cretz / node-tds

Pure JS implementation of TDS protocol for Microsoft SQL Server
MIT License
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LIKE % value % issue #35

Open pebanfield opened 11 years ago

pebanfield commented 11 years ago

I'm trying to use LIKE with WHERE, but I've not gotten it to work so far. My code is something like -

var term = req.query["term"]; queryStr = 'DECLARE @Param1 Int; SELECT TOP 5 CostCenter value, CostCenterDesc about, LOB lob FROM ServerServiceCostCenters '; queryStr += 'WHERE CostCenter LIKE @Param1';

var statement = conn.createStatement(queryStr); statement.execute({Param1: "%" + term + "%"});

This works when I remove the WHERE/LIKE part of the expression. Does this lib support using LIKE? Can you provide a quick code snippet?

Cool module. Nice job. Thanks!


pebanfield commented 11 years ago

I've resolved my issue. There is no issue with the lib.

The problem was that I did not actually need to parameterize the LIKE match expression. I was simply missing some single quotes around the expression. I've modified my query like so -

queryStr = 'SELECT TOP 5 CostCenter value, CostCenterDesc about, LOB lob FROM ServerServiceCostCenters'; queryStr += "WHERE CostCenter LIKE '%" + term + "%'";

and now it works.