creatoro / jelly

A flexible ORM for Kohana 3.1+
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Get value for relationship without loading the relation #99

Open marcalj opened 13 years ago

marcalj commented 13 years ago

Hi, when finetunning one application I saw that Jelly_Model->as_array(), on relationships load all items in the database. I was using it as a way to get "raw" data of a model.

So I implement a workaround:

     * This function is useful to retrieve just the primary key of "BelongsTo" or "HasOne" fields without loading it.
    protected function get_raw($field)
        // Alias the name to its actual name
        $name = $field->name;

        if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_changed))
            $value = $this->_changed[$name];
            $value = $this->_original[$name];

        return $value;

     * @note ACL checks are calculated in the API controller.
     * @note We cannot load all values with as_array() function because will invoke a select() on all relationships. Don't want it here (it's not the intended behaviour).
    public function get_api_data()
        $db_data = array();

        foreach ($this->meta()->fields() as $name => $field)
            if ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_HasMany OR $field instanceof Jelly_Field_ManyToMany)
                // Do nothing
            elseif ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_HasOne OR $field instanceof Jelly_Field_BelongsTo)
                $db_data[$name] = $this->get_raw($field);
                $db_data[$name] = $this->get($name);

        return array(
            'id' => $this->id,
            'db' => Arr::extract($db_data, $this->meta()->fields_acl('read')),
//          'update_fields' => $this->meta()->fields_acl('update'),
            'frontend_data' => $this->frontend_data(),

So basically for Jelly_Field_HasMany and Jelly_Field_ManyToMany do not call "get" method, and for Jelly_Field_HasOne and Jelly_Field_BelongsTo I'm using the "get_raw" custom function.

Happy tunning :)

nex2hex commented 12 years ago

Your method don't returned unmapped to db fields, get() do this.

Fixed version:

public function get_raw($name)
    if ($field = $this->_meta->field($name))
        // Alias the name to its actual name
        $name = $field->name;

        if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_changed))
            return $this->_changed[$name];
            return $this->_original[$name];
    // Return unmapped data from custom queries
    elseif (isset($this->_unmapped[$name]))
        return $this->_unmapped[$name];
marcalj commented 12 years ago

What do you mean with "unmapped".

Sorry but I don't use any ORM in my projects, just Model_Database amb DB class. I need more low level tunning.

nex2hex commented 12 years ago

unmapped fields on't have column in table in db

marcalj commented 12 years ago

Ups, ok got it! ;)