creativeorange / craft-article

Edit richt text content in Craft CMS using Article by Imperavi.
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Craftarticle.js #21

Closed wmdhosting closed 6 months ago

wmdhosting commented 1 year ago


just upgraded to 4, all work OK. :) just getting this..
Any idea what can be..

wmdhosting commented 1 year ago

i have issue. in matrix. when i save.. entry i get..back in gray blocked editor.. Snag_1186fd4f

And still this issue above on frontend..

Any help..

wmdhosting commented 1 year ago

Do you still activly developing this plugin..

wmdhosting commented 1 year ago


If you dont plan to work on plugin anymore. can someone takeover..

hatyi commented 1 year ago

Hi I'm also getting the Garnish is not defined error.

wmdhosting commented 6 months ago

WHat is status of this ..plugin and future..

I bougth plugin some years ago. spent quite time and money customising it And then some bugs prevented me from using it..

And then no body respond for year and half now..

Edsardio commented 6 months ago

Hi @wmdhosting ,

Due to one of our developers leaving we lost vision on the plugin. We plan on maintaining the plugin if a bug comes along and updating the plugin whenever necessary.

If you have any outstanding questions we could help you with let us know!