credativ / informix_fdw

Foreign Data Wrapper for Informix Databases
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Server crash when executing a query #8

Closed rossj-cargotel closed 8 years ago

rossj-cargotel commented 9 years ago

Hi Bernd! I can repeatedly crash postgres 9.4.4 with the following query:

select * from metro_ft.ft_client_profile where id > (select max(id) from metro.client_profile);

Querying informix directly there are only 64 rows that match the where clause. This query used to run if I dropped the subselect and hardcoded the max(id).

Catching a backtrace I see this:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffff7fdc780 (LWP 1671)]
heap_compute_data_size (tupleDesc=tupleDesc@entry=Reading symbols from /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/lib/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
0x555555d71300, values=values@entry=0x5555560bd380, isnull=isnull@entry=0x5555560bad08 "") at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:103
103 /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c: No such file or directory.

Indeed, there is nothing at all in /tmp. Backtrace is as follows:

(gdb) bt
#0  heap_compute_data_size (tupleDesc=tupleDesc@entry=0x555555d71300, values=values@entry=0x5555560bd380, isnull=isnull@entry=0x5555560bad08 "") at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:103
#1  0x00005555555eb0b8 in heap_form_tuple (tupleDescriptor=0x555555d71300, values=0x5555560bd380, isnull=0x5555560bad08 "") at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/access/common/heaptuple.c:707
#2  0x00007fffbf2fe9e8 in ifxFdwMakeTuple (state=0x55555609f908, rel=0x7fffbf531118, slot=0x5555560989c0, slot=0x5555560989c0, encoded_rowid=<optimized out>) at ifx_fdw.c:2112
#3  ifxIterateForeignScan (node=<optimized out>) at ifx_fdw.c:4684
#4  0x00005555557407b9 in ForeignNext (node=node@entry=0x55555608f540) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c:50
#5  0x000055555572a8fc in ExecScanFetch (recheckMtd=0x555555740770 <ForeignRecheck>, accessMtd=0x555555740780 <ForeignNext>, node=0x55555608f540) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/execScan.c:82
#6  ExecScan (node=node@entry=0x55555608f540, accessMtd=accessMtd@entry=0x555555740780 <ForeignNext>, recheckMtd=recheckMtd@entry=0x555555740770 <ForeignRecheck>) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/execScan.c:167
#7  0x0000555555740818 in ExecForeignScan (node=node@entry=0x55555608f540) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c:91
#8  0x0000555555723718 in ExecProcNode (node=node@entry=0x55555608f540) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/execProcnode.c:442
#9  0x0000555555720a02 in ExecutePlan (dest=0x7ffff7e1ffc8, direction=<optimized out>, numberTuples=0, sendTuples=1 '\001', operation=CMD_SELECT, planstate=0x55555608f540, estate=0x55555608de90) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/execMain.c:1490
#10 standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x55555608da80, direction=<optimized out>, count=0) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/executor/execMain.c:319
#11 0x0000555555818c4f in PortalRunSelect (portal=portal@entry=0x55555608ba70, forward=forward@entry=1 '\001', count=0, count@entry=9223372036854775807, dest=dest@entry=0x7ffff7e1ffc8) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/tcop/pquery.c:946
#12 0x000055555581a22a in PortalRun (portal=portal@entry=0x55555608ba70, count=count@entry=9223372036854775807, isTopLevel=isTopLevel@entry=1 '\001', dest=dest@entry=0x7ffff7e1ffc8, altdest=altdest@entry=0x7ffff7e1ffc8, completionTag=completionTag@entry=0x7fffffffdf10 "") at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/tcop/pquery.c:790
#13 0x0000555555817bd5 in exec_simple_query (query_string=0x555555dc5410 "select * from metro_ft.ft_client_profile where id > (select max(id) from metro.client_profile);") at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/tcop/postgres.c:1072
#14 PostgresMain (argc=<optimized out>, argv=argv@entry=0x555555d513e0, dbname=0x555555d51290 "cargotel", username=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/tcop/postgres.c:4074
#15 0x00005555555e902d in BackendRun (port=0x555555d8df60) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:4164
#16 BackendStartup (port=0x555555d8df60) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:3829
#17 ServerLoop () at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1597
#18 0x00005555557c3001 in PostmasterMain (argc=3, argv=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:1244
#19 0x00005555555e9d5d in main (argc=3, argv=0x555555d504c0) at /tmp/buildd/postgresql-9.4-9.4.4/build/../src/backend/main/main.c:228

Let me know if you need more information!


psoo commented 9 years ago


sorry for the delay, i'm not able to reproduce this here. Could you provide your table definitions from your local postgres instance and your remote Informix server? Just the types matter, you could anonymize the column and table names in case they are sensitive.

rossj-cargotel commented 9 years ago

Hi Bernd! Here are the definitions for client_profile, ft_client_profile, and the informix ft_client_profile table. Lots of columns. I'll be moving this to a new server inside our network in the next few days. It will be interesting to see if this is related to the number of columns and the associated round trips between servers.

                                                                 Table "metro.client_profile"
       Column       |            Type             |                             Modifiers                             | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id                 | integer                     | not null default nextval('metro.client_profile_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
 co_name            | text                        | not null                                                          | extended |              |
 dba_name           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 addr1              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 addr2              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 city               | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 state              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 zip                | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 ctry               | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 contact_fname      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 contact_lname      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 contact_title      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 phone              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 fax                | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 email              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 bid_email          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 contact_pref       | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 business           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 load_types         | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 veh_types          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 num_veh_shipped_mo | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 primary_locs       | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 trade_assoc        | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 web_site           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 icc_mc             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 ins_agent          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 liability_limits   | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 damage_limits      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 deductible         | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 status             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 misc               | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 truck_num_type     | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 timestamp          | timestamp without time zone |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 flag_shipper       | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_carrier       | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_priv          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 username           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 password           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 secret_word        | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 cell_phone         | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_demouser      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 cl_key             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 srch_key           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 scope              | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 scope_def          | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 parent_id          | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 mc                 | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 mc_broker          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 dot                | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 internal_only      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_broker        | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 bid_typ            | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 credit             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 speed              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 price              | numeric                     |                                                                   | main     |              |
 deadline_hours     | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 deadline_days      | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 insp_pref          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_cons          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 contract_rcvd      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_bid           | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 ins_lia            | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 ins_cargo          | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 ins_wcomp          | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 ins_req_lia        | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 ins_req_cargo      | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 ins_req_wcomp      | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 fed_tax_id         | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 parent_client_id   | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 ins_exp            | date                        |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 phone2             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 phone3             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 phone4             | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 location_code      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 units              | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 corp_parent_id     | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
 is_domain          | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 invoice_email      | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 flag_lien_holder   | text                        |                                                                   | extended |              |
 dummy              | integer                     |                                                                   | plain    |              |
    "client_profile_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "client_profile_id_unique_idx" UNIQUE, btree (id)
    "client_profile_c_idx" btree (cl_key)
    "client_profile_f_idx" btree (fax)
    "client_profile_i_c_d_idx" btree (id, co_name, dba_name)
    "client_profile_l_p_idx" btree (location_code, parent_id)
    "client_profile_p_i_idx" btree (parent_id, is_domain)
    "client_profile_p_idx" btree (phone)
    "client_profile_s_idx" btree (status)
    "client_profile_s_p_idx" btree (srch_key, parent_id)
    "client_profile_z_s_idx" btree (zip, status)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "client_profile_corp_parent_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (corp_parent_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)
    "client_profile_parent_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "metro.carrier_rating" CONSTRAINT "carrier_rating_client_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)
    TABLE "metro.carrier_rating" CONSTRAINT "carrier_rating_rater_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (rater_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)
    TABLE "metro.client_flags" CONSTRAINT "client_flags_client_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)
    TABLE "metro.client_profile" CONSTRAINT "client_profile_corp_parent_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (corp_parent_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)
    TABLE "metro.client_profile" CONSTRAINT "client_profile_parent_id_client_profile_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES metro.client_profile(id)

                                                                    Foreign table "metro_ft.ft_client_profile"
       Column       |            Type             |                                Modifiers                                | FDW Options | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id                 | integer                     | not null default nextval('metro_ft.ft_client_profile_id_seq'::regclass) |             | plain    |              |
 co_name            | character varying(150)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 dba_name           | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 addr1              | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 addr2              | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 city               | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 state              | character(12)               |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 zip                | character(11)               |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 ctry               | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 contact_fname      | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 contact_lname      | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 contact_title      | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 phone              | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 fax                | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 email              | character varying(255)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 bid_email          | character varying(255)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 contact_pref       | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 business           | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 load_types         | character varying(80)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 veh_types          | character varying(100)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 num_veh_shipped_mo | smallint                    |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 primary_locs       | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 trade_assoc        | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 web_site           | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 icc_mc             | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 ins_agent          | character varying(100)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 liability_limits   | character varying(100)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 damage_limits      | character varying(100)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 deductible         | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 status             | character(2)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 misc               | character varying(200)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 truck_num_type     | character varying(100)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 timestamp          | timestamp without time zone |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 flag_shipper       | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_carrier       | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_priv          | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 username           | character varying(12)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 password           | character varying(12)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 secret_word        | character varying(60)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 cell_phone         | character varying(15)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_demouser      | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 cl_key             | character(9)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 srch_key           | character(6)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 scope              | smallint                    |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 scope_def          | smallint                    |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 parent_id          | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 mc                 | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 mc_broker          | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 dot                | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 internal_only      | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_broker        | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 bid_typ            | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 credit             | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 speed              | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 price              | numeric                     |                                                                         |             | main     |              |
 deadline_hours     | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 deadline_days      | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 insp_pref          | character varying(30)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_cons          | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 contract_rcvd      | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_bid           | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 ins_lia            | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 ins_cargo          | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 ins_wcomp          | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 ins_req_lia        | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 ins_req_cargo      | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 ins_req_wcomp      | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 fed_tax_id         | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 parent_client_id   | character varying(200)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 ins_exp            | date                        |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 phone2             | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 phone3             | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 phone4             | character varying(20)       |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 location_code      | character(20)               |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 units              | character(2)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 corp_parent_id     | integer                     |                                                                         |             | plain    |              |
 is_domain          | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 invoice_email      | character varying(255)      |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
 flag_lien_holder   | character(1)                |                                                                         |             | extended |              |
Server: cargotel_tcp
FDW Options: ("table" 'ft_client_profile', database 'metro', client_locale 'en_US.utf8', db_locale 'en_US.819')

Informix ft_client_profile table:

----------------------- metro@chisec ----------- Press CTRL-W for Help --------

Column name          Type                                    Nulls

id                   serial                                  no
co_name              varchar(150,0)                          no
dba_name             varchar(60,0)                           yes
addr1                varchar(60,0)                           yes
addr2                varchar(60,0)                           yes
city                 varchar(60,0)                           yes
state                char(12)                                yes
zip                  char(11)                                yes
ctry                 varchar(20,0)                           yes
contact_fname        varchar(30,0)                           yes
contact_lname        varchar(30,0)                           yes
contact_title        varchar(30,0)                           yes
phone                varchar(30,0)                           yes
fax                  varchar(30,0)                           yes
email                varchar(255)                            yes
bid_email            varchar(255)                            yes
contact_pref         char(1)                                 yes
business             varchar(20,0)                           yes
load_types           varchar(80,0)                           yes
veh_types            varchar(100,0)                          yes
num_veh_shipped_mo   smallint                                yes
primary_locs         varchar(60,0)                           yes
trade_assoc          varchar(60,0)                           yes
web_site             varchar(60,0)                           yes
icc_mc               varchar(20,0)                           yes
ins_agent            varchar(100,0)                          yes
liability_limits     varchar(100,0)                          yes
damage_limits        varchar(100,0)                          yes
deductible           varchar(60,0)                           yes
status               char(2)                                 yes
misc                 varchar(200,0)                          yes
truck_num_type       varchar(100,0)                          yes
timestamp            datetime year to minute                 yes
flag_shipper         char(1)                                 yes
flag_carrier         char(1)                                 yes
flag_priv            char(1)                                 yes
username             varchar(12,0)                           yes
password             varchar(12,0)                           yes
secret_word          varchar(60,0)                           yes
cell_phone           varchar(15,0)                           yes
flag_demouser        char(1)                                 yes
cl_key               char(9)                                 yes
srch_key             char(6)                                 yes
scope                smallint                                yes
scope_def            smallint                                yes
parent_id            integer                                 yes
mc                   varchar(20,0)                           yes
mc_broker            varchar(20,0)                           yes
dot                  varchar(20,0)                           yes
internal_only        char(1)                                 yes
flag_broker          char(1)                                 yes
bid_typ              char(1)                                 yes
credit               varchar(30,0)                           yes
speed                varchar(30,0)                           yes
price                float                                   yes
deadline_hours       integer                                 yes
deadline_days        integer                                 yes
insp_pref            varchar(30,0)                           yes
flag_cons            char(1)                                 yes
contract_rcvd        char(1)                                 yes
flag_bid             char(1)                                 yes
ins_lia              integer                                 yes
ins_cargo            integer                                 yes
ins_wcomp            integer                                 yes
ins_req_lia          integer                                 yes
ins_req_cargo        integer                                 yes
ins_req_wcomp        integer                                 yes
fed_tax_id           varchar(20,0)                           yes
parent_client_id     varchar(200,0)                          yes
ins_exp              date                                    yes
phone2               varchar(20,0)                           yes
phone3               varchar(20,0)                           yes
phone4               varchar(20,0)                           yes
location_code        char(20)                                yes
units                char(2)                                 yes
corp_parent_id       integer                                 yes
is_domain            char(1)                                 yes
invoice_email        varchar(255)                            yes
flag_lien_holder     char(1)                                 yes
psoo commented 9 years ago


I finally found some spare time to dig into this, unfortunately this is again something hard to reproduce.

The position of the crash is here (heaptuple.c, line 103):

        if (ATT_IS_PACKABLE(att[i]) &&
             * we're anticipating converting to a short varlena header, so
             * adjust length and don't count any alignment
            data_length += VARATT_CONVERTED_SHORT_SIZE(DatumGetPointer(val));

which suggests either a corrupted tupDesc structure somehow (where the att[] array is derived from) or an invalid Datum in val. So, to get more information on what's going wrong here, may i ask you, wether you are able to track it down to a specific tuple so that i can reproduce it with those column values?

Oh, and again, what platform and Postgres are you currently on, still Ubuntu and PG 9.4?

rossj-cargotel commented 8 years ago

Hi Bernd,

Sorry for the delay. I'm now primarily running postgres 9.4.4 on CentOS 6.7 and getting the same problem on the EC2 server running 9.4.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.

At this point in time I'm unable to retrieve even a single row from a table if the informix table has more than a two hundred or so rows, especially if the table has a lot of columns.

For example, I can select 1000 rows from this table of 2011390 rows:

postgres@cargotel [local]# \d+ metro_ft.load_flags
                                                                Foreign table "metro_ft.load_flags"
   Column   |            Type             |                            Modifiers                             | FDW Options | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id         | integer                     | not null default nextval('metro_ft.load_flags_id_seq'::regclass) |             | plain    |              |
 timestamp  | timestamp without time zone |                                                                  |             | plain    |              |
 type       | character(1)                |                                                                  |             | extended |              |
 load_id    | integer                     |                                                                  |             | plain    |              |
 carrier_id | integer                     |                                                                  |             | plain    |              |
 info       | character varying(255)      |                                                                  |             | extended |              |
 user_id    | integer                     |                                                                  |             | plain    |              |
Server: cargotel_tcp
FDW Options: ("table" 'load_flags', database 'metro', client_locale 'en_US.utf8', db_locale 'en_US.819')

without crashing the server, albeit pretty slowly.

select * from metro_ft.load_flags order by random() limit 1000;
WARNING:  opened informix connection with warnings
DETAIL:  informix SQLSTATE 01I01: "Database has transactions "

   id    |      timestamp      | type | load_id | carrier_id |       info        | user_id
  371620 | 2012-03-06 11:35:00 | n    |   76133 |            | 30                |   25149
 1559273 | 2014-10-08 08:50:00 | l    |  339078 |            |                   |   25187
  462692 | 2012-05-14 17:13:00 | c    |   91297 |            | bm:pm             |   25142
 2059017 | 2015-08-26 10:24:00 | n    |  469239 |            | 24                |   25203
  273828 | 2011-11-11 09:19:00 | n    |   56484 |            | 19                |   25081
  803940 | 2013-03-22 14:08:00 | n    |  156022 |            | 08                |   25107
Time: 90595.444 ms

Incidentally, the CentOS postgres server is now inside our lan--ping times are sub-millisecond.

rossj@717311-app1:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.124 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.123 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.118 ms

I can't even select 10 columns from the above referenced client_profile table, though.

postgres@cargotel [local]# select id from metro_ft.client_profile order by id limit 10;
WARNING:  opened informix connection with warnings
DETAIL:  informix SQLSTATE 01I01: "Database has transactions "
server closed the connection unexpectedly
    This probably means the server terminated abnormally
    before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
Time: 6598.113 ms

I think there is a real connection with the number of columns in the foreign table but the round trip time to the server doesn't seem to make a difference at all.

postgres@cargotel [local]# select * from metro_ft.load_flags order by id limit 10;
WARNING:  opened informix connection with warnings
DETAIL:  informix SQLSTATE 01I01: "Database has transactions "
 id |      timestamp      | type | load_id | carrier_id |  info   | user_id
  1 | 2010-05-18 16:07:00 | n    |       1 |            | 00      |   25070
  2 | 2010-05-18 16:07:00 | c    |       1 |            | bm:pm   |   25070
  3 | 2010-05-20 09:52:00 | J    |      21 |            | CREATED |   25073
  4 | 2010-05-20 10:03:00 | J    |      31 |            | CREATED |   25073
  5 | 2010-05-26 11:37:00 | l    |      43 |            |         |   25070
  6 | 2010-05-26 11:37:00 | l    |      44 |            |         |   25070
  7 | 2010-05-26 11:37:00 | l    |      45 |            |         |   25070
  8 | 2010-05-26 11:37:00 | S    |      43 |            | 0,1     |   25070
  9 | 2010-05-26 11:37:00 | S    |      44 |            | 0,1     |   25070
 10 | 2010-05-26 11:37:00 | S    |      45 |            | 0,1     |   25070
(10 rows)

Time: 83364.877 ms

I hope that helps!


psoo commented 8 years ago

Hi Jeff,

Finally some news on this issue:

Commits 62e19825386412d4e62d39d4408d4a213429f950 and 11de42bb0e115c2825b0380cfa3b4e7dbb929503 fix some serious issues when conversion from and to date, float and smallfloat values are involved. Since they also scribbled on memory areas and your examples also contain date and float columns it's possible that they also caused your crashes.

It would be really cool if you could repeat your tests with the committed patches and let me know your findings.


rossj-cargotel commented 8 years ago

So far so good!

I've repeated that problem query and quite a few others like it with no problems at all.

I'll continue to hammer on this over the next few days and let you know if anything else pops up.

Thank you!


Jeff Ross SENDPM

On 12/15/15 2:13 PM, Bernd Helmle wrote:

Hi Jeff,

Finally some news on this issue:

Commits 62e1982 and 11de42b fix some serious issues when conversion from and to date, float and smallfloat values are involved. Since they also scribbled on memory areas and your examples also contain date and float columns it's possible that they also caused your crashes.

It would be really cool if you could repeat your tests with the committed patches and let me know your findings.


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psoo commented 8 years ago

Many thanks.

psoo commented 8 years ago

Fix seems to address described issue.