creativetimofficial / ct-argon-dashboard-pro-nodejs

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gulp messing up argon.css? #4

Open Ben79543 opened 4 years ago

Ben79543 commented 4 years ago

HI support, I've purchased the pro version, and when I run "npm run gulp", the argon.css file (and .min) is modified and the result is weird- eg below, form-group looses some margins. Is that intentionnal? Doesn't look good to me. All forms are touching each other.

.form-group from public directory: { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; margin-right: 1rem; margin-left: 1rem; }

.form-group from dist directory: { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; }

rarestoma commented 4 years ago

Hi @Ben79543,

Thank you for working with our products.

In order to modify the style in the dist directory you have to make the changes in the scss files (public/scss/...). For example, to make changes for the .form-group, go to public/scss/core/forms/_form.scss, write the lines you want to change, then run gulp build to refresh the dist directory.

Please let me know if it works.

All the best, Rares

Ben79543 commented 4 years ago

Hi and thanks for answering. Can't make it work. I don't want to change anything, I actually want that my argon.css do NOT change when passing through gulp. I now realize that the minification somehow during the process removes my margins.

.form-group from argon.css

margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
margin-right: 1rem;
margin-left: 1rem;

.form-group from argon.min.css

margin-bottom: 1.5rem;

So I am trying to go into cleancss, csscomb etc to understand what could be causing this, but no luck so far. I am not sure if it was like this since the beginning or not.

rarestoma commented 4 years ago

Hi @Ben79543 ,

Did you add the .form-group margins also in the scss files?

Thank you, Rares

Ben79543 commented 4 years ago

OK I got it to add the margins by modifying /scss/bootstrap/_forms and recompiling.

My confusion was actually coming from the fact that the argon.css file coming right out of the directory you provide contains the marging while running "gulp build" removes them right away.

So kind of mismatch between the provided scss and the provided css which is not resulting from these scss. Confusing for the beginner in scss that I am.

But it's ok now. Thanks.