crewAIInc / crewAI

Framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
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How to access inputs in Task callbacks #1027

Closed carvalhorafael closed 1 month ago

carvalhorafael commented 1 month ago

I would like to access the value of an input inside a task's callback function. Let me explain a little better.

Here is my starting the crew and passing a hash (my_hash) as an input:

MyCrew().crew().kickoff(inputs={'my_hash': 'my hash here' )

My crew has several agents and several tasks. Here I will only bring one of them:

# Callback function
def my_callback(output: TaskOutput):
    content = output.raw_output
    print(f"Task output: {content}")
        print(f"My Hash: {my_hash}") # I would like to access the input here

class MyCrew():


    def my_task(self) -> Task:
        return Task(
            callback=my_callback # Callback function here


    def crew(self) -> Crew:
        return Crew(

As you can see in the code, I would like to access the value of my_hash passed as input from the crew inside the task callback function.

How can I do this?

Here is another issue that could benefit from an answer

carvalhorafael commented 1 month ago

I found a solution, but I don't know if it's the best approach. I'll share it with you:

In I did:


# Callback function receiving my_hash as parameter
def my_callback(output: TaskOutput, my_hash: str):
    content = output.raw_output
    print(f"Task output: {content}")
        print(f"My Hash: {my_hash}")

class MyCrew():

    # saving the inputs in Class init
    def __init__(self, inputs):
    self.inputs = inputs


    def my_task(self) -> Task:
        my_hash = self.inputs['my_hash']
    return Task(
        callback=self.create_callback(my_callback, my_hash)

    # Wraps the callback to pass my_hash as parameter
    def create_callback(self, my_callback, my_hash):
    def wrapper(output: TaskOutput):
        return my_callback(output, my_hash)
    return wrapper


And in the file I did:

my_crew = MyCrew(inputs={'my_hash': 'my hash here'}) # to inputs to be saved at class init
my_crew.crew().kickoff(inputs={'my_hash': 'my hash here'})

As I said, with this approach I was able to pass the hash in input to a callback function.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.