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Drive Ranges (DRVH, DRVL) including CSET limits. #6

Open crispd opened 9 years ago

crispd commented 9 years ago

a. Current values were noted to be slightly incorrect (322 instead of 320 in the case of *PSQ_D1169:I_CSET). How was a DRVH of 322 reached? How are these values maintained for devices in other lines? Is there a way of importing a file with these values along with the configuration file? This method of utilizing exterior files along with the configuration would be extended for use with alarms. However it is done, it is an absolute necessity that these values are correct, and that the method of maintaining them is both easy and varies little from that which already exists.

b. When re-setting the DRVH limit to 100 (via the device menu), the slider acted as it should (I'm unsure if the CSET text update did), disallowing the user to set a value above 100Amps. But if the device was externally set to be above the local set point, both the slider and CSET text update began allowing the setting of values above the drivehigh locally set via the Device Menu. The screen's controls should never allow for the user to set values outside of the range between DRVL and DRVH, if this is possible, over-driving devices will be inevitable.

dxmaxwell commented 9 years ago

Could not fully reproduce the second point. There is no limit on the CSET field, the user any input a value outside of the custom high and low limits. This needs to be fixed. However, when setting with the slider or arrow keys it appears to be properly limited between the high and low values.

crispd commented 9 years ago

The first point was tested on a ReA machine and could not be recreated so once appropriate limits apply to the CSET field we can call this Issue # dealt with. In addition, it appears that in the current ROCS tuning screens, when a device is set above its local limit, merely selecting the slider will immediately set the device back down to the DRVH. Upon speaking with an operator it seems this is acceptable as ramp rates are set on the device level which prevent the operator from damaging the device via large steps in SET values.

crispd commented 9 years ago

The limits for CSET field hold true for the epics DRVHs but they do not accept limits set locally. When one goes to the menu dropdown, and changes the local drivehigh from, say, 320 to 200, they are still able to enter and set values above the newly set local DRVH limit of 200.