crflynn /

PyPI downloads analytics dashboard
138 stars 10 forks source link has NO new data since July 19. #29

Closed DanielGoldfarb closed 3 years ago

DanielGoldfarb commented 3 years ago has NO new data since July 19.

There is also ZERO for the data for all packages on April 8th, 2020, and on July 18, 2020. These may be related and/or due to the same cause (once that cause is discovered).

DanielGoldfarb commented 3 years ago

@crflynn Chris, @ mentioning you here to hopefully draw your attention. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. All the best. --Daniel

chris48s commented 3 years ago

@crflynn - would it be possible to get a response to this issue? Even if the response is "I have no time to work on this" or "I am no longer interested in maintaining this project", that's valuable information for us at this point. Hope all is ok.

crflynn commented 3 years ago

I'm going to put some focus on this starting today. I found the problem, but the state of the app and its deployment is quite poor and needs improvement. I'll just say that I'm working on fixing it. I appreciate the issue being brought up, however, so thank you.

jewettaij commented 3 years ago

It's never fun to get bug reports like this on an old project. Judging by the large number of github projects I see with pypi download badges, I think more people will recognize the usefulness of your work on this project when they notice their download counts are curiously dropping. (As I did. I am probably too invested in my download numbers.) Thanks for maintaining this service.

bthate commented 3 years ago

Any progres with fixing ? Getting a presistent 502 Bad Gateway, as if it has been disabled completely ? Fix would be welcomed here, it's too silent when no download stats are available .. thnx !

psincraian commented 3 years ago

Meanwhile you can use to view download stats and to get the badge 😊

jewettaij commented 3 years ago

Meanwhile you can use to view download stats and to get the badge

Thanks Petru. I'll take a look at this. It's nice that displays the total number of downloads. Selfishly speaking, services like these help me show funding agencies and potential journal editors that the software I wrote is used by people. At first glance, I noticed that the download numbers at appear to be much larger than they were at, but that's probably because you don't discard downloads from mirrors. (Not that I'm complaining. It makes my project seem better than it really is.) I'll take this up on the issue tracker for your project.

nschloe commented 3 years ago


jewettaij commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Also: psincraian/pepy#164

crflynn commented 3 years ago

It's back. There is some data that still needs to be backfilled.

piccolomo commented 2 years ago

I guess the problem is back! Isn't it?

Anyway thanks to maintainer of the project!

crflynn commented 2 years ago

i'm backfilling it right now

piccolomo commented 2 years ago

i'm backfilling it right now

Thanks for quick reply, and good luck with solving the issue!