Open AlfCano opened 3 years ago
Piggybacking en este issue. Sigue sin ser resuelto.
Lo arreglé en la rama enoe, el problema se debe a la diferencia de paths entre Windows y sistemas Unix.
Update: OK, I've added "enoe_n2020", instead of only the number of the year :
enoe <- enoe(year = "enoe_n_2020_", trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
but I get another error:
probando la URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 22075762 bytes (21.1 MB)
downloaded 21.1 MB
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Lo arreglé en la rama enoe, el problema se debe a la diferencia de paths entre Windows y sistemas Unix.
Hola, instalé la versión que tienes en el repositorio:
devtools::install_github("Villiem/importinegi",ref = "enoe", force = TRUE)
Pero he obtenido el mismo resultado:
> enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
probando la URL ''
Content type 'text/html' length 2263 bytes
downloaded 2263 bytes
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Además: Warning message:
In utils::unzip(temp.enoe, exdir = zipdir) :
error 1 al extraer del archivo zip
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Y con:
> enoe <- enoe(year = "enoe_n_2020_", trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
probando la URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 22075762 bytes (21.1 MB)
downloaded 21.1 MB
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Gracias por el trabajo que has hecho.
Lo arreglé en la rama enoe, el problema se debe a la diferencia de paths entre Windows y sistemas Unix.
Hola, instalé la versión que tienes en el repositorio:
Pero he obtenido el mismo resultado:
> enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE) probando la URL '' Content type 'text/html' length 2263 bytes ================================================== downloaded 2263 bytes Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) : unable to open DBF file Además: Warning message: In utils::unzip(temp.enoe, exdir = zipdir) : error 1 al extraer del archivo zip Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) : unable to open DBF file
Y con:
> enoe <- enoe(year = "enoe_n_2020_", trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
Obtengo:probando la URL '' Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 22075762 bytes (21.1 MB) ================================================== downloaded 21.1 MB Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) : unable to open DBF file
Gracias por el trabajo que has hecho.
Gracias por instalar mi versión, desafortunadamente la versión que estas utilizando no es la mía.
Mi versión no utiliza foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE)
De hecho utiliza la función rio la cual te permite importar diferentes extensiones.
Intenta desinstalar el antiguo con remove.packages('importinegi')
y después con devtools::install_github("Villiem/importinegi")
Hola, gracias por la rápida respuesta... Ya he ejecutado ambas versiones que he encontrado en el repositorio, "master" y "enoe" En la que me has mencionado, he obtenido lo siguiente:
> devtools::install_github("Villiem/importinegi")
Downloading GitHub repo Villiem/importinegi@HEAD
✔ checking for file ‘/tmp/RtmpgEGobv/remotes330db7e9b3e41/Villiem-importinegi-01022c2/DESCRIPTION’ (559ms)
─ preparing ‘importinegi’:
✔ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information
─ checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
─ checking for empty or unneeded directories
Omitted ‘LazyData’ from DESCRIPTION
─ building ‘importinegi_1.1.3.tar.gz’
Installing package into ‘/home/cano/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package ‘importinegi’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (importinegi)
Y tras cargar el paquete nuevo:
> enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
probando la URL ''
Content type 'text/html' length 2263 bytes
downloaded 2263 bytes
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Además: Warning message:
In utils::unzip(temp.enoe, exdir = zipdir) :
error 1 al extraer del archivo zip
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Pero es un archivo html... Entonces ejecuté:
enoe <- enoe(year = "enoe_n_2020_", trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
probando la URL ''
Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 22075762 bytes (21.1 MB)
downloaded 21.1 MB
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Muchas gracias por tu atención. Saludos Alfonso
I am unable to reproduce the error
`> library(importinegi)
enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3") probando la URL '' Content type 'application/x-zip-compressed' length 22075762 bytes (21.1 MB)
downloaded 21.1 MB`
And works just fine
Can you please post the output of
and tell me your operating system please?
Hello, many thanks for your help!!
This is the result of installing the enoe branch:
> install_github("Villiem/importinegi",ref = "enoe")
Downloading GitHub repo Villiem/importinegi@enoe
✔ checking for file ‘/tmp/RtmpgEGobv/remotes330db3a6c62cd/Villiem-importinegi-c7adeb5/DESCRIPTION’ (772ms)
─ preparing ‘importinegi’:
✔ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information
─ checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
─ checking for empty or unneeded directories
Omitted ‘LazyData’ from DESCRIPTION
─ building ‘importinegi_1.1.3.tar.gz’
Installing package into ‘/home/cano/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
* installing *source* package ‘importinegi’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (importinegi)
> library(importinegi)
> enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3", integrar = TRUE)
probando la URL ''
Content type 'text/html' length 2263 bytes
downloaded 2263 bytes
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
Además: Warning message:
In utils::unzip(temp.enoe, exdir = zipdir) :
error 1 al extraer del archivo zip
Error in foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE) :
unable to open DBF file
This is the output you've requested:
> importinegi::enoe
function (year = NA, trimestre = NA, integrar = FALSE)
if ( & {
fformat = "dbf"
temp.enoe = tempfile()
zipdir = tempdir()
url.base = paste0("",
year, trimestre, "_", fformat, ".zip")
utils::download.file(url.base, temp.enoe)
utils::unzip(temp.enoe, exdir = zipdir)
list_dataraw = list.files(zipdir, pattern = ".dbf")
for (i in list_dataraw) {
Object = foreign::read.dbf(paste0(zipdir, "\\", i), = TRUE)
assign(paste0("dt.", tools::file_path_sans_ext(i)), Object)
output = mget(ls(pattern = "dt."))
if (integrar == TRUE) {
data.vivienda = get(ls(pattern = "dt\\.viv"))
data.hogar = get(ls(pattern = "dt\\.hog"))
data.sdem = get(ls(pattern = "dt\\.sdem"))
data.coe1 = get(ls(pattern = "dt\\.coe1"))
data.coe2 = get(ls(pattern = "dt\\.coe2"))
data.compiled = merge(data.vivienda, data.hogar)
data.compiled = merge(data.vivienda, data.sdem)
data.compiled = merge(data.vivienda, data.coe1)
data.compiled = merge(data.vivienda, data.coe2)
output = data.compiled
<bytecode: 0x5651e7e7e6a0>
<environment: namespace:importinegi>
My OS is: Linux Mint 20.3, Linux: 5.4.0-131-generic
But then... Thanks to your input "I am unable to reproduce the error". I restarted R, and did once more:
> importinegi::enoe
function (year = NA, trimestre = NA, integrar = FALSE, formato = "dbf")
if ( & {
temp.enoe = tempfile()
zipdir = tempdir()
if (year >= 2020 & !(year == 2020 & trimestre == "trim1")) {
url.base = paste("",
year, trimestre, paste0(formato, ".zip"), sep = "_")
else {
url.base = paste0("",
year, trimestre, "_", formato, ".zip")
utils::download.file(url.base, temp.enoe)
utils::unzip(temp.enoe, exdir = zipdir)
list_dataraw = list.files(zipdir, pattern = paste0(formato,
"$"), full.names = T)
list_names = basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(list_dataraw))
output = lapply(list_dataraw, rio::import)
names(output) = list_names
if (integrar == TRUE) {
output = Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
<bytecode: 0x5556ce3a8e70>
<environment: namespace:importinegi>
There is "rio::import" !!!
Now, both:
enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3")
enoe <- enoe(year = 2020, trimestre = "trim3", integrar= TRUE)
Were successful.
I just had to restart R!! after reinstalling your repo.
I'm using enoe branch.
¿Should I change to the "master" one ?
It is solved!!!
I'm glad it worked.
¿Should I change to the "master" one ?
At this moment, enoe and master branch are basically the same. If I find any other issue or INEGI decides to change things, I'll make a new branch and push to master. So master is preferred.
Maybe I'll change the trimestre argument to simply a number from 1-4 instead of a string "trim1-4" and add an option to create a time series out of several quarters. But for now it doesn't matter
Hola, he corrido estos comandos:
Pero he obtenido esto:
He revisado en , pero sólo encontré:
Muchas gracias por su atención, cualquier guía que me pueda proporcionar es altamente apreciada.