creativetimofficial / ct-vue-argon-dashboard-pro

Vue Argon Dashboard Pro - Premium Bootstrap 5 Vuejs Admin Template
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[Bug] dropzone-file-upload is not working #42

Closed mineoni closed 2 years ago

mineoni commented 3 years ago



Reproduction link

Operating System




Browser & Version

Chrome 90.0.4430.212

Steps to reproduce

  1. Import dropzone-file-upload and add it to components.
  2. Add dropzone-file-upload tag on vue file.
  3. Bind an array to v-model.
  4. drop file to dropzone area.
  5. When I print the contents of the bound array to the console, there are no elements.

    What is expected?

    I should have been able to see the elements of the array.

    What is actually happening?




Additional comments


rarestoma commented 3 years ago

Hi @mineoni,

Thank you for working with our products and sorry for my late response.

Can you please give me the code that you tried so I can test it and see what happens/find a solution?

Best regards, Rares

henning150 commented 3 years ago

The file is not available on event "addedfile", maybe the filereader takes too long, but "thumbnail" event works

My temperary fix is to add @ thumbnail listener to the dropzone-file-upload element where the data is available

<dropzone-file-upload v-model="temp" @thumbnail="change"></dropzone-file-upload>


change(file) { this.file = file.dataURL; }

sajadevo commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

We've updated the product to v3 which comes with a new look and a new base structure for more reusable components.

All the best Sajad

Web Developer @