creecros / Customizer

Kanboard - Customizer adds GUI for logo, favicon and themes
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Color presets #26

Closed vistree closed 5 years ago

vistree commented 5 years ago

This is a feedback to the creecros-test-1 branch! add a preset dropdown to let users to choose from different presets. As a starting point we could offer the css settings from existing theme-plugins (moon, nebula, standard theme). Maybe we can parse the CSS from those plugins as we implement a file based settings approach??

creecros commented 5 years ago

add a preset dropdown to let users to choose from different presets. As a starting point we could offer the css settings from existing theme-plugins (moon, nebula, standard theme).

Maybe we can parse the CSS from those plugins as we implement a file based settings approach??

creecros commented 5 years ago

So as a Test, I just added:

file_put_contents("/var/www/app/plugins/Customizer/Tmpfile.css", fopen("", 'r'));

        $this->hook->on("template:layout:css", array("template" => "plugins/Customizer/Tmpfile.css"));

to Plugin.php, and it we just make the download URL a variable of URL's for CSS themes, and we can use the Tmpfile.css (which we can name whatever) as the file we write to for custom themes.

creecros commented 5 years ago


Loaded with the CSS urls on existing themes, not sure that was the best thing to do. Added a modified version of Moon as an included file, just to test that as well. Works.

vistree commented 5 years ago

Let me describe a little bit more what was on my mind:

Clicking on "Load" button:

Let users modify the preselected colors In the future: let users modify preselected font-families + -sizes

Clicking "Save" button:

Reloding the Customizer settings page:

vistree commented 5 years ago

If you like this I can start with some basics.

creecros commented 5 years ago

It's hard for me to understand fully, but it sounds good. If you start, I might get a better understanding with the code, and then I can help.

vistree commented 5 years ago

Hi creecros, I like your css load in current Customizer master branch ;-) I try to use this as a base for my suggestions. One question (my PHP symphony knowledge is really basic ;-( I want to add a button to the file /plugins/Customizer/Template/file/show.php

I tried to use: <?= $this->url->link(t("Load CSS from file"), "CustomizerConfigController", "cssparse", array("file" => $values["themeSelection"]), true, "btn btn-red") ?> In CustomizerConfigController I added: public function cssparse() { $filename = $this->request->getStringParam("file"); $this->configModel->loadCSS($filename); $this->flash->success(t("CSS file loaded.")); $this->response->redirect($this->helper->url->to("CustomizerFileController", "show", array("plugin" => "Customizer"))); } But when clicking on the button, I get a white page with the error message: Internal Error: Controller not found Why is the Controller not available from within show.php? I tried to compare with the core "Webhooks" settings where you find a "Reset token" button. There the core ConfigController is used and available form within the webhooks.php file.

creecros commented 5 years ago

Add 'plugin' => 'Customizer' to your array, when you call your controller

vistree commented 5 years ago

Umpf, yes. Thanx!

creecros commented 5 years ago

I scratched my head on that one a few times.

vistree commented 5 years ago

Hmm, it seems, I can't really help with developing. I do not understand the concept of the application design ;-( Even easy things do not work. E.g. I tried to define a constant in ConfigFileModel.php (or CustomzerConfigController.php) which are available in the definition PHP but not e.g. in template files (like the show.php). So, maybe I need to describe my ideas better? What is working is a button to load the CSS classes from selected files in an array. But I can't make the array available in the show.php template ;-(

creecros commented 5 years ago

Push it to a branch, and I can take a look

vistree commented 5 years ago

OK, I pushed a new branch (css-parser-example). In CustomizerFileModel.php you find a rough function to parse some css classes with colors. This is called by a function from CustomizerConfigController.php where I put the result to the global $customizer variable. Additonally I defined a global constant there. Controller-function is called from button within show.php. Here I also tried to get the results back - both do not work ;-( Whats wrong?

vistree commented 5 years ago

Instead of my simple parsing function we could use a css-parsing-librariy like PHP-CSS-Parser My idea was to add additional color picker fields to the show.php and prepopulate them by the parsed colors from the selected theme. This way users could modify the colors definied in the selected theme-css

creecros commented 5 years ago

Let me review, and see if I can't figure it out. Give me a day or two to wrap my head around it.

creecros commented 5 years ago

What's the purpose of the constant?

vistree commented 5 years ago

just to check, if constants are available in the show.php - so if it fails to make the array available through global $customizer to make single color-values available through defined constants

creecros commented 5 years ago

ok, I can't tell you exactly why, but it seems that passing through two controllers and setting globals is causing an issue. I updated your code, so that the global only passes through 1 controller to the view, and it is now passing $customizer['cssparser'].

Merged into your branch #37

creecros commented 5 years ago

i will note that, print $cssval; is invalid because $customizer['cssparser'] is storing arrays of arrays.

vistree commented 5 years ago


creecros commented 5 years ago

i got no sleep on that one last night! I was almost going to resort to imploding the array into a string to send to the configModel.

vistree commented 5 years ago

Eijeijei, I'm really sorry! I have spent half the weekend with this problem and would probably never have figured it out ;-(

creecros commented 5 years ago

no worries, i like solving problems. never give up!

vistree commented 5 years ago

tested and array is available - so great ;-)

vistree commented 5 years ago

OK, now I have initial work done in branch css-parser-example Maybe the code better explains what I wanted to do. If you set one of the themes and save the settings you can afterwards select a different theme with the new "Load CSS from file" button. If the theme has a .body color class defined, this value will be visible in the Customizer UI settings page for the color picker "Login Page Background Color"

creecros commented 5 years ago

Only issue I see is, Border and Shadow Color data will not be parsed.

vistree commented 5 years ago

Sure - my code is a base only and maybe needs to be reviewed. As I'm not an experienced programmer there might be better ways to implement "the idea". Real work is to decide what to do with the parsed CSS. In the moment I filter out just color, background and background-color rules. We can add everything we want or - maybe - keep the whole parsed array and use it with the user modifications to write out the custom theme?! Filtering is done in CustomizerFileModel.php if (trim($rule[0]) == 'color' || trim($rule[0]) == 'background' || trim($rule[0]) == 'background-color') {

creecros commented 5 years ago

closing for now, maybe oneday, when i have motivation, i'll come back to this.