creotip / vue-particles

Vue.js component for particles backgrounds ✨
1.44k stars 194 forks source link

ERROR when npm run build #7

Closed romoo closed 7 years ago

romoo commented 7 years ago

follow the steps

vue init webpack test
cd test
yarn install
yarn add vue-particles

edit main.js

import VueParticles from 'vue-particles'

edit Hello.vue

<vue-particles color="#dedede"></vue-particles>

run npm run build

ERROR in static/js/vendor.5849ac9944c6d70a847c.js from UglifyJs
Unexpected token: punc (() [./~/vue-particles/src/vue-particles/index.js:6,0][static/js/vendor.5849ac9944c6d70a847c.js:111,12]
shazha commented 7 years ago

in yourwebpack.base.conf.js, include vue-particles in babel-loader rule as below:

        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test'), resolve('node_modules/vue-particles')]
romoo commented 7 years ago

@shazha It works, thank you.

adavie1 commented 7 years ago

It worked for me as well, however, I'm curious what's the cause and why does this fix it? Still trying to get my head around webpack! :-P

Brilliant component though. Made my login screen look very spiffy.

LinusBorg commented 7 years ago

@adavie1 the explanation is simple:

Hence, the error.

The webpack config of your project is set up to only transpile code from your src folder, so it doesn't transpile vue-particles files, which live in /node_modules.

So including their path in the babel-loader config makes babel-loader transpile vue-particles as well.

adavie1 commented 7 years ago

@LinusBorg Thanks, that makes sense.

gridsystem commented 7 years ago

Not sure if I'm doing this correctly but I can't get @shazha's example working with nuxt rc8.

let resolve = require('resolve');

    build: {
        vendor: [
        // Run ESLINT on save
        extend (config, ctx) {
            if ( && ctx.isClient) {
                    enforce: 'pre',
                    test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
                    loader: 'eslint-loader',
                    exclude: /(node_modules)/
                test: /\.js$/,
                loader: 'babel-loader',
                include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test'), resolve('node_modules/vue-particles')]
        postcss: [
chrislandeza commented 7 years ago

Hi guys. How do you fix this in laravel-mix?

adavie1 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I don't use laravel-mix, can't help you there.

UknowHui commented 6 years ago

if use cnpm


ranlix commented 6 years ago

@gridsystem Does it work in your project? I find that even if babel-loader is added to nuxt.config.js, build keeps be failed.

adavie1 commented 6 years ago

@liran319 it works for me.

I'm using yarn run dev for testing, and yarn build for deployment (after copying the contents of ../dist to my target server). My integration with Laravel is purely on the backend, my whole app is in Vue.

Webpack config in ../build/webpack.base,conf.js:

rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        include: [

I use to prettify the login page, code is as follows:

 <progressive-background src="../static/tower.jpg" class="bg-image">
       :moveSpeed="3" />

   <div class="loginbox">
     <div class="innerbox">
    <el-row align="middle">
      <el-col align="center" :span="12" :offset="7">
         <img style="height: 4.32em; padding-bottom: 0.8em;" :src="'../../' + clientLogo" :alt="clientName">

      <el-col :span="6" :offset="2">
      <el-col  :span="12">
        <el-input v-model="login" placeholder="Enter login id" type="text"></el-input>
   ... code ...


import in script:

import VueParticles from 'vue-particles'

Hope that helps.

tale503 commented 6 years ago

@shazha it works ,thanks

qingzhu1224 commented 6 years ago

@shazha It works, thank you.

Vercjames commented 6 years ago

For those using the webpack simple setup, during the build process you may run into "RefereceError: resolve is not defined" when implementing the above fix.

add the following to the top of your webpack.config.js file:

function resolve (dir) {
  return path.join(__dirname, '..', dir)

then append your babel-loader section

        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test'), resolve('node_modules/vue-particles')]