Tired of watching poor pathing of my robo vacs and thinking that I could write a better travelling-vacuum algo
Just have an iface that receives events and state changes (e.g. going over drop area, hit obstacle, battery level, etc) and can give actions (e.g. change direction, vacuum turn on/off, etc)
Battery options for when vacuum is moving/not, charging/not, etc
Like a shitty domestic "Kerbal Vacuum Program" software
Well now at this point, I think it's part game
Boy, as a game, I can think of a gazillion ideas for customization, enjoyment, etc
The key is programmatic mod-ability
Can compare algorithms to see best coverage
Doesn't have to go as slow as the vac, the sim can simulate the complete run in a few ms
But what about cycle cost while the vacuum is running, i.e. event hand?
It's a variant of the lawn mower problem which is how do you efficiently mow a lawn. There are genetic algorithms that learn how to mow the lawn in the most efficient way (see search).