the published release action failed due to a yaml error. I deleted the release so this PR just ads some additional text to the step name for publish-pypi to generate a new release draft so we can tag and publish.
Related Issue
Type of Change
[ ] :books: Examples, docs, tutorials or dependencies update;
[x] :wrench: Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue);
[ ] :clinking_glasses: Improvement (non-breaking change which improves an existing feature);
[ ] :rocket: New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality);
[ ] :boom: Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change);
the published release action failed due to a yaml error. I deleted the release so this PR just ads some additional text to the step name for publish-pypi to generate a new release draft so we can tag and publish.
Related Issue
Type of Change
guide;make codestyle
format for all the methods and classes that I used.