crino / instagram-ios-sdk

Instagram SDK for iOS
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The same redirct uri problem #10

Closed soufianeEssabbane closed 11 years ago

soufianeEssabbane commented 11 years ago

Hi i'm trying to connect with instagram but i'm getting the same error as previous issues : "Redirect uri does not match the registered redirect uri" but i'm sure it's the same uri where ig[Client Id]://authorize is redirection uri. and in my plist file since i'm using also facebook in my test application see what I have in the image below Capture d e cran 2013-01-20 a 15 08 12

and in my delegate :


-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication )application openURL:(NSURL )url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {

if ([url.description hasPrefix:@"fb"])
    return [[[FbManager sharedManager] facebook] handleOpenURL:url];

    return [self.instagram handleOpenURL:url];


can anyone help please ?

crino commented 11 years ago

please check again your 'REDIRECT URI' in instagram website, the error means there is no match between registered uri and plist key

soufianeEssabbane commented 11 years ago

thanks for the quick answer. Can you tell me please if my pliste file is correct since there's two redirect uri one for facebook and the other for instagram ?

soufianeEssabbane commented 11 years ago

it's ok it work fine a bad copy/past :s . thank you very much, it's with people like you by sharing there knowledge that keeps the faith in humanity :) (sorry for my english)

crino commented 11 years ago

good ;)