criso / fbgraph

NodeJs module to access the facebook graph api
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FB server-side login to Post to Page : secret key vs access token #138

Open ksteinberg opened 6 years ago

ksteinberg commented 6 years ago

** dislaimer: apologies for any neophyte like statements or comments. I have not coded server-side auth before ***

Goal: Using nodejs to post to a FB page I own/admin.

NOT using user accounts or validations. I have setup the the app in the FB developers portal. I have my app id, secret key, and client access token. /Ptpage is just a page I created to post to as opposed to /feed.

Sample code and result below, data changed to protect the innocent. I feel like this should work and that perhaps I do not have my FB app set up correctly so I have two questions:

1) is this code wrong? I don't want a client app popping up to login. This is a background thread that does not have access to the user.

2) Has anyone done this recently and if so, how have you configured your FB app? THere are a few Advanced boolean settings that could go either way, IMO.

var graph = require('fbgraph'); var fbkeys = { fbAppId : 630638811632665, fbSecret : '17028918c9fb193be68062c455f14750' };

var wallPost = {message:"hi"}; var pg = "9129436374229947" + "/Ptpage";,wallPost, function(err,res){ if(err){ console.log(err); } console.log(res); });

Executing this nets me this resulting error code:

type: 'OAuthException', code: 190, fbtrace_id: 'GDdkoaDUie8' } { error: { message: 'Invalid OAuth access token.', type: 'OAuthException', code: 190, fbtrace_id: 'GDdkoaDUie8' } }

Thanks Ken