crhallberg / json-against-humanity

Finally, Cards Against Humanity as plain text and JSON.
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incorrect number of cards? #38

Open iDutchy opened 3 years ago

iDutchy commented 3 years ago

Hey, so I selected that I wanted to download all packs. I made sure it said "You are set to download 31.700 cards.", however there do not seem to be that many cards... I downloaded the compact file and checked, but I do have 205 packs. I've checked and there were 22,440 white cards and 6,308 black cards. Which comes to a total of 28,748, which means I should be missing about 2,500 cards...

When I go to the google sheet, I also see a lot of unavailable pages, but also pages with cards I dont see on the site? Maybe I'm just missing it, but thought I'd ask to be sure.

Would love if you could give me more detail on this :)

crhallberg commented 3 years ago

Hello! Just to be sure: some of the decks reuse cards and those are de-duplicated when downloading a compact version. I’ll check this myself next time I’m in front of my computer but until then, maybe this will help explain what’s happening.