creativetimofficial / ct-material-dashboard-pro-react

React version of Material Dashboard Pro
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Vertical Scroll doesn't work on NavPillsCard #137

Closed francosegura closed 5 years ago

francosegura commented 5 years ago

Expected Behavior

The expected behavior is that when we try to scroll with the wheel mouse or the keyboard arrows, the displacement function works correctly.

Current Behavior

When we try to scroll when the mouse pointer is on the NavPills component, it doesn't work.

Failure Information (for bugs)

The bug is on your page too, on the card "Nav Pills":

einazare commented 5 years ago

Hello there @francosegura ,

Thank you for your interest in working with our products. Right now we have some issues with our office and I am working from home from a MacBook and I do not have a Windows Computer to test this out. When the issues at the Creative-Tim office will be solved and I will be able to go to the office I'll test and see if I can come up with a solution on the Windows Computer from the office.

Hope you can understand our situation.

Just to be sure I've understood your issue correctly, the scroll of the page does not work if you are hovering the NavPills?

Best, Manu

francosegura commented 5 years ago

Hello there @francosegura ,

Thank you for your interest in working with our products. Right now we have some issues with our office and I am working from home from a MacBook and I do not have a Windows Computer to test this out. When the issues at the Creative-Tim office will be solved and I will be able to go to the office I'll test and see if I can come up with a solution on the Windows Computer from the office.

Hope you can understand our situation.

Just to be sure I've understood your issue correctly, the scroll of the page does not work if you are hovering the NavPills?

Best, Manu

Hi, First of all, thanks for your quick answer. We understand your situation, so don't worry. Yes, the issue is as you mentioned previously.

Best, Franco.

einazare commented 5 years ago

Hello again, @francosegura ,

Just been able to test this issue. It seems it comes from the react-swipeable-views plugin that we use to make the animations on the NavPills. There are two fixes for this:

  1. Go inside src/components/NavPills/NavPills.jsx and change lines 84-98 from

    <div className={classes.contentWrapper}>
          axis={direction === "rtl" ? "x-reverse" : "x"}
          {, key) => {
            return (
              <div className={classes.tabContent} key={key}>


    <div className={classes.contentWrapper}>
        {, key) => {
          if (key === {
            return (
              <div className={classes.tabContent} key={key}>
          return null;

    But this means you will not have the animation any longer on the NavPills.

  2. Go inside src/components/NavPills/NavPills.jsx and change lines 85-89 from

          axis={direction === "rtl" ? "x-reverse" : "x"}


          axis={direction === "rtl" ? "x-reverse" : "x"}

Hope this helps you.

Best, Manu

pranaydp commented 5 years ago

Hello team, I tried this for horizontal Navpills not working still facing an issue...

einazare commented 5 years ago

Hello there @pranaydp ,

Can you paste me your whole NavPills code?

Best, Manu

pranaydp commented 5 years ago

yes sure, import React from "react"; // nodejs library that concatenates classes import classNames from "classnames"; // nodejs library to set properties for components import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import SwipeableViews from "react-swipeable-views";

// material-ui components import withStyles from "@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles"; import Tab from "@material-ui/core/Tab"; import Tabs from "@material-ui/core/Tabs";

// core components import GridContainer from "components/Grid/GridContainer.jsx"; import GridItem from "components/Grid/GridItem.jsx";

import navPillsStyle from "assets/jss/material-dashboard-pro-react/components/navPillsStyle.jsx";

class NavPills extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { active: }; } handleChange = (event, active) => { this.setState({ active }); }; handleChangeIndex = index => { this.setState({ active: index }); }; render() { const { classes, tabs, direction, color, horizontal, alignCenter } = this.props; const flexContainerClasses = classNames({

  [classes.horizontalDisplay]: horizontal !== undefined
const tabButtons = (
      root: classes.root,
      fixed: classes.fixed,
      flexContainer: flexContainerClasses,
      indicator: classes.displayNone
    {, key) => {
      var icon = {};
      if (prop.tabIcon !== undefined) {
        icon["icon"] = <prop.tabIcon className={classes.tabIcon} />;
      const pillsClasses = classNames({
        [classes.pills]: true,
        [classes.horizontalPills]: horizontal !== undefined,
        [classes.pillsWithIcons]: prop.tabIcon !== undefined
      return (
            root: pillsClasses,
            labelContainer: classes.labelContainer,
            label: classes.label,
            selected: classes[color]
const tabContent = (
  <div className={classes.contentWrapper}>
      axis={direction === "rtl" ? "x-reverse" : "x"}
      style={{ overflowY: "hidden" }}
      {, key) => {
        if (key === {
          return (
            <div className={classes.tabContent} key={key}>
        return null;
return horizontal !== undefined ? (
    <GridItem {...horizontal.tabsGrid}>{tabButtons}</GridItem>
    <GridItem {...horizontal.contentGrid}>{tabContent}</GridItem>
) : (

} }

NavPills.defaultProps = { active: 0, color: "primary" };

NavPills.propTypes = { classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // index of the default active pill active: PropTypes.number, tabs: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ tabButton: PropTypes.string, tabIcon: PropTypes.func, tabContent: PropTypes.node }) ).isRequired, color: PropTypes.oneOf([ "primary", "warning", "danger", "success", "info", "rose" ]), direction: PropTypes.string, horizontal: PropTypes.shape({ tabsGrid: PropTypes.object, contentGrid: PropTypes.object }), alignCenter: PropTypes.bool };

export default withStyles(navPillsStyle)(NavPills);

einazare commented 5 years ago

Hello again @pranaydp ,

So, the code is wrong. You either use the first option, or the second one, not both.

Best, Manu

scblason commented 5 years ago

I'm on the same team as @francosegura. We had to find a solution to the problem so we change te component that NavPills uses. We tested the react-swipeable-views component alone in a code sandbox a we didn't find any problem scrolling. We now use react-swipe inside NavPills. Thank you for the help @EINazare !

Regards, Santiago.

didemkaraaslan commented 4 years ago

@scblason Hey, can you give me a code example of you using react-swipe instead of SwipableViews ? Can't really find a solution..