creiser / kilonerf

Code for KiloNeRF: Speeding up Neural Radiance Fields with Thousands of Tiny MLPs
471 stars 52 forks source link

AttributeError: 'Node' object has no attribute 'leq_child' #11

Open ycsscy opened 2 years ago

ycsscy commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your detailed codes.

I followed the steps in '', training a vanilla teacher, extracting occuapcy and distilling the student, these three steps go smoothly but when I run the finetune command, the bug in the title appears, do you have any ideas?

{'checkpoint_interval': 50000, 'chunk_size': 40000, 'distilled_cfg_path': 'cfgs/paper/distill/Synthetic_NeRF_Lego.yaml', 'distille
d_checkpoint_path': 'logs/paper/distill/Synthetic_NeRF_Lego/checkpoint.pth', 'initial_learning_rate': 0.001, 'iterations': 1000000
, 'l2_regularization_lambda': 1e-06, 'learing_rate_decay_rate': 500, 'no_batching': True, 'num_rays_per_batch': 8192, 'num_samples
_per_ray': 384, 'occupancy_cfg_path': 'cfgs/paper/pretrain_occupancy/Synthetic_NeRF_Lego.yaml', 'occupancy_log_path': 'logs/paper/
pretrain_occupancy/Synthetic_NeRF_Lego/occupancy.pth', 'perturb': 1.0, 'precrop_fraction': 0.5, 'precrop_iterations': 0, 'raw_nois
e_std': 0.0, 'render_only': True, 'render_test': True, 'no_color_sigmoid': False, 'render_factor': 0, 'testskip': 8, 'deepvoxels_s
hape': 'greek', 'blender_white_background': True, 'blender_half_res': False, 'llff_factor': 8, 'llff_no_ndc': False, 'llff_lindisp
': False, 'llff_spherify': False, 'llff_hold': False, 'print_interval': 100, 'render_testset_interval': 10000, 'render_video_inter
val': 100000000, 'network_chunk_size': 65536, 'rng_seed': 0, 'use_same_initialization_for_all_networks': False, 'use_initializatio
n_fix': False, 'num_importance_samples_per_ray': 0, 'model_type': 'multi_network', 'random_direction_probability': -1, 'von_mises_
kappa': -1, 'view_dependent_dropout_probability': -1}
Using GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Loaded a NSVF-style dataset (138, 800, 800, 4) (138, 4, 4) (0,) data/nsvf/Synthetic_NeRF/Lego
(100,) (13,) (25,)
Converting alpha to white.
global_domain_min: [-0.67 -1.2  -0.37], global_domain_max: [0.67 1.2  1.03], near: 2.0, far: 6.0, background_color: tensor([1., 1.
, 1.])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1087, in <module>
  File "", line 1083, in main
    restarting_job = train(cfg, log_path, render_cfg_path)
  File "", line 711, in train
AttributeError: 'Node' object has no attribute 'leq_child'