The current behavior includes only the styles of argon-angular-dashboard. It has all the dependencies installed, however, it doesn't show the styles of Angular material
Steps to Reproduce
In order to replicate this issue, follow the following steps:
Download the free version of argon-angular-dashboard
Add dependencies of angular material by using ng add @angular/material
Add @import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css"; in your styles.scss
Add any component in your HTML component, for example, let take a button.
<button mat-raised-button color="accent">Accent</button>
Check the output on your page.
Device: Lenovo Thinkpad
Operating System: Ubuntu 19.10
Browser and Version: chrome Version 80.0.3987.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Angular material is not working after installing it to the free version of the argon-angular-dashboard screenshot attached.
Expected Behavior
The expected result should include:
Current Behavior
The current behavior includes only the styles of argon-angular-dashboard. It has all the dependencies installed, however, it doesn't show the styles of Angular material
Steps to Reproduce
In order to replicate this issue, follow the following steps:
ng add @angular/material
<button mat-raised-button color="accent">Accent</button>
Output screenshot