creativetimofficial / ct-light-bootstrap-dashboard-pro-angular

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how to disable browser-sync ? #9

Closed viksat7 closed 6 years ago

viksat7 commented 6 years ago

i could not find the browsersync.init function to set ghostmode options as false

chelaruc commented 6 years ago

Hi @viksat7,

Thank you for using our product! Tomorrow will be released v1.2.0 and this bug will be resolved.

All the best, Ciprian

manashreea commented 5 years ago


Where do I get browser-sync and how do i fixed it. I am using Light Bootstrap Dashboard PRO Angular 2 - V1.0.1. Just to add since It appears that the 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 and 1.0.1 uses angular 4 and 2 respectively. We are looking for a quick fix instead of migrating the complete project

viksat7 commented 5 years ago

@manashreea create a new file in project as bs-config.json as add following json

{ "ghostMode": false }

manashreea commented 5 years ago

Thanks for help, solution is working in development but the same is not working in production server. Can you recommend any solution for the same. package.json using start script is "tsc && concurrently \"tsc -w\" \"lite-server -c my-bs-config.json\" " On production command is --> pm2 start "/usr/lib/node_modules/npm" --name "webapp" -- start