criso / fbgraph

NodeJs module to access the facebook graph api
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No node specified #35

Closed sardbaba closed 10 years ago

sardbaba commented 10 years ago

Hi and thanks for this stuff! :+1:

I'm trying to work with pagination but as your example is wrote, there is no specification about the node in which you want to know the "likes". Indeed it returns:

{ error: { message: 'No node specified', type: 'GraphMethodException', code: 100 } }

Any thought on that?

criso commented 10 years ago

Hmmm, I've never seen that. That's a FB error, which of course makes no sense.

sardbaba commented 10 years ago

Yes, it's a FB error but when you write:

graph.get('likes', {limit: 2, access_token: "foobar"}, function(err, res) { ...

this "likes" is referred to what?

criso commented 10 years ago

that passes straight through to the facebook api. I don't know what "likes" is referring to. You're basically doing:

sardbaba commented 10 years ago

screenshot from 2013-10-23 17 43 44

criso commented 10 years ago

Exactly. This isn't a bug with module, you're making a wrong request.