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Causality loop with ghosts and equality #869

Closed jhjourdan closed 6 months ago

jhjourdan commented 11 months ago

This is unsound:

extern crate creusot_contracts;

use creusot_contracts::*;

pub fn bad() {
    let mut x = gh! { true };
    let b = &mut x;
    let bg = gh! { b };
    proof_assert! { ***bg == true && *^*bg == true };
    let evil = &mut x;
    proof_assert! { (evil == *bg) == (*^evil == true) }; // Since **evil == true
    *evil = gh! { if evil == *bg { false } else { true } };
    proof_assert! { **evil == !*^evil };
    // Resolve evil
    proof_assert! { **evil == !**evil }; //BOOM !
xldenis commented 11 months ago

The real solution is something we should have done a long time ago. Ghost could should be Rust code.

xldenis commented 11 months ago

In that world, none of these issues could occur and ghost code would have much clearer and safer semantics. Additional notions of specifications-in-your-code could be added separately from ghost code

jhjourdan commented 11 months ago

Additional notions of specifications-in-your-code could be added separately from ghost code

Well but then how do you call that? Won't you have the same soundness problems?

xldenis commented 11 months ago

Well but then how do you call that?

I don't know

Won't you have the same soundness problems?

Maybe, but we can worry about that when we can clearly define this not-quite-ghost-specification-code

dewert99 commented 11 months ago

The real solution is something we should have done a long time ago. Ghost could should be Rust code.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this.

Do you mean handling ghosts with trusted specifications? somewhat like:

impl<T> Ghost<T> {
  #[ensures(*result = t)]
  fn new(t: T) -> Self;

  #[ensures(f.postcondition_once((*self,), *result))]
  fn map<U>(self, f: impl FnOnce(T) -> U) -> Ghost<U>;

This seems like it would be somewhat limiting since values must be consumed to create ghosts and this version is also unsound:

fn unsound() {
  let g = Ghost::new(());
  let mut x = false;
  let g2 =|()| *x = true);
  assert!(x); //This would be verified, but panic when actually run

Or do you mean limiting ghost functions to only all rust expressions inside them? This would involve not allowing equality, quantifiers, and potentially the "logical reborrow/unnesting" (#606) as I'm not totally sure how that works.

This seems like a good idea and is in line with what I was able to prove to be allowable in ghost functions:

dewert99 commented 11 months ago

It would also be important to not allow blocked variables to be used in gh!: eg.

fn bad() {
    let mut a = gh!(true);
    let mut c = &mut a;
    *c = gh!(!*a);

This would also help with #873

xldenis commented 11 months ago

Or do you mean limiting ghost functions to only all rust expressions inside them? This would involve not allowing equality, quantifiers, and potentially the "logical reborrow/unnesting" ( as I'm not totally sure how that works.

Yea, my point is that "ghost code" as used in other languages like Why3/Dafny/Frama-C etc.. is just the program language but erased at compile time, nothing more. If we also want to allow a notion of "Iris-style" ghost code that's a different subject imo.

It would also be important to not allow blocked variables to be used in gh!: eg.

This is definitely on the list.

dewert99 commented 11 months ago

Would converting something into a Ghost consume it?

xldenis commented 11 months ago

Hmm interesting question naively I would say no otherwise it greatly limits what you can do and breaks non-interference, but not consuming also seems precarious in it's own ways.

What are your thoughts on it?

dewert99 commented 11 months ago

I would think no, ideally, ghosts would work roughly the same as they do now but with more restrictions on what is allowed inside of a ghost function like I mentioned above (and with the restriction about mentioning blocked variables which you will be doing anyway).

Eventually, if it is useful I could try and prove the "logical reborrow/unnesting" operations. I'm now guessing that equality could be sound if mutable references weren't injective but I would have to try and prove that as well.

Sorry that I forgot about equality when I was trying to prove soundness for ghosts.

voidc commented 11 months ago

The unsound example above would be impossible without extensionality for mutable references, right? Since *^evil == true would no longer imply evil == *bg.

jhjourdan commented 11 months ago

The unsound example above would be impossible without extensionality for mutable references, right? Since ^evil == true would no longer imply evil == bg.

Indeed, that's right in this specific example. Are we sure that removing extensionality is enough to prevent polymorphic equality from leaking information about the prophecy to ghost code? That seems a bit magical to me, but why not.

voidc commented 11 months ago

I think it is. For soundness we have to prevent prophecies from ending up in the current value of mutable references. Prophecies are accessible through the final value operator, as the value of blocked variables, or through extensionality on the reference.

dewert99 commented 11 months ago

While I haven't tried to prove it yet, I think @voidc is correct. I think at the RustHornBelt level, this would work by representing mutable references as a triple of their current value, final value, and the integer index of the prophecy variable ξi. This way the two mutable references would equal iff they have the same prophecy variable and current value. Comparing the prophecy variable indices would be independent of the prophecy assignment π, but if they were equal it would imply the final values are equal as well. If we inductively assume that the current value comparison also didn't depend on π, comparing two mutable references for equality could be done non-prophetically.

xldenis commented 11 months ago

As @dewert99 has noticed, we could also encode this by making borrows a triplet and adding a non-deterministic "id" tag to each one.

However, another question I have is what do we gain from removing extensionality? Are there any meaningful increases in expressivity if we relax this constraint?

jhjourdan commented 10 months ago

FTR, I have a variant of the counter example which is incompatible with an "addr" field representing the pointer physical address, and with an "id" field which would be systematically inherited when reborrowing:

pub fn bad() {
    let mut x = gh! { true };
    let b = &mut x;
    let bg = gh! { b };
    let b2 = &mut *b;
    let b2g = gh! { b2 };
    // Resolve b2
    proof_assert! { ***b2g == true && *^*b2g == true };
    *b = gh! { if *bg == *b2g /* Same current value (true), same addr, same id */ { false } else { true } };
    proof_assert! { **b == !*^b };
    // Resolve b
    proof_assert! { **b == !**b }; //BOOM !
jhjourdan commented 6 months ago

This should be fixed by #912.