okay over there! Could you try it again? I just released v2.0.0-beta.1 for compatibility with CraftCMS 4, the issue is not reproducable in that version too.

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

Still same.

  1. After adding all OK:.
  2. Preview all OK
  3. Back from preview OK:.

But when i save.. or just now tryed to save.., and was just page relaod without save as i didnt filled some field in other block..

ANd have that issue . .here is error i see aafter that... if helps.. Snag_bde20dd

dejury commented 2 years ago

I am still unable to reproduce this issue, maybe i'm not doing the same you are doing.

Is it possible to generate a screencast for me how to reproduce this? Maybe this will help me.

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

OK will send you soon..

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

dejury commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for the screencast, really helped me! I released a new version for CraftCMS 3 (v1.1.1) & a new version for CraftCMS 4 (v2.0.1) which should fix this issue :)

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

Much better on Craft 3, still issue after save entry..and edit.. but when i turn preview its OK. and back..

ITs OK.. soon i will upgrade to CRAFT 4 and let you know.. :)


dejury commented 2 years ago

@wmdhosting Can you please create a new issue for that specific issue and provide me with a screencast? This way we can keep track of all seperate bugs. Thanks for your help so far :)

wmdhosting commented 2 years ago

will do after CRAFT 4 upgrade.. if still there..