I noticed that when requesting a DRAT proof with
./d4 -dDNNF ../cachet/Grid/75-10-10-q.cnf -out=test.nnf -drat=test.drat
D4 seems to introduce new variables. But these new varaibles occur in the NNF only as children of OR nodes, but are not defined by a a/o/t/f line.
Is there something missing from the NNF or are the nodes implicitly defined in the new format? If they are, which node type would they have?
Hello, I noticed that when requesting a DRAT proof with
./d4 -dDNNF ../cachet/Grid/75-10-10-q.cnf -out=test.nnf -drat=test.drat
D4 seems to introduce new variables. But these new varaibles occur in the NNF only as children of OR nodes, but are not defined by a a/o/t/f line. Is there something missing from the NNF or are the nodes implicitly defined in the new format? If they are, which node type would they have? Regards, Valentin