creepycats / SCPCosmetics

SCP:SL Exiled Plugin, Porting the HATS from SCPStats to v13.0.0 + 7.0.0 Exiled + PETS
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Cannot spawn a pet #3

Closed NOKIEQU closed 9 months ago

NOKIEQU commented 10 months ago

when typing a pet spawn command i get this error in a server console

[2023-10-31 14:40:40.772 +00:00] [ERROR] [Exiled.API] System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: System.ArraySegment`1[System.Byte]
                                   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x0015a] in <05089c1b6989455fb1452c627044bac4>:0
                                   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <05089c1b6989455fb1452c627044bac4>:0
                                   at Exiled.API.Extensions.MirrorExtensions.get_WriterExtensions () [0x00085] in <82c23c122317447280ee5275f620e42f>:0
                                   at Exiled.API.Extensions.MirrorExtensions+<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<SendFakeSyncVar>g__CustomSyncVarGenerator|0 (Mirror.NetworkWriter targetWriter) [0x0002b] in <82c23c122317447280ee5275f620e42f>:0
                                   at Exiled.API.Extensions.MirrorExtensions.MakeCustomSyncWriter (Mirror.NetworkIdentity behaviorOwner, System.Type targetType, System.Action`1[T] customSyncObject, System.Action`1[T] customSyncVar, Mirror.NetworkWriter owner, Mirror.NetworkWriter observer) [0x00082] in <82c23c122317447280ee5275f620e42f>:0
                                   at Exiled.API.Extensions.MirrorExtensions.SendFakeSyncVar (Exiled.API.Features.Player target, Mirror.NetworkIdentity behaviorOwner, System.Type targetType, System.String propertyName, System.Object value) [0x00028] in <82c23c122317447280ee5275f620e42f>:0
                                   at SCPCosmetics.Types.HatPlayerComponent+<MoveHat>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00204] in <cc236bf4cb504f358b81efd3898e8a28>:0

also getting this error in the client console: image

creepycats commented 10 months ago

You shouldn't be using this version. I've left SCPSL and the current version is not tested especially for the new update.

NOKIEQU commented 10 months ago

Is there a similar plugin out there that I can use?

creepycats commented 10 months ago

Not really. Ill fix it within a month if I can find a SL server I enjoy playing on and relearn to love the game.

creepycats commented 9 months ago

Update: Fixed for 13.3.1