cricketthomas / AzureKeyVaultExplorer

Azure Key Vault Explorer — a cross platform GUI desktop application for aggregating secrets, keys and certificates in azure key vault by subscription and resource group. Use azure key vault as an enterprise password manager.
MIT License
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Upgrade everything that relies on Azure.Core to .net 8 or version that are AOT compatible #5

Closed cricketthomas closed 7 months ago

cricketthomas commented 10 months ago

right now, when compiling and running a method to fetch key vault resources we get an error thrown rooted in azure core.

  /* System.TypeInitializationException: A type initializer threw an exception. To determine which type, inspect the InnerException's StackTrace property.
        ---> System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for type 'System.Diagnostics.ActivitySource'.*/

For Msft data sqlite, youll need to be on .net 8 sdk