creecros / Mailmagik

Kanboard Plugin - Send emails to Kanboard and convert to tasks or comments
MIT License
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Sent E-Mails are not being fetched and converted #31

Closed pixi closed 1 year ago

pixi commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately after setting this up in my installation on a Shared hoster E-Mails didn't make it into the Project.

What I tried so far (w/o success): • Port set to 143 • Port set to empty • Advanced settings set to /readonly • Advanced settings set to empty (will be replaced by /imap/ssl after "Save") • Username set to E-Mail address as well as serverinternal Username • Selected "Parse from the "SUBJECT" field" and send emails with appropriate Prefix • Selected "Parse from the "TO" field" and send emails with appropriate Prefix • used the CLI on the server to "php cli mailmagik:fetchmail"

Automatic action is set to: • Automatically Convert Emails to Tasks Event name = Trigger Mailmagik mail fetching Column = To be done (An existing column) Color = Red

QUESTION: 1) Is there a way I can debug w/o having access to server logs 2) What else can be changed to narrow down the issue? 3) How else can I test if Mailmagik can "see" the content in an IMAP folder?

I'm looking for ages for such a feature! Thank you for providing it at all.

P.S. It's the latest Kanboard and all Plugins are up-to-date.

creecros commented 1 year ago

I have no experience trying this with a shared hoster email(not 100% sure what that is to be honest), maybe @alfredbuehler or @aljawaid have.

First, make sure you satisfy all the prerequisites listed in the Readme. That's very important. And if you don't have access to the server logs, my first guess would be you don't have access to install the prerequisites, so double check that, first.

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago

I'm offline for the next few weeks. But:

Did you also try Port 993, as SSL uses this port?

pixi commented 1 year ago

According to the ISP installing PHP IMAP is not possible. Is there any other way to make this work? Would a cron the only other chance? And if so, what commands are required?

P.S. A more detailed and ordered list of requirements here would have helped (me) not to waste your time.

creecros commented 1 year ago

No, unfortunately, it will not function without php-imap.

Which ISP? I'm curious.

pixi commented 1 year ago

It's They even have Kanboard as Software to install automatically. That's why I think it's really a pity.

creecros commented 1 year ago

Crazy, their website says "many installable modules" for php. I'd complain!

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago

There are several hosting packages available at Maybe you need an upgrade.

pixi commented 1 year ago

Yes, I did complain! I wrote and called them twice and they just said: "Check the modules using a phpinfo.php. If you need more you can rent a Managed Server for 99,- /month". As much as I like Kanboard and would love to have any kind of Mail-to-Task that is by far too much!

That is what the info gave me reg. imap: ai_imap

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago

But then it should work.

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago

@pixi Any news here? I'd be ready to help/assist you.

pixi commented 1 year ago

@alfredbuehler unfortunately not. I'm a bit stuck 'cos I'm not tec savvy in everything Web.

Is there any way to test/log what's wrong? Or is there any other way to figure that out?

I'd even pay you to get this to work (if that is of any interest ;o)

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago


Is there any way to test/log what's wrong? Or is there any other way to figure that out?

Not that I'm aware of.

Please start with these settings. image

Two things:

pixi commented 1 year ago

Okay, that worked so far. After refreshing "Task Email" I saw the Email.

What information about the IMAP config do you still need?

Yes, it would be useful to communicate directly. I still have matrix and get back on tomorrow, WED. 12.

creecros commented 1 year ago

If you saw the email, it works. Nothing is wrong with your imap config.

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago


What information about the IMAP config do you still need?

No, as your connection is working now.

pixi commented 1 year ago

Problem is solved thanks to @alfredbuehler

Some remarks: • There was an issue which got solved in Mailmagik, 1.2.3 when using KB 1.2.32. Use this or later versions! • The external E-mail send to KB MUST come from an E-mail address of a member of the Project! Just an external E-mail address does not work. • To use cron on a shared hoster I added a 'cron.php' to the KB directory in a seprate dir.:

exec("/bin/bash /www/htdocs/fullpathto/kanboard/fetchmail_mailmagik/ 2>&1", $out, $result);
echo "Returncode: " .$result ."<br>";
echo "Ausgabe des Scripts: " ."<br>";
echo "<pre>"; print_r($out);

and a '' in the same

/usr/bin/php81 -f /www/htdocs/fullpathto/kanboard/fetchmail_mailmagik/cli mailmagik:fetchmail

and pointed the hosters cron setting to the php.

alfredbuehler commented 1 year ago

The external E-mail send to KB MUST come from an E-mail address of a member of the Project!

I've added a remark to the README in v1.2.3.