crim-ca / weaver

Weaver: Workflow Execution Management Service (EMS); Application, Deployment and Execution Service (ADES); OGC API - Processes; WPS; CWL Application Package
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature] Improve schema error reporting and language translation #112

Open fmigneault opened 4 years ago

fmigneault commented 4 years ago


Since colander is used to validate input schemas of requests body and generated responses, it is possible to better handle the returned errors as translated text. Given that Accept-Language header is now also supported (#74, #82), we should report invalid inputs messages accordingly in the REST API.

More precisely, when a colander.Invalid (exception) schema is generated, the responses contain messages as TranslationString (pyramid.i18n), which can be used to return locale-aware descriptions.

See also:


reference code (minimal - not complete)

def translator(key="<msgid>", domain="colander"):
    return <translation>

    # ...
    invalid = colander.Invalid()
    raise invalid 

# in tween
# returns a dict of all steps that caused an error with mapping
# also .messages() available for a list of strings
# ... 
fmigneault commented 4 years ago

Need this (or similar) because pyramid checks _LOCALE_ in URL parameter, cookies and settings. Need to add Accept-Language manually instead (don't want the specific to pyramid _LOCALE_). Also allow for <weaver-url>?lang=<locale> variant.

#: Mapping of language codes send by browsers to supported dialects.
    'en': 'en_CA',
    'en-ca': 'en_CA',
    'en-us': 'en_CA',
    'en-gb': 'en_CA',
    'fr': 'fr_CA',
    'fr-ca': 'fr_CA',
    'fr-fr': 'fr_CA'

def locale_negotiator(request):
    """Locale negotiator for pyramid views.

This version differs from Pyramid's :py:func:`default_locale_negotiator
<pyramid.i18n.default_locale_negotiator>` in that it has a fallback to the
preferred languages from browser.
    locale = default_locale_negotiator(request)  # default 'en'
    if locale is None and request.accept_language:
        locale = request.accept_language.best_match(BROWSER_LANGUAGES.keys()).lower()
        # default to en_GB as it does not have silly units etc...
        locale = BROWSER_LANGUAGES.get(locale, 'en_GB')
        request._LOCALE_ = locale

    return locale
fmigneault commented 4 years ago
from pyramid.i18n import TranslationString, make_localizer
# note: colander (and many more) use  "_(<str>)" factory for TranslationString with predefined domain

msgid = 'Required' 
colander_locale = <path-to-colander-pkg>/locale
ts = TranslationString(msgid , domain='colander')
L = make_localizer('fr', [colander_locale, <others> ])
L.translate(ts, domain='colander')    # will return 'Requis' (corresponding msgstr)
from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory
_ = TranslationStringFactory('weaver')  # our .mo files domain
ts = _('deploy', default='Invalid ${thing}', mapping={'thing': <thing>})   # default optional

See pyramid.config.Configurator.add_translation_dirs allowing 'some.package:locale' spec instead of literal path (which is deep somewhere in the installed env)

see pyramid.config.Configurator.set_locale_negotiator with to resolve appropriate header to local/translation selection

see extracting-messages-from-code-and-templates, initializing-a-message-catalog-file and compiling-a-message-catalog-file to respectively make language file template (.pot), initialize and compile a specific language definition (.po) to machine locale (.mo)

Application will need to execute compilation in using msgfmt (subprocess?) so that files are updated each time the package is installed (machine, docker, etc.).