Closed sztanga closed 3 years ago
Hello @sztanga! Thanks for using our products. Can you please let me know what is the value of IS_DEMO in your .env file.
Thank you
Thanks for your response!
The bug was fixed when I removed this part of the code from ProfileController but I think its not a solution:
if (Gate::denies('update', auth()->user())) {
return back()->withErrors([
'not_allow_password' => __('You are not allowed to change the password for a default user.')
We have fixed the issue and pushed it to the project. You can download the archive from the downloads section in the Creative Tim website.
All the best
Great stuff, thanks for quick response!
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.
Expected Behavior
When I change my password in the profile I want the password to be changed
Current Behavior
Some users have reported that they have an error when trying to update their password (they probably use autofill but it shouldn't matter)
Failure Information (for bugs)
I couldn't replicate this issue
Steps to Reproduce
Couldn't replicate it, some of the users have send me a video where they enter current password, new password and repeating new password, then they got an error from here (profile controller):
Didn't change anything with regards to user profile. I use latest version of argon pro on ubuntu 20.04 with LAMP stack, php 7.4, mysql 8
Failure Logs